5. PSDK QNX Components¶
5.1. QNX BSP release¶
The QNX BSP package must be downloaded from QNX Software Center.
Refer Release Notes software dependencies section for more information.
For the purposes of creating a consolidated build process and in turn allowing for support of scripts to create SD content, the BSP needs to be extracted to the folder within the PSDK QNX build environment as show below.
For QNX SDP 800:
# Unzip the BSP
mkdir -p ${PSDK_RTOS_PATH}/psdkqa/qnx/bsp
cd ${PSDK_RTOS_PATH}/psdkqa/qnx/bsp
unzip ${QNX_BASE}/bsp/BSP_ti-j721e-am752x-evm_br-hw-rel_be-800_<version>.zip
5.1.1. TI Modifications to the BSP¶
Memory Carveout
Memory sections with pre-defined physical addresses must be set aside in the QNX BSP IFS build file so that the memory is not given to other programs and can be used solely by the remote cores.
Specify a section to be set aside by modifying the startup line to use the “-r” option. To reserve 0x60000000 bytes, starting at physical address 0xA0000000, on J7 QNX BSP, the build file the arguments would be (highlighted below):
[+keeplinked] startup-j721s2-evm -v -r0xA0000000,0x60000000,1 -r0x880000000,0x10000000,1
- For vision apps remote cores, the memory carveout is at address 0xA0000000 and of size 0x60000000.
The initial remote core carevout 0x60000000 is in the lower 4GB memory range starting at address 0xA0000000.
The remaining remote core carevout 0x10000000 is in the higher 4GB memory range starting at address 0x880000000.
R5 Display support
For R5 Display support, the Startup need to be provided with -d option to specify not to configure the DSS and eDP.
[+keeplinked] startup-j721e-evm -v -r0xA0000000,0x60000000,1 -r0x880000000,0x10000000,1 -d
Reference TI build file
The reference TI build file is provide in the qnx/scripts/bsp/<BSP_REVISION> directory.
# Copy in TI specific build scripts and settings to allow building of a QNX-IFS which supports
# vision_apps demos
cp ${PSDK_RTOS_PATH}/psdkqa/qnx/scripts/bsp/<BSP_REVISION>/j721e-evm-ti.build ${PSDK_RTOS_PATH}/psdkqa/qnx/bsp/images/
Other build file deltas between QNX and TI PSDK QNX environment may be present. TI modifies build scripts for ease of use on TI EVM and running of demonstration software.
5.2. QNX Screen release¶
The QNX Screen package must be downloaded from QNX Software Center.
The QNX Screen package must be installed and running for GPU support.
The QNX Screen package can optionally control the DSS (Display) from the A72, the PSDK QNX package default is R5 control of the DSS.
Refer Release Notes software dependencies section for more information.
5.2.1. Enabling R5 Control Of DSS¶
By default the PSDK QNX delivery will default to eDP display, controlled from the R5. The items that must be addressed for the system to run with R5 Controlled Display, and are set by default are:
The libWFDdummy.so must be used by the QNX graphics.conf file. Reference ${PSDK_QNX_PATH}/qnx/scripts/user__dss_on_r5.sh.
The QNX BSP startup command line option in the QNX BSP build file, must have the “-d” option specified.
ENABLE_DSS flag must be defined, please reference Vision Apps User Guide, see section on “Build Instructions”:
Vision Apps User Guide
- Build And Run
- Build Instructions
5.2.2. Enabling A72 Control of DSS¶
To disable the R5 control of the display, and enable A72 control of the display, the items that must be addressed are:
The libWFDdummy.so must be used by the QNX graphics.conf file. Reference ${PSDK_QNX_PATH}/qnx/scripts/user__dss_on_a72.sh.
The QNX BSP startup command line option in the QNX BSP build file must not have the “-d” option specified.
The ENABLE_DSS flag must be undefined, please reference Vision Apps User Guide, see section on “Build Instructions”:
Vision Apps User Guide
- Build And Run
. - Build Instructions
5.3. QNX 7.1 Dependency Packages¶
The QNX 7.1 dependency packages must be downloaded from QNX Software Center.
Refer Release Notes software dependencies section for more information.
5.4. SCI Client Resource Manager¶
The SCI Client Resource Manager (tisci-mgr) provides support for multiple users to make use of the sciclient library from PSDK RTOS without interfering with each other requests. It provides a mechanism to serialize the transactions to the DMSC.
The tisci-mgr logs the SYSFW information to the slogger.
Refer PSDK RTOS Components for more information about each individual component.
