PDK API Guide for J721S2
CpswAle_DelPolicerEntryInArgs Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Input args for CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_DEL_POLICER IOCTL command.

Data Fields

CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams policerMatch
uint32_t aleEntryMask

Field Documentation

◆ policerMatch

CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams CpswAle_DelPolicerEntryInArgs::policerMatch

Policer match config

◆ aleEntryMask

uint32_t CpswAle_DelPolicerEntryInArgs::aleEntryMask

Bitmask to indicate which ALE entries associated with the policer have to be deleted.

See also
ALE classifier aleEntry delete bitmask