PDK API Guide for J721E
vhwa_m2mNf.h File Reference


Defines the structures / control operations that could be used to configure / control NF M2M driver.

Typical Application for the NF M2M driver is as shown below.

Vhwa_m2mNfInit || Vhwa_m2mNfAllocSl2 || FVID2_Create || IOCTL_VHWA_M2M_NF_SET_CONFIG (sets NF configuration) || FVID2_ProcessReq || Wait for completion callback || FVID2_GetProcessedReq || FVID2_close || FVID2_deInit

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Vhwa_M2mNfConfig
 Connfiguration parameters of NF. More...
struct  Vhwa_M2mNfCreatePrms
 Create Parameters for NF M2M Driver. More...
struct  Vhwa_M2mNfInitPrms
 Init Parameters for NF M2M Driver. More...
struct  Vhwa_M2mNfSl2AllocPrms
 Used for allocating SL2 memory. More...
struct  Vhwa_M2mNfPerf
 Structure for storing the performance numbers. More...
struct  Vhwa_M2mNfPsaSign
 Structure for storing PSA signatures. More...


#define VHWA_M2M_NF_DRV_INST_ID   (0U)
#define VHWA_M2M_NF_MAX_HANDLES   (4u)
 Max Number of handles supported by NF M2M Driver. More...
 Minimum supported depth value for read buffer in VHWA memory. More...
 Minimum supported depth value for write buffer in VHWA memory. More...
#define VHWA_M2M_NF_MAX_COMP   (2u)
 Maximum possible NF iteration for a simgle request (Luma + Chroma) More...
#define VHWA_NF_DEF_WIDTH   (1920U)
 Default width - Used to initialize configuration parameters. More...
#define VHWA_NF_DEF_HEIGHT   (1080U)
 Default Height - Used to initialize configuration parameters. More...
Ioctls for the NF memory to memory driver

Input/Output control MACRO's for NF memory to memory module

 IOCTL for setting NF configuration. This IOCTL takes NF Configuration Nf_Config as input. More...
 IOCTL for setting the filter coefficients. More...
 IOCTL for getting module's performance numbers for the last frame submitted. More...
 IOCTL for getting LSE PSA Signature. More...
 IOCTL for enabling error events and registering callbacks for the same. This IOCTL pointer to Nf_ErrEventParams as input. More...
 IOCTL for enabling and setting HTS limiter. This is used to slowed down the HTS by introducing clock cycles between internal start signals. This IOCTL takes pointer to Vhwa_HtsLimiter as input. More...
 IOCTL to sync start each module This IOCTL doesn't configure any register and only enable pipeline to start processing. More...


int32_t Vhwa_m2mNfInit (Vhwa_M2mNfInitPrms *nfInitPrms)
 Initializes NF Init Parameters. More...
void Vhwa_m2mNfDeInit (void)
 DeInitializes NF Init Parameters. More...
int32_t Vhwa_m2mNfAllocSl2 (const Vhwa_M2mNfSl2AllocPrms *sl2allocPrms)
 Function to allocate Sl2 memory for the output buffers. More...
void Vhwa_m2mNfFreeSl2 (void)
 Function to free allocated SL2. More...
static void Vhwa_m2mNfInitPrmsInit (Vhwa_M2mNfInitPrms *ldcCfg)
 This function should be used to initialize variable of type Vhwa_M2mNfInitPrms. More...
static void Vhwa_M2mNfCreatePrmsInit (Vhwa_M2mNfCreatePrms *createArgs)
 This function should be used to initialize variable of type Vhwa_M2mNfCreatePrms. More...
static void Vhwa_M2mNfSl2AllocPrmsInit (Vhwa_M2mNfSl2AllocPrms *sl2Prms)
 This function should be used to initialize variable of type Vhwa_M2mNfSl2AllocPrms. More...
static void Vhwa_M2mNfConfigInit (Vhwa_M2mNfConfig *nfCfg)
 This function should be used to initialize variable of type Vhwa_M2mNfConfig. More...