5.5. IPC Resource Manager¶
5.5.1. Overview¶
The IPC resource manager (tiipc-mgr) provides a processor-agnostic API which can be used for communication between processors in a multi-processor environment.
The IPC resource manager provides a user library (tiipc-usr) that exposes the IPC LLD API to QNX applications for communication through the IPC resource manager. The IPC LLD API is described in detail in the PDK documentation.
The size of the input buffer passed to the RPMessage_recv() API MUST be 528 (IPC_RPMESSAGE_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE) bytes.
5.5.2. Example Application¶
An IPC example application (ipc_test) is provided to test the IPC communication with remote cores running the IPC echo test remote core firmware images.. To use this application, the appropriate remote core firmware images need to be built and placed on the target filesystem. The following remote core firmware images are needed:
Firmware Name |
Core(s) |
ipc_qnx_echo_testb_freertos |
use for mcu1_0 |
ipc_qnx_echo_test_freertos |
use for mcu2_0, mcu2_1, mcu3_0,mcu3_1, C66x_1, C66x_2 & C7x_1 |
For remote core firmware build instructions, please refer to the IPC LLD PDK documentation.
The below step to copy the remote core firmware to the rootfs partition of target filesystem is applicable only to the SPL-UBOOT bootflow. For the SBL-BootApp bootflow, the ipc echo test image need to be bundled into the Appimage. Please refer to the MCUSW documentation for details.
Once the remote core firmware is built, copy the images to the target filesystem in the rootfs partition. Existing firmware binaries should be backed up as required. The ex02* firmware binaries should be renamed to the firmware name expected by the bootloader. For example:
cp ipc_qnx_echo_test_freertos_c7x_1_release.xe71 ${ROOTFS}/lib/firmware/j7-c71_0-fw
cp ipc_qnx_echo_test_freertos_c66xdsp_1_release.xe66 ${ROOTFS}/lib/firmware/j7-c66_1-fw
cp ipc_qnx_echo_test_freertos_c66xdsp_2_release.xe66 ${ROOTFS}/lib/firmware/j7-c66_0-fw
cp ipc_qnx_echo_test_freertos_mcu3_1_release.xer5f ${ROOTFS}/lib/firmware/j7-main-r5f1_1-fw
cp ipc_qnx_echo_test_freertos_mcu3_0_release.xer5f ${ROOTFS}/lib/firmware/j7-main-r5f1_0-fw
cp ipc_qnx_echo_test_freertos_mcu2_1_release.xer5f ${ROOTFS}/lib/firmware/j7-main-r5f0_1-fw
cp ipc_qnx_echo_test_freertos_mcu2_0_release.xer5f ${ROOTFS}/lib/firmware/j7-main-r5f0_0-fw
As seen above, the mcu1_0 firmware image is not copied to the target filesystem in the rootfs partition. Instead it need to be built into the tispl.bin as part of the SPL-UBOOT boot binaries.
For testing ipc with mcu1_0 image, the PSDK Linux package is required to be installed. The default SPL-UBOOT binaries include the ipc test mcu1_0 image that work with Linux only. Hence for QNX, we need to rebuild the SPL-UBOOT to include the “ipc_qnx_echo_testb_freertos_mcu1_0_release” image.
Below are the steps to do this:
Build “ipc_qnx_echo_testb_freertos_mcu1_0_release” image.
cd ${PSDK_RTOS_PATH}/pdk_jacinto_{version}/packages/ti/build
make -s ipc_qnx_echo_testb_freertos BOARD=j721e_evm CORE=mcu1_0 -j2
Copy the generate mcu1_0 firmware image to the PSDK Linux path mentioned below and rebuild UBOOT.
cp ${PSDK_RTOS_PATH}/pdk_jacinto_{version}/packages/ti/binary/ipc_qnx_echo_testb_freertos/bin/j721e_evm/ipc_qnx_echo_testb_freertos_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f ${PSDK_LINUX_PATH}/board-support/prebuilt-images/ti-dm/j721e/ipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f
make u-boot_clean
make u-boot
Copy the newly generated UBOOT file to the SD card boot partition
cd ${PSDK_LINUX_PATH}/board-support/u-boot_build/r5/tiboot3.bin ${BOOTFS}
cd ${PSDK_LINUX_PATH}/board-support/u-boot_build/a72/tispl.bin ${BOOTFS}
cd ${PSDK_LINUX_PATH}/board-support/u-boot_build/a72/u-boot.img ${BOOTFS}
After copying the firmware and booting the target, the ipc_test can be run from the command line (example output given below):
J7EVM@QNX:/# /sd/tibin/ipc_test
IPC_echo_test (core : mpu1_0) .....
responderFxn will stay active. Please use ctrl-c to exit the test when finished.
