PDK API Guide for J721E
Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Power configuration The power control and config structure Note: validParams is input param for all Set and Get APIs. other params except validParams is input param for Set APIs and output param for Get APIs.

validParamsSelection of structure parameters to be set, from the combination of Pmic_PowerCommonParamCfg and the corresponding member value must be updated
pgoodWindowSelect the type of voltage monitoring for PGOOD signal For valid values Pmic_Power_Good_Window Valid only when PMIC_POWER_PGOOD_WINDOW_VALID bit set.
pgoodPolaritySelect the PGOOD signal polarity For valid values Valid values Pmic_Power_Good_Polarity Valid only when PMIC_POWER_PGOOD_POL_VALID bit is set.
deglitchTimeSelDeglitch time select for all power resources Valid values for TPS6594x Leo Device Valid only for TPS6594x Leo PMIC PG2.0 Pmic_TPS6594x_Vmon_DeglitchTime_Sel. Valid values for LP8764x HERA Device Valid for both LP8764x Hera PMIC PG1.0 and PG2.0 Pmic_LP8764x_Vmon_DeglitchTime_Sel. Valid only when PMIC_CFG_DEGLITCH_TIME_SEL_VALID bit is set.
severeErrorTrigSelect the trigger selection for severe Error For valid values Pmic_Power_Trigger_Sel Valid only when PMIC_SEVERE_ERR_TRIG_VALID bit set.
otherRailTrigSelect the trigger selection for other rail group For valid values Pmic_Power_Trigger_Sel Valid only when PMIC_OTHER_RAIL_TRIG_VALID bit set.
socRailTrigSelect the trigger selection for soc rail group For valid values Pmic_Power_Trigger_Sel Valid only when PMIC_SOC_RAIL_TRIG_VALID bit set.
mcuRailTrigSelect the trigger selection for mcu rail group For valid values Pmic_Power_Trigger_Sel Valid only when PMIC_MCU_RAIL_TRIG_VALID bit set.
moderateRailTrigSelect the trigger selection for Moderate Error For valid values Pmic_Power_Trigger_Sel Valid only when PMIC_MODERATE_ERR_TRIG_VALID bit set

Data Fields

uint32_t validParams
bool pgoodWindow
bool pgoodPolarity
bool deglitchTimeSel
uint8_t severeErrorTrig
uint8_t otherRailTrig
uint8_t socRailTrig
uint8_t mcuRailTrig
uint8_t moderateRailTrig

Field Documentation

◆ validParams

uint32_t Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::validParams

◆ pgoodWindow

bool Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::pgoodWindow

◆ pgoodPolarity

bool Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::pgoodPolarity

◆ deglitchTimeSel

bool Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::deglitchTimeSel

◆ severeErrorTrig

uint8_t Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::severeErrorTrig

◆ otherRailTrig

uint8_t Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::otherRailTrig

◆ socRailTrig

uint8_t Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::socRailTrig

◆ mcuRailTrig

uint8_t Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::mcuRailTrig

◆ moderateRailTrig

uint8_t Pmic_PowerCommonCfg_t::moderateRailTrig