Build date: 12132019

Release Information

Thank you for your interest in the J721E Software Development Kit for Linux automotive. This SDK accelerates development of automotive Linux applications on J721E platforms.

Supported Platforms
PlatformSupported DevicesSupported EVMs

Download and Install Instructions

  1. Download the Processor SDK Linux Automotive installer [LINK]
  2. Install the Processor SDK Linux Automotive release package by referring to instructions on this page [LINK]
  3. Follow instructions from Quick start guide for running the out of the box demos [LINK]
  4. Download and install the Processor SDK RTOS Automotive package [LINK]


Title Description Size
Toolchain downloads
Toolchain for ARMv8 Link to download ARMv8 toolchain
Toolchain for ARMv7 Link to download ARMv7 toolchain
SDK installer downloads
ti-processor-sdk-linux-automotive-j7-evm-06_01_01_02-Linux-x86-Install.bin SDK Installer binary Linux 64-bit 2102090K
ProcessorSDKLinuxAutomotive_06_01_01_02_manifest.html Software manifest for 06_01_01_02 2106K
SDK documentation SDK Documentation for 06_01_01_02
Release notes Release notes for 06_01_01_02
processor-sdk-linux-docs.tar.gz SDK documentation tarball 36722K
SDK Individual Components - all of the below components are available through the Linux SDK installer
tisdk-rootfs-image-j7-evm.tar.xz J721e Linux Target File System 848754K
boot-j7-evm.tar.gz J721e Linux Boot Partition 1386K
md5sum.txt MD5 Checksums 26K
Software errata fixes
bootup-hang-fix-a72-init-sequence.tar.gz Fix occasional boot failures due to incorrect initialization sequence for A72 power domain. 26K

Locked Fill in Form. Approved users receive download URL in 1 minute.
Locked Fill in Form. TI will contact you in 1-2+ business days.

For more information

Fri Dec 13 15:30:56 IST 2019