PDK API Guide for J721E

Detailed Description

TPS65941 WDT configuration parameters object structure.

Data Fields

uint8_t longWinDuration
uint8_t win1Duration
uint8_t win2Duration
uint8_t failThreshold
uint8_t rstThreshold
uint8_t rstEnable

Field Documentation

◆ longWinDuration

uint8_t Board_Tps65941WdtCfg::longWinDuration

◆ win1Duration

uint8_t Board_Tps65941WdtCfg::win1Duration

Value to represent Long Window duration

◆ win2Duration

uint8_t Board_Tps65941WdtCfg::win2Duration

Value to represent Window-1 duration

◆ failThreshold

uint8_t Board_Tps65941WdtCfg::failThreshold

Value to represent Window-2 duration

◆ rstThreshold

uint8_t Board_Tps65941WdtCfg::rstThreshold

Value to represent fail threshold

◆ rstEnable

uint8_t Board_Tps65941WdtCfg::rstEnable

Value to represent reset threshold