SendTask9: mpu1_0 <--> C7X_1, Ping- 10, pong - 10 completed
SendTask1: mpu1_0 <--> mcu1_0, Ping- 10, pong - 10 completed
SendTask7: mpu1_0 <--> C66X_1, Ping- 10, pong - 10 completed
SendTask8: mpu1_0 <--> C66X_2, Ping- 10, pong - 10 completed
SendTask6: mpu1_0 <--> mcu3_1, Ping- 10, pong - 10 completed
SendTask5: mpu1_0 <--> mcu3_0, Ping- 10, pong - 10 completed
SendTask3: mpu1_0 <--> mcu2_0, Ping- 10, pong - 10 completed
SendTask4: mpu1_0 <--> mcu2_1, Ping- 10, pong - 10 completed
Make sure that the tiipc-mgr is running before executing the ipc_test. Note that the test app will not exit. Press “ctrl+c” to exit
Run “ipc-test -s” to avoid waiting for the user to exit the test using “ctrl+c”.
If SPL-UBOOT boot flow is used, the ipc_test will not be able to communicate with mcu1_1. All other core will work. Note that mcu1_1 is not loaded with any firmware image.
If SBL / BootApp boot flow is used, the ipc_test will not be able to communicate with mcu1_0, & mcu1_1. All other core will work.
Refer PSDK RTOS Components for more information about each individual component.
5.6. UDMA Resource Manager¶
The UDMA resource manager (tiudma-mgr) provides support for multiple users to make use of the UDMA functionality without interfering with each other requests.
Refer PSDK RTOS Components for more information about each individual component.
5.8. CPSW2G DEVNP driver¶
5.8.1. Overview¶
The CPSW2G DEVNP network driver can be viewed as the “glue” between the underlying cpsw2g low-level driver, and the software infrastructure of io-pkt, the protocol stack above it. The “bottom half” of the driver is coded specifically to interact with the PDK’s cpsw & udma low-level drivers, and the “top half” of the driver is coded specifically for io-pkt.
Refer PSDK RTOS Components for more information about each individual component.
The cpsw2g driver’s CPTS interrupt thread must always be higher priority compared to the RX and TX threads of the driver. By default, the network stack thread is at priority 21. Hence the RX and TX thread are created at this priority level. The CPTS interrupt thread is created at priority 22. These priority values can be changed by providing them as command-line parameters. See driver use command.
5.8.2. Running¶
Boot the board with the SD card. At the QNX prompt, run below, to mount the SD card and then launch the executable:
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g
dhclient -nw am0
The cpsw2g driver configures all the driver created threads to have the runmask as 0x0 by default. This is to make sure all the threads run on core 0 of the A72. This can be configured with the run_mask_cpu= command-line option. See the use command or Usage of devnp-cpsw2g.so for further details.
For debug traces, run the below command before starting the DEVNP driver and start the driver with increased verbose parameter (ex: verbose=0x3ff) this will show all the drivers slog messages.
slog2info -c
slog2info -w &
5.8.3. Additonal steps¶
Run “if_up -p am0” to check if the interface is ready
Run “ifconfig am0 up” to bring UP the link.
Run “dhclient -nw am0” for DHCP server provide the IP address
Run “ifconfig -v” to check the assigned IP address and status
Run “tcpdump -e” to look at the tcp traffic
5.8.4. Usage of devnp-cpsw2g.so¶
We can run the below command to get the usage of the DEVNP driver:
$ use devnp-cpsw2g.so
devnp-cpsw2g.so mcu domain cpsw2g ethernet driver based on enet low level driver
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g [option[,option ...]] ...
