rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_ioctl_request Struct Reference

Detailed Description

IOCTL CMD request params.

Data Fields

struct rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_message_header header
struct rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_common_request_info info
u32 cmd
u32 inargs_len
u32 outargs_len

Field Documentation

◆ header

struct rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_message_header rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_ioctl_request::header

Common CMD header

◆ info

struct rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_common_request_info rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_ioctl_request::info

Common info associated with all CMDs other than ATTACH

◆ cmd

u32 rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_ioctl_request::cmd

CPSW IOCTL CMD id. Refer CPSW LLD documentation for list of CPSW LLD IOCTLs

◆ inargs_len

u32 rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_ioctl_request::inargs_len

CPSW IOCTL CMD input arguments length

◆ inargs

u8 rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_ioctl_request::inargs[RPMSG_KDRV_TP_ETHSWITCH_IOCTL_INARGS_LEN]

CPSW IOCTL CMD input arguments .Byte array is typecast to the inArgs structure associated with the IOCTL

◆ outargs_len

u32 rpmsg_kdrv_ethswitch_ioctl_request::outargs_len

CPSW IOCTL CMD output arguments length