PDK API Guide for J721E
Pmic_PowerThermalStat_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

PMIC Power Thermal status structure Note: validParams is input param for all Get APIs. other params except validParams is output param for Get APIs.

validParamsSelection of structure parameters to be set, from the combination of Pmic_PowerThermalStatValidParamCfg and the corresponding member value must be updated.
thermalStateWarningSet/Get the Thermal warning status Status bit indicating that die junction temperature is above the thermal warning level. Valid only when PMIC_THERMAL_STAT_WARN_VALID bit is set
thermalStateOderlyShtDwnSet/Get the Orderly Shutdown status Status bit indicating that the die junction temperature is above the thermal level causing a sequenced shutdown. Valid only when PMIC_THERMAL_STAT_ORD_SHTDWN_VALID bit is set
thermalStateImmShtDwnSet/Get the Immediate Shutdown status Status bit indicating that the die junction temperature is above the thermal level causing an immediate shutdown Valid only when PMIC_THERMAL_STAT_IMM_SHTDWN_VALID bit is set

Data Fields

uint16_t validParams
bool thermalStateWarning
bool thermalStateOderlyShtDwn
bool thermalStateImmShtDwn

Field Documentation

◆ validParams

uint16_t Pmic_PowerThermalStat_t::validParams

◆ thermalStateWarning

bool Pmic_PowerThermalStat_t::thermalStateWarning

◆ thermalStateOderlyShtDwn

bool Pmic_PowerThermalStat_t::thermalStateOderlyShtDwn

◆ thermalStateImmShtDwn

bool Pmic_PowerThermalStat_t::thermalStateImmShtDwn