Options (to override autodetected defaults):
verbose=num Set verbosity level (default: 0).
mac-to-mac=1 Set for mac-to-mac mode (default: 0)
speed=100|1000 Media data rate for port 0 in Mb/s. (default: 1000)
p0mac=XXXXXXXXXXXX Custom MAC address to use on port 0.
ptp=0|1 1 to enable PTP support (default: 0)
promiscuous=0|1 1 to enable promiscuous mode (default: 0)
typed_mem=name Set the typed memory
udma_chnum=val Set the preferred udma channel to use (default: dynamic allocation)
tx_freeq_threshold=val Set the tx free Q threshold value (default: 120), must be less than no of TX descriptors.
tx_descriptor_cnt=val Set the tx descriptors count value (default: 128, Max: 256)
rx_descriptor_cnt=val Set the rx descriptors count value (default: 128, Max: 256)
run_mask_cpu=val Set the run mask - cpu core where threads are scheduled (default:0) (0 - core0, 1 - core1, 2 - both core)
poll_phy_ms=val Set the frequency in ms, to poll the phy status, and poll for management of resources (default: 2000)
cache_ops=val Set the cache operation to on/off (default:0 -> cache-coherency set), 1 - Turn on cache off -> cache-coherency off)
smmu=0|1 1 to enable smmu support (default: 0)
virt_id=val Set the virt_id to use for the dma channel when smmu is enabled
hw_csum=1 1 to enable hw csum (default: 0)
joinvlan="1;2;3..." List of VLANs to join
rx_intr_prio=val Set the rx interrupt thread priority (default: 21)
tx_intr_prio=val Set the tx interrupt thread priority (default: 21)
cpts_intr_prio=val Set the cpts interrupt thread priority (default: 22)
no_stack_thread=val 1 to disable using the stack thread needed for bridge and fastforward to work (default: 0)
rx_pacing=0|1 1 to enable rx interrupt pacing (default:0, use rx interrupt)
rx_pacing_msec=val Set the rx interrupt pacing internal in msec (default: 1 msec)
# Start io-pkt using the driver and with static IP address
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g
ifconfig am0
# Start io-pkt using the driver and with DHCP IP address
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g
dhclient -nw am0
# Start io-pkt using the driver for mac-to-mac mode in gitbit speed
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g verbose=1,mac-to-mac=1,speed=1000
ifconfig am0
# Start io-pkt using the driver with custom mac address
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g p0mac=001122334455
ifconfig am0
# Start io-pkt using the driver with typed memory "ram":
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g typed_mem=ram -ptcpip pkt_typed_mem=ram
ifconfig am0
# Start io-pkt using the driver with typed memory "ram", preferred udma channel "24" and smmu enabled:
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g ptp=1,typed_mem=ram,udma_chnum=24,smmu=1 -ptcpip pkt_typed_mem=ram
ifconfig am0
# Start io-pkt using the driver with hw csum enabled
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g hw_csum=1
ifconfig am0 tcp4csum udp4csum tcp6csum udp6csum
ifconfig am0
5.8.5. Starting driver with other options¶
To run the cpsw2g devnp driver with full debug log (run “slog2info” to see the debug log):
io-pkt-v6-hc –d cpsw2g verbose=0xff
To run the cpsw2g devnp driver in mac-to-mac mode with 1Gbps:
io-pkt-v6-hc –d cpsw2g mac-to-mac=1,speed=1000
To run the cpsw2g devnp driver in mac-to-mac mode with 1Gbps with gPTP:
io-pkt-v6-hc –d cpsw2g ptp=1,mac-to-mac=1,speed=1000
To get a dynamic IP address for the cpsw2g port:
dhclient -nw am0
To get a static IP address for the cpsw2g port:
ifconfig am0 up
ifconfig am0 <static_ip_address>
To enabled HW CSUM offloading support:
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g hw_csum=1
ifconfig am0 tcp4csum udp4csum tcp6csum udp6csum
dhclient -nw am0
5.9. CPSW9G DEVNP driver¶
5.9.1. Overview¶
The CPSW9G DEVNP network driver implemented as “virtual” driver that communicates with the Ethernet Firmware Switch firmware running on the R5 core. The control message transfer is done via IPC. The RX and TX data packets are passed to the CPSW9G port using the UDMA.
CPSW9G Firmware on MCU2_0 implemented TimeSync Module utilizing CPTS timer for PTP support to sync with Master clock on the network. TimeSync module configured PTP stack with the following default properties.
Ordinary Clock
IEEE 802.3 Transport
Peer Delay Mechanism (P2P)
For TimeSync Module design, please refer to EthFW documentation for details. CPSW9G DEVNP driver has included an option to return CPTS timer timestamp via devctl() with PTP_GET_TIME command. Please refer to the example, ptp_test, to see how to use PTP_GET_TIME command to get CPTS timer timestamp from cpsw9g devnp driver.
Refer PSDK RTOS Components for more information about EthFW component.
