CC32XX SimpleLink Host Driver
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Configuration - Operating System


 This function call the pEntry callback from a different context. More...
#define sl_Spawn(pEntry, pValue, flags)   osi_Spawn(pEntry,pValue,flags)

Detailed Description

The SimpleLink driver could run on two kind of platforms:
   -# Non-Os / Single Threaded (default)
   -# Multi-Threaded

CC32XX SimpleLink Host Driver is ported on both Non-Os and Multi Threaded OS enviroment. 
The Host driver is made OS independent by implementing an OS Abstraction layer. 
Reference implementation for OS Abstraction is available for FreeRTOS and TI-RTOS. 

If you choose to work in multi-threaded environment under different operating system you 
will have to provide some basic adaptation routines to allow the driver to protect access to 
resources for different threads (locking object) and to allow synchronization between threads 
(sync objects). In additional the driver support running without dedicated thread allocated solely
to the simple link driver. If you choose to work in this mode, you should also supply a spawn 
method that will enable to run function on a temporary context.
- This Macro is defined in the IDE to generate Driver for both OS and Non-OS
 porting ACTION: 
     - None

Macro Definition Documentation


This function call the pEntry callback from a different context.

pEntry- pointer to the entry callback function
pValue- pointer to any type of memory structure that would be passed to pEntry callback from the execution thread.
flags- execution flags - reserved for future usage
upon successful registration of the spawn the function should return 0 (the function is not blocked till the end of the execution of the function and could be returned before the execution is actually completed) Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned
belongs to configuration_sec