PDK API Guide for J721E
pmic_rtc.h File Reference


PMIC Driver RTC API/interface file.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Pmic_RtcTime_t
 RTC time configuration. The Pmic_RtcTime_s structure contains set of time parameters to set/get the RTC time. More...
struct  Pmic_RtcDate_t
 RTC Date configuration. The Pmic_RtcDate_s structure contains set of date parameters to set/get the RTC Date. More...
struct  Pmic_RtcRstStatus_t
 RTC Reset Status The Pmic_RtcRstStatus_s structure contains status of RTC Reset and power-up status. Note: validParams is input param for all Get APIs. other params except validParams is output param for Get APIs. More...
struct  Pmic_RtcCfg_t
 RTC configuration The Pmic_RtcRstStatus_s structure contains status of RTC Reset and power-up status. Note: validParams is input param for all Set and Get APIs. other params except validParams is input param for Set APIs and output param for Get APIs. More...


PMIC RTC timer interrupt Period Values.

PMIC RTC alarm interrupt Enable/Disable

PMIC RTC timer interrupt Enable/Disable

PMIC RTC Time Mode

#define PMIC_RTC_24_HOUR_MODE   (0x0U)
#define PMIC_RTC_12_HOUR_MODE   (0x1U)
PMIC RTC Meridien Mode

#define PMIC_RTC_AM_MODE   (0x0U)
#define PMIC_RTC_PM_MODE   (0x1U)

#define PMIC_RTC_STOP   0U
#define PMIC_RTC_START   1U
PMIC RTC Current Status

PMIC RTC Reset Status

 RESET_STATUS_RTC reset value when RTC domain is powered down. More...
 Used to set RESET_STATUS_RTC register bit field. More...
PMIC RTC power-up Status

 Used to clear POWERUP_STATUS register bit field. More...
 POWERUP_STATUS reset value when RTC domain is powered down. More...
PMIC RTC Week Days


List of calendar months.

#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_JAN   (1U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_FEB   (2U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_MAR   (3U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_APR   (4U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_MAY   (5U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_JUN   (6U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_JUL   (7U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_AUG   (8U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_SEP   (9U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_OCT   (10U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_NOV   (11U)
#define PMIC_RTC_MONTH_DEC   (12U)
PMIC RTC 32k Counter Configuration

 Set 32K counter with RTC compensation values. More...
Selects PMIC RTC Crystal Oscillator Configuration

PMIC RTC round the time to closest minute

#define PMIC_RTC_ROUND_TIME_SET   (0x1U)
 Round the time to closest minute. More...
PMIC RTC Time Date Register Selection

 RTC register read from Dynamic registers. More...
 RTC register read from Static Shadowed registers. More...
Selects PMIC RTC Crystal Oscillator Type

 Selects Crystal Oscillator type as 6PF. More...
 Selects Crystal Oscillator type as 9PF. More...
#define PMIC_RTC_CRYSTAL_OSC_TYPE_12_5PF   (0x2U)
 Selects Crystal Oscillator type as 12.5PF. More...
Selects PMIC RTC Reset Status Type

#define PMIC_RTC_RST_STATUS   (0x0U)
 Selects RTC Reset Status. More...
 Selects RTC Powerup Status. More...
PMIC RTC Time strcture Param Bit Positions

 validParams value used to set/get Value to represent the Seconds More...
 validParams value used to set/get Value to represent the Minutes More...
 validParams value used to set/get Value to represent the Hours More...
 validParams value used to set/get Time Mode More...
 validParams value used to set/get Maridian Mode More...
PMIC RTC Time Structure Param Bit shift values

Application can use below shifted values to set the validParam member defined in Pmic_RtcTime_t structure

PMIC RTC Date strcture Param Bit Positions

 validParams value used to set/get Value to represent the day More...
 validParams value used to set/get Value to represent the Month More...
 validParams value used to set/get Value to represent the Year More...
 validParams value used to set/get Value to represent the weekday of the week More...
PMIC RTC Date Structure Param Bit shift values

Application can use below shifted values to set the validParam member defined in Pmic_RtcDate_t structure

PMIC RTC Status strcture Param Bit Positions

 validParams value used to get reset status of RTC More...
 validParams value used to get power-up status of RTC More...
PMIC RTC Status Structure Param Bit shift values

Application can use below shifted values to set the validParam member defined in Pmic_RtcRstStatus_t structure

PMIC RTC configuration strcture Param Bit Positions

 validParams value used to set/get configuration of 32K counter with compensation values More...
 validParams value used to set/get configuration of RTC time config to Round the time to closest minute More...
 validParams value used to set/get to Enable/Disable Crystal Oscillator More...
 validParams value used to set/get to Select RTC Time and Date Register read from Dynamic or Static Shadowed Registers More...
 validParams value used to set/get to Select Crystal Oscillator Type More...
PMIC RTC Configuration Structure Param Bit shift values

Application can use below shifted values to set the validParam member defined in Pmic_RtcCfg_t structure



int32_t Pmic_rtcSetAlarmInfo (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const Pmic_RtcTime_t timeCfg, const Pmic_RtcDate_t dateCfg)
 API to Set the alarm Time and Date to PMIC RTC. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcGetAlarmInfo (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, Pmic_RtcTime_t *pTimeCfg, Pmic_RtcDate_t *pDateCfg)
 API to Get the alarm Time and Date from PMIC RTC function. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcSetTimerPeriod (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint8_t timerPeriod)
 API to Set the timer interrupt Period to PMIC RTC. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcGetTimerPeriod (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, uint8_t *pTimerPeriod)
 API to Get the timer interrupt period from PMIC RTC. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcSetTimeDateInfo (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const Pmic_RtcTime_t timeCfg, const Pmic_RtcDate_t dateCfg)
 API to Set the RTC Time and Date to PMIC RTC. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcGetTimeDateInfo (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, Pmic_RtcTime_t *pTimeCfg, Pmic_RtcDate_t *pDateCfg)
 API to Get the RTC Time and Date from PMIC RTC function. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcSetFreqComp (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint16_t compensation)
 API to Set the RTC frequency compensation value. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcGetFreqComp (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, uint16_t *pCompensation)
 API to Get the RTC frequency compensation value. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcEnable (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const bool enableRtc)
 API to Enable/Disable the RTC. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcGetStatus (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, bool *pRtcstatus)
 API to read RTC status which defines RTC is started or not. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcEnableTimerIntr (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const bool enableIntr)
 API to Enable/Disable the RTC Timer Interrupt. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcEnableAlarmIntr (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const bool enableIntr)
 API to Enable/Disable the RTC Alarm Interrupt. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcGetRstStatus (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, Pmic_RtcRstStatus_t *pRtcRstStatus)
 API to Get the Reset status of RTC. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcClrRstStatus (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint8_t rtcRstStatType)
 API to clear the Reset status of RTC. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcSetConfiguration (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const Pmic_RtcCfg_t rtcCfg)
 API to Set PMIC RTC Configuration. More...
int32_t Pmic_rtcGetConfiguration (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, Pmic_RtcCfg_t *pRtcCfg)
 API to Get PMIC RTC Configuration. More...