5.9.2. Running¶
Boot the board with the SDcard. At the QNX prompt, run below, to mount the SD card and then launch the executables:
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw9g
dhclient -nw an0
The cpsw9g driver configures all the driver created threads to have the runmask as 0x0 by default. This is to make sure all the threads run on core 0 of the A72. This can be configured with the run_mask_cpu= command-line option. See the use command or Usage of devnp-cpsw9g.so for further details.
For debug traces, run the below command before starting the DEVNP driver and start the driver with increased verbose parameter (ex: verbose=0x3ff) this will show all the drivers slog messages
slog2info -c
slog2info -w &
5.9.3. Additional steps¶
Run “if_up -p an0” to check if the interface is ready
Run “ifconfig an0 up” to bring UP the link.
Run “dhclient -nw an0” for DHCP server provide the IP address
Run “ifconfig -v” to check the assigned IP address and status
Run “tcpdump -e” to look at the tcp traffic
5.9.4. Usage of devnp-cpsw9g.so¶
We can run the below command to get the usage of the DEVNP driver
$ use devnp-cpsw9g.so
devnp-cpsw9g.so j721e cpsw 9G virtual ethernet driver based on enet low level driver
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw9g [option[,option ...]] ...
Options (to override autodetected defaults):
verbose=num Set verbosity level (default: 0).
ptp=0|1 1 to enable PTP support (default: 0)
typed_mem=name Set the typed memory
udma_chnum=val Set the preferred udma channel to use (default: dynamic allocation)
tx_freeq_threshold=val Set the tx free Q threshold value (default: 120), must be less than no of TX descriptors.
tx_descriptor_cnt=val Set the tx descriptors count value (default: 128, Max: 256)
rx_descriptor_cnt=val Set the rx descriptors count value (default: 128, Max: 256)
run_mask_cpu=val Set the run mask - cpu core where threads are scheduled (default:0) (0 - core0, 1 - core1, 2 - both core)
poll_phy_ms=val Set the frequency in ms, to poll the phy status, and poll for management of resources (default: 10000)
cache_ops=val Set the cache operation to on/off (default:0 -> cache-coherency set), 1 - Turn on cache off -> cache-coherency off)
smmu=0|1 1 to enable smmu support (default: 0)
virt_id=val Set the virt_id to use for the dma channel when smmu is enabled
mac-to-mac=1 Set for mac-to-mac mode (default: 0) (only when EthFW is setup for mac-to-mac mode)
speed=100|1000 Media data rate for link in Mb/s. (default: 1000)
joinvlan="1;2;3..." List of VLANs to join
rx_intr_prio=val Set the rx interrupt thread priority (default: 21)
tx_intr_prio=val Set the tx interrupt thread priority (default: 21)
no_stack_thread=val 1 to disable using the stack thread needed for bridge and fastforward to work (default: 0)
hw_csum=1 1 to enable hw csum (default: 0)
p0mac=XXXXXXXXXXXX Custom MAC address to use on virtual port
rx_pacing=0|1 1 to enable rx interrupt pacing (default:0, use rx interrupt)
rx_pacing_msec=val Set the rx interrupt pacing internal in msec (default: 1 msec)
# Start io-pkt using the driver:
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw9g
ifconfig an0
# Start io-pkt using the driver with typed memory "ram":
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw9g typed_mem=ram -ptcpip pkt_typed_mem=ram
ifconfig an0
# Start io-pkt using the driver with typed memory "ram", preferred udma channel "24" and smmu enabled:
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw9g ptp=1,typed_mem=ram,udma_chnum=24,smmu=1 -ptcpip pkt_typed_mem=ram
ifconfig an0
# Start io-pkt using the driver for mac-to-mac mode in gitbit speed
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw9g mac-to-mac=1,speed=1000
ifconfig am0
5.9.5. Starting driver with other options¶
To run the cpsw9g devnp driver with gPTP:
io-pkt-v6-hc –d cpsw9g ptp=1
Run "ptp_test" utility to verfiy/get the synchronized time from EthFW.
To run the cpsw9g devnp driver in mac-to-mac mode with 1Gbps:
To run mac-to-mac mode, changes are required on EthFW side. Please refer E2E FAQ: https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/998242/faq-tda4vm-how-to-configure-enet-lld-and-ethfw-cpsw-for-mac-2-mac-connection-for-tda4-and-dra821/3687628
io-pkt-v6-hc –d cpsw9g mac-to-mac=1
5.10. K3conf QNX utility¶
K3CONF is a QNX port of a standalone application designed to provide a quick’n easy way to dynamically diagnose Texas Instruments’ K3 architecture based processors. K3CONF is intended to provide similar experience to that of OMAPCONF that runs on legacy TI platforms.
