Fls_ConfigType Struct Reference

Detailed Description

FLS Module Configuration Structure.

Data Fields

Fls_JobEndNotifyType Fls_JobEndNotification
Fls_JobErrorNotifyType Fls_JobErrorNotification
uint32 maxReadNormalMode
uint32 maxWriteNormalMode
Fls_SectorType sectorList [1]
boolean dacEnable
boolean xipEnable
uint64 ospiClkSpeed
boolean dtrEnable
boolean phyEnable
OSPI_xferLines ospixferlines
uint32 flsBaudRateDiv
uint32 blockSize

Field Documentation

◆ Fls_JobEndNotification

Fls_JobEndNotifyType Fls_ConfigType::Fls_JobEndNotification

Mapped to the job end notification routine provided by some upper layer module, typically the Fee module.

◆ Fls_JobErrorNotification

Fls_JobErrorNotifyType Fls_ConfigType::Fls_JobErrorNotification

Mapped to the job error notification routine provided by some upper layer module, typically the Fee module.

◆ maxReadNormalMode

uint32 Fls_ConfigType::maxReadNormalMode

The maximum number of bytes to read or compare in one cycle of the flash driver's job processing function in normal mode.

◆ maxWriteNormalMode

uint32 Fls_ConfigType::maxWriteNormalMode

The maximum number of bytes to write in one cycle of the flash driver's job processing function in normal mode.

◆ sectorList

Fls_SectorType Fls_ConfigType::sectorList[1]

The maximum number of bytes to write in one cycle of the flash driver's job processing function in normal mode. Using Fls Info Structure instead of this for now.

◆ dacEnable

boolean Fls_ConfigType::dacEnable

Enable Direct Access Mode of Transfer in OSPI Flash

◆ xipEnable

boolean Fls_ConfigType::xipEnable

Enable XIP mode in OSPI Flash

◆ ospiClkSpeed

uint64 Fls_ConfigType::ospiClkSpeed

OSPI Clock Speed

◆ dtrEnable

boolean Fls_ConfigType::dtrEnable

Enable Double transfer rate protocol for OSPI.

◆ phyEnable

boolean Fls_ConfigType::phyEnable

Enable PHY high-speed mode for DAC mode

◆ ospixferlines

OSPI_xferLines Fls_ConfigType::ospixferlines

Select the OSPI read/write transaction Lines

◆ flsBaudRateDiv

uint32 Fls_ConfigType::flsBaudRateDiv

To select the FLS baudrate Divider value

◆ blockSize

uint32 Fls_ConfigType::blockSize

To select OSPI block size based on variants