TI Deep Learning Library User Guide
TIDL_CreateParams Struct Reference

Detailed Description

This structure contains all the parameters which TI DL library at create time.

Data Fields

IVISION_Params visionParams
int32_t currLayersGroupId
int32_t isInbufsPaded
int32_t optimiseExtMem
float32_tidl quantRangeExpansionFactor
float32_tidl quantRangeUpdateFactor
int32_t l1MemSize
int32_t l2MemSize
int32_t l3MemSize
int32_t traceLogLevel
int32_t traceWriteLevel
int32_t reservedCtrl
int32_t flowCtrl
void * traceBaseName
void * udmaDrvObj
int32_t(* TIDLGetPhysicalAddress )(void *virtualAddr, void **physicalAddr)
int32_t(* TIDLVprintf )(const char *format, va_list arg)
int32_t(* TIDLWriteBinToFile )(const char *fileName, void *addr, int32_t size)
int32_t(* TIDLReadBinFromFile )(const char *fileName, void *addr, int32_t size)
int32_t(* TIDL_CustomLayerProcess )(sTIDL_Layer_t *tidlLayer, void *inPtrs[], void *outPtrs[], void *params, void *udmaDrvObj, int32_t tensorStats)

Field Documentation

◆ visionParams

IVISION_Params TIDL_CreateParams::visionParams

Common parameters for all ivision based modules

◆ currLayersGroupId

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::currLayersGroupId

Group ID of the each layer

◆ isInbufsPaded

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::isInbufsPaded

Indicates Whether the input buffers are padded or Not.

◆ optimiseExtMem

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::optimiseExtMem

Optimization level for External memory used bu TIDL

◆ quantRangeExpansionFactor

float32_tidl TIDL_CreateParams::quantRangeExpansionFactor

Expansion factor used for range of activation while quantization

◆ quantRangeUpdateFactor

float32_tidl TIDL_CreateParams::quantRangeUpdateFactor

Update factor used for range of activation while quantization

◆ l1MemSize

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::l1MemSize

L1 Memory (L1 D) size available for the algorithm

◆ l2MemSize

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::l2MemSize

L2 Memory (L2 SRAM) size available for the algorithm

◆ l3MemSize

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::l3MemSize

L3 Memory (MSMC) size available for the algorithm

◆ traceLogLevel

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::traceLogLevel

Level for debug messages

◆ traceWriteLevel

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::traceWriteLevel

Level for debug trace dumps of tensors and other data buffers

◆ reservedCtrl

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::reservedCtrl

Reserved control for debug

◆ flowCtrl

int32_t TIDL_CreateParams::flowCtrl

control for selecting different flows. Applicable only for advanced user

◆ traceBaseName

void* TIDL_CreateParams::traceBaseName

trace files base Name

◆ udmaDrvObj

void* TIDL_CreateParams::udmaDrvObj

UDMA driver object pointer

◆ net

sTIDL_Network_t* TIDL_CreateParams::net

Pointer to TILD Model/Network

◆ TIDLGetPhysicalAddress

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDLGetPhysicalAddress) (void *virtualAddr, void **physicalAddr)

Call back Function pointer to get Get Physical Address for given Virtual address from user It will not be called if net NULL. Assumes Physical address is same as virtual

◆ TIDLVprintf

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDLVprintf) (const char *format, va_list arg)

Call back Function pointer to Write Log

◆ TIDLWriteBinToFile

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDLWriteBinToFile) (const char *fileName, void *addr, int32_t size)

Call back Function pointer to Write Binary data to a file

◆ TIDLReadBinFromFile

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDLReadBinFromFile) (const char *fileName, void *addr, int32_t size)

Call back Function pointer to read data from a binary file

◆ TIDL_CustomLayerProcess

int32_t(* TIDL_CreateParams::TIDL_CustomLayerProcess) (sTIDL_Layer_t *tidlLayer, void *inPtrs[], void *outPtrs[], void *params, void *udmaDrvObj, int32_t tensorStats)

Call back Function pointer to Custom Layer Process API