PDK API Guide for J721E
Pmic_EsmCfg_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

PMIC ESM Configuration structure Note: validParams is input param for all Set and Get APIs. other params except validParams is input param for Set APIs and output param for Get APIs.

validParamsSelection of structure parameters to be set, from the combination of Pmic_EsmCflag and the corresponding member value must be updated.
esmDelay1_usESM delay-1 time interval in micro seconds. To get more effective results, user has to program esmDelay1 with multiples of 2048. The valid range is (0, 2048, 4096, 6144, 8192, ......., 522240). Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_DELAY1_VALID bit is set
esmDelay2_usESM delay-2 time interval in micro seconds. To get more effective results, user has to program esmDelay2 with multiples of 2048. The valid range is (0, 2048, 4096, 6144, 8192, ......., 522240). Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_DELAY2_VALID bit is set
esmHmax_usESM Maximum high-pulse time-threshold value in micro seconds. To get more effective results, user has to program esmHmax with multiples of 15. The valid range is (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 ....., 3840). Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_HMAX_VALID bit is set
esmHmin_usESM Minimum high-pulse time-threshold value in micro seconds. To get more effective results, user has to program esmHmin with multiples of 15. The valid range is (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 ....., 3840). Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_HMIN_VALID bit is set
esmLmax_usESM Maximum low-pulse time-threshold value in micro seconds. To get more effective results, user has to program esmLmax with multiples of 15. The valid range is (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 ....., 3840). Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_LMAX_VALID bit is set
esmLmin_usESM Minimum low-pulse time-threshold value in micro seconds. To get more effective results, user has to program esmLmin with multiples of 15. The valid range is (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 ....., 3840). Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_LMIN_VALID bit is set
esmErrCntThrESM Error count Threshold value. Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_ERR_CNT_THR_VALID bit is set
esmEnDrvESM ENABLE_DRV clear configuration. Valid values: Pmic_EsmEnDrvSel. Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_EN_DRV_VALID bit is set
esmModeESM mode select. Valid values: Pmic_EsmMode. Valid only when PMIC_ESM_CFG_MODE_VALID bit is set

Data Fields

uint32_t validParams
uint32_t esmDelay1_us
uint32_t esmDelay2_us
uint16_t esmHmax_us
uint16_t esmHmin_us
uint16_t esmLmax_us
uint16_t esmLmin_us
uint8_t esmErrCntThr
bool esmEnDrv
bool esmMode

Field Documentation

◆ validParams

uint32_t Pmic_EsmCfg_t::validParams

◆ esmDelay1_us

uint32_t Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmDelay1_us

◆ esmDelay2_us

uint32_t Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmDelay2_us

◆ esmHmax_us

uint16_t Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmHmax_us

◆ esmHmin_us

uint16_t Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmHmin_us

◆ esmLmax_us

uint16_t Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmLmax_us

◆ esmLmin_us

uint16_t Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmLmin_us

◆ esmErrCntThr

uint8_t Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmErrCntThr

◆ esmEnDrv

bool Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmEnDrv

◆ esmMode

bool Pmic_EsmCfg_t::esmMode