PDK API Guide for J721E
CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Input args for CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_SET_POLICER command.

Data Fields

uint32_t ouiAleEntryIndex
uint32_t srcMacAleEntryIndex
uint32_t dstMacAleEntryIndex
uint32_t ivlanAleEntryIndex
uint32_t ovlanAleEntryIndex
uint32_t etherTypeAleEntryIndex
uint32_t srcIpAleEntryIndex
uint32_t dstIpAleEntryIndex
uint32_t policerEntryIndex

Field Documentation

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::ouiAleEntryIndex

OUI ALE table entry index to match Is valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_OUI in policerMatchEnableMask is set

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::srcMacAleEntryIndex

MAC address ALE table entry index to match source MAC address Is valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_MACSRC in policerMatchEnableMask is set

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::dstMacAleEntryIndex

MAC address ALE table entry index to match destination MAC address Is valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_MACDST in policerMatchEnableMask is set

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::ivlanAleEntryIndex

Inner VLAN ALE table entry index to match Is valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_IVLAN in policerMatchEnableMask is set

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::ovlanAleEntryIndex

Outer VLAN ALE table entry index to match Is valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_OVLAN in policerMatchEnableMask is set

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::etherTypeAleEntryIndex

Ethertype ALE table entry index to match Is valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_ETHERTYPE in policerMatchEnableMask is set

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::srcIpAleEntryIndex

IP address ALE table entry index to match as source IP address Is valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_IPSRC in policerMatchEnableMask is set

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::dstIpAleEntryIndex

IP address ALE table entry index to match as destination IP address Is valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_IPDST in policerMatchEnableMask is set

uint32_t CpswAle_SetPolicerEntryOutArgs::policerEntryIndex

ALE policer table entry index