PDK API Guide for J721E
HwiP_Params Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Basic HwiP Parameters.

Structure that contains the parameters passed into HwiP_create when creating a HwiP instance. The HwiP_Params_init function should be used to initialize the fields to default values before the application sets the fields manually. The HwiP default parameters are noted in HwiP_Params_init.

Data Fields

char * name
uintptr_t arg
uint32_t priority
uint32_t enableIntr
uint32_t evtId

Field Documentation

char* HwiP_Params::name

Name of the clock instance. Memory must persist for the life of the clock instance. This can be used for debugging purposes, or set to NULL if not needed.

uintptr_t HwiP_Params::arg

Argument passed into the Hwi function.

uint32_t HwiP_Params::priority

Device specific priority.

uint32_t HwiP_Params::enableIntr

When set to TRUE, interrupt is enabled after the create otherwise interrupt is disabled after HwiP_Create

uint32_t HwiP_Params::evtId

Event Id associated