PDK API Guide for J721E
ipc_virtio.h File Reference


VirtIO Interface for application.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Ipc_VirtIoParams
 Parameter structure for creating VirtIO table for each core combinations. More...


uint32_t Ipc_getVqObjMemoryRequired (void)
 Returns local memory for Virtio objects for all cores of SOC. More...
uint32_t Ipc_getVqObjMemoryRequiredPerCore (void)
 Returns local memory for Virtio objects for one core-pair. More...
int32_t Ipc_initVirtIO (Ipc_VirtIoParams *vqParam)
 Initailize the Virtio module. More...
int32_t Ipc_loadResourceTable (void *rsctable)
 Loads the resource table. If the remote core A72, and has valid radource table then, it will wait for Linux to be ready use address from resource table. More...
void * Ipc_getResourceTraceBufPtr (void)
 Gets the address of the trace buffer. More...
uint8_t Ipc_isRemoteReady (uint16_t procId)
 Checks if remote is ready. More...
int32_t Ipc_lateVirtioCreate (uint16_t procId)
 Creates Virtio late when Linux is ready. More...