WARNING: This is work in progress! Please don’t expect things to be complete in any dimension. Use at your own risk. And keep the reset button in reach.
To get more details on how to use k3conf utility, run below:
k3conf --help
5.11. VXE384MP2 Video Encoder¶
5.11.1. Overview¶
The VXE384MP2 core PowerVR® VPU (video processor unit) from Imagination Technologies is a HD Codec that supports the H.264/AVC video format. It provides high performance encode capability for 8-bit YUV video up to 1080p @60fps.
Capable of encoding H.264/AVC Baseline/Main/High Profiles.
Capable of encoding 1x 1080p60 video stream or 2x 1080p30 video streams.
Codec Constraints:
Encoder Minimum picture resolution: 128x48
Encoder Maximum picture resolution: 2048x2048
Note: the VXE384MP2 can handle the higher resolution, shown above, but frame-rate performance will be limited
Multiple concurrent encode streams:
Number of concurrent streams is dependent on the resolutions and frame rates required
5.11.2. Usage¶
An OMX IL Component for the IMG video encoder and a File-based OMX encoder test application is provided.
For more details, run the use command for: omxil_video_enc
$ use omxil_video_enc
This is a test application for OpenMAX IL video encode.
It takes input frames from a .yuv file and encodes them to a H.264 bitstream file.
omxil_video_enc <options>
-h: help
-v: increase verbosity, max 7
-n: stdin not used (no command-line inputs taken)
-i: input file
-o: output file
-c: config file for encoder parameters
-d: disable display
-f input format for raw input (.yuv/.rgba/etc.)
e.g.: nv12,1920x1080@30
nv12 is the input color format
1920x1080 is resolution(width x height)
30 is frame rate.
Supported input format: nv12.
# Basic built-in help:
omxil_video_enc -h
# AVC file-to-file encode:
omxil_video_enc -v -i /ti_fs/codec_test/nv12/8bit_BQTerrace_720x128_9frame_nv12.yuv -o /ti_fs/codec_test/output/8bit_BQTerrace_720x128.264 -d -f nv12,720x128@30
# AVC file-to-file encode, with config file specified to override default bitrate, etc. :
cp ti_fs/codec_test/nv12/mix_1920x1080_8b_10frm_nv12.yuv /tmp/
omxil_video_enc -v -i /tmp/mix_1920x1080_8b_10frm_nv12.yuv -c /ti_fs/codec_test/encoder_parameters.conf -o /tmp/mix_1920x1080.264 -d -f nv12,1920x1080@30
5.12. D5520MP2 Video Decoder¶
5.12.1. Overview¶
The D5520MP2 dual-core PowerVR® VPU (video processor unit) from Imagination Technologies is a 4K Codec that supports both HEVC and H.264/AVC video formats. It provides high performance decode capability for 8-bit or 10-bit YUV video up to 4K @60fps.
NOTE: In the current release, only 8-bit YUV(NV12) video is supported.
Capable of decoding H.265/HEVC Main and Main Still Picture Profiles @ L5.1 High tier.
Capable of decoding H.264/AVC Baseline/Main/High Profiles @ L5.2.
Capable of decoding 1x 4K @60fps video stream or 2x 4K @30fps video streams.
Maximum Resolutions Supported:
AVC Decoder Maximum resolution: 4096x4096
HEVC Decoder Maximum resolution: 8192x8192
Note: the D5520MP2 can handle the high resolutions, above, but frame-rate performance will be limited
Codec Constraints:
Decoder Minimum resolution: 64x64
Multiple concurrent decode streams:
Number of concurrent streams is dependent on the resolutions and frame rates required
5.12.2. Usage¶
An OMX IL Component for the IMG video decoder and a File-based OMX decoder test application is provided.
For more details, run the use command for: omxil_video_dec
$ use omxil_video_dec
This is a test application for OpenMAX IL video decode.
It takes H.264/HEVC frames from a file, decodes and displays them,
or decodes and saves the decoded frames in another file.
omxil_video_dec <options>
-i: input file
-o: output file, save output to file
-v: increase verbosity, max 7
# AVC file-to-file decode:
omxil_video_dec -v -i /ti_fs/codec_test/bitstream/example.264 -o /ti_fs/codec_test/output/example_nv12.yuv
# HEVC file-to-file decode:
omxil_video_dec -v -i /ti_fs/codec_test/bitstream/example.265 -o /ti_fs/codec_test/output/example_hevc_nv12.yuv