PDK API Guide for J721E
TaskP.h File Reference


Task module for the RTOS Porting Interface.


Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  TaskP_Params
 Basic SemaphoreP Parameters. More...


#define OS_TICKS_IN_MILLI_SEC   1 /* 1000us tick */
 Number Ticks by OS in 1 millisecond. More...


typedef void * TaskP_Handle
 Opaque client reference to an instance of a TaskP. More...


enum  TaskP_Status { TaskP_OK = 0, TaskP_FAILURE = (-(int32_t)1) }
 Status codes for TaskP APIs. More...


TaskP_Handle TaskP_create (void *taskfxn, const TaskP_Params *params)
 Function to create a task. More...
TaskP_Status TaskP_delete (TaskP_Handle *handle)
 Function to delete a task. More...
void TaskP_Params_init (TaskP_Params *params)
 Initialize params structure to default values. More...
void TaskP_sleep (uint32_t timeout)
 Function for Task sleep in units of OS tick. More...
void TaskP_sleepInMsecs (uint32_t timeoutInMsecs)
 Function for Task sleep in units of msecs. More...
void TaskP_setPrio (TaskP_Handle handle, uint32_t priority)
 Function for Task sleep. More...
TaskP_Handle TaskP_self (void)
 Function returns the Task handle of current task. More...
TaskP_Handle TaskP_selfmacro (void)
 Function returns the Task handle of current task.This is an inline function. More...
void TaskP_yield (void)
 Function Yield processor to equal priority task. More...
uint32_t TaskP_isTerminated (TaskP_Handle handle)
 Check if task is terminated. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define OS_TICKS_IN_MILLI_SEC   1 /* 1000us tick */

Number Ticks by OS in 1 millisecond.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void* TaskP_Handle

Opaque client reference to an instance of a TaskP.

A TaskP_Handle returned from the TaskP_create represents that instance and is used in the other instance based functions

Enumeration Type Documentation

Status codes for TaskP APIs.


API completed successfully


API failed

Function Documentation

TaskP_Handle TaskP_create ( void *  taskfxn,
const TaskP_Params params 

Function to create a task.

taskfxnFunction pointer of the task.
paramsPointer to the instance configuration parameters.
A TaskP_Handle on success or a NULL on an error
TaskP_Status TaskP_delete ( TaskP_Handle handle)

Function to delete a task.

handleA TaskP_Handle returned from TaskP_create
Status of the functions
  • TaskP__OK: Deleted the semaphore instance
  • TaskP_FAILURE: Failed to delete the semaphore instance
void TaskP_Params_init ( TaskP_Params params)

Initialize params structure to default values.

paramsPointer to the instance configuration parameters.
void TaskP_sleep ( uint32_t  timeout)

Function for Task sleep in units of OS tick.

timeoutsleep ticks.
void TaskP_sleepInMsecs ( uint32_t  timeoutInMsecs)

Function for Task sleep in units of msecs.

timeoutInMsecssleep in units of msecs.
void TaskP_setPrio ( TaskP_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  priority 

Function for Task sleep.

handleA TaskP_Handle returned from TaskP_create.
priorityNew priority to be set.
TaskP_Handle TaskP_self ( void  )

Function returns the Task handle of current task.

TaskP_Handle TaskP_selfmacro ( void  )

Function returns the Task handle of current task.This is an inline function.

void TaskP_yield ( void  )

Function Yield processor to equal priority task.

uint32_t TaskP_isTerminated ( TaskP_Handle  handle)

Check if task is terminated.

Typically a task MUST be terminated before it can be deleted.

0: task is not terminated, 1: task is terminated