PDK API Guide for J721E
Icssg_IoctlCmdResp Struct Reference

Detailed Description

IOCTL command response structure used to communicate with ICSSG.

Data Fields

uint8_t status
uint8_t seqNum
uint32_t paramsLen
uint32_t params [3U]

Field Documentation

◆ status

uint8_t Icssg_IoctlCmdResp::status

Status for IOCTL command

◆ seqNum

uint8_t Icssg_IoctlCmdResp::seqNum

Sequence number of the command request. Returned to application in response

◆ paramsLen

uint32_t Icssg_IoctlCmdResp::paramsLen

Number of bytes in the respParams field, this is optional

◆ params

uint32_t Icssg_IoctlCmdResp::params[3U]

Optional response parameters