TI Deep Learning Library User Guide
sTIDL_CustomParams_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

This structure defines the parameters for custom layer in TIDL.

Data Fields

int32_t customLayerType
int32_t padW
int32_t padH
int32_t memOverlapType
int32_t customLayerParamsOffset

Field Documentation

◆ customLayerType

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::customLayerType

Type of the custom layer

◆ padW

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::padW

Horizontal Padding requirement in number of elements

◆ padH

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::padH

Vertical Padding requirement in number of elements

◆ memOverlapType

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::memOverlapType

Parameter specifying whether input and output memory can overlap 0: Input cannot be overwritten by output 1: Input can be overwritten by input

◆ customLayerParamsOffset

int32_t sTIDL_CustomParams_t::customLayerParamsOffset

Custom parameters that should be defined in tidl_custom.h/ This variable provides offset to the parameters in the net file