PDK API Guide for J721E
Pmic_WdgCfg_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

PMIC Watchdog configuration structure Note: validParams is input param for all Set and Get APIs. other params except validParams is input param for Set APIs and output param for Get APIs.

validParamsSelection of structure parameters to be set from the combination of the Pmic_WdgCfgValidParamBitPos and the corresponding member value will be updated.
longWinDuration_msLong Window duration in milli seconds. To get more effective results user has to program long window with multiples of 3000. For PG1.0, the valid range is (100, 3000, 6000, 9000,....12000, ..., 765000). For PG2.0, the valid range is (80, 125, 250, 375,....8000, 12000, 16000, 20000 ..., 772000).
win1Duration_usWindow-1 duration in Micro Seconds. To get more effective results user has to program window1 with multiples of 550. The valid range is (550, 1100, 1650, 2200, 2750, ..., 70400).
win2Duration_usWindow-2 duration in Micro Seconds. To get more effective results user has to program window1 with multiples of 550. The valid range is (550, 1100, 1650, 2200, 2750, ..., 70400).
failThresholdFail threshold value. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgFailThresholdCount.
rstThresholdReset threshold Value. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgResetThresholdCount.
wdgModeValue to set watchdog mode. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgTriggerQAMode.
pwrHoldValue to Enable or disable watchdog pwrHold. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgPwrHoldEnDisable.
rstEnableTo enable or diable warm reset on fail. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgResetEnDisable.
retLongWinTo enable or disable return to long window after completion of the curent sequence. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgReturnLongWinEnDisable.
qaFdbkConfigure QA feed back value. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgQaFdbkVal.
qaLfsrConfigure QA LFSR value. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgQaLfsrVal.
qaQuesSeedConfigure QA question seed value. For valid Values: Pmic_WdgQaQuestionSeedVal.

Data Fields

uint32_t validParams
uint32_t longWinDuration_ms
uint32_t win1Duration_us
uint32_t win2Duration_us
uint8_t failThreshold
uint8_t rstThreshold
bool wdgMode
bool pwrHold
bool rstEnable
bool retLongWin
uint8_t qaFdbk
uint8_t qaLfsr
uint8_t qaQuesSeed

Field Documentation

◆ validParams

uint32_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::validParams

◆ longWinDuration_ms

uint32_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::longWinDuration_ms

◆ win1Duration_us

uint32_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::win1Duration_us

◆ win2Duration_us

uint32_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::win2Duration_us

◆ failThreshold

uint8_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::failThreshold

◆ rstThreshold

uint8_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::rstThreshold

◆ wdgMode

bool Pmic_WdgCfg_t::wdgMode

◆ pwrHold

bool Pmic_WdgCfg_t::pwrHold

◆ rstEnable

bool Pmic_WdgCfg_t::rstEnable

◆ retLongWin

bool Pmic_WdgCfg_t::retLongWin

◆ qaFdbk

uint8_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::qaFdbk

◆ qaLfsr

uint8_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::qaLfsr

◆ qaQuesSeed

uint8_t Pmic_WdgCfg_t::qaQuesSeed