Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
CryptoCC32XX.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Crypto driver implementation for a CC32XX Crypto controller.


The Crypto header file should be included in an application as follows:


The CryptoCC32XX driver is used several security methods (AES, DES and HMAC Hash functions). This driver provides API for encrypt/decrypt (AES and DES) and sign/verify (HMAC hash)

The application initializes the CryptoCC32XX driver by calling CryptoCC32XX_init() and is then ready to open a Crypto by calling CryptoCC32XX_open().

The APIs in this driver serve as an interface to a typical TI-RTOS application. The specific peripheral implementations are responsible to create all the OSAL specific primitives to allow for thread-safe operation.

Opening the driver

handle = CryptoCC32XX_open(CryptoCC32XX_configIndexValue, CryptoCC32XX_AES |
if (!handle) {
System_printf("CryptoCC32XX did not open");

AES data encryption

CryptoCC32XX_EncryptMethod method = desiredMethod;
CryptoCC32XX_Params params;
unsigned char plainData[16] = "whatsoever123456";
unsigned int plainDataLen = sizeof(plainData);
unsigned char cipherData[16];
unsigned int cipherDataLen;
params.aes.keySize = desiredKeySize;
params.aes.pKey = (CryptoCC32XX_KeyPtr)desiredKey; // desiredKey length should be as the desiredKeySize
params.aes.pIV = (void *)pointerToInitVector;
ret = CryptoCC32XX_encrypt(handle, method , plainData, plainDataLen, cipherData , &cipherDataLen , &params);

Generate HMAC Hash signature

CryptoCC32XX_HmacMethod hmacMethod = desiredHmacMethod;
CryptoCC32XX_Params params;
unsigned char dataBuff[] = "whatsoever";
unsigned int dataLength = sizeof(dataBuff);
unsigned char signatureBuff[32];
params.pKey = pointerToHMACkey;
params.moreData = 0;
ret = CryptoCC32XX_sign(handle, hmacMethod , &dataBuff, dataLength, &signatureBuff, &params);


The CryptoCC32XX driver interface module is joined (at link time) to a NULL-terminated array of CryptoCC32XX_Config data structures named CryptoCC32XX_config. CryptoCC32XX_config is implemented in the application with each entry being an instance of a CryptoCC32XX peripheral. Each entry in CryptoCC32XX_config contains a:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/HwiP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/SemaphoreP.h>
Include dependency graph for CryptoCC32XX.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  CryptoCC32XX_AesAadInputParams
 AES Additional Authentication Data input parameters. More...
union  CryptoCC32XX_AesAadParams
 AES Additional Authentication Data Parameters. More...
struct  CryptoCC32XX_AesParams
 AES Parameters. More...
struct  CryptoCC32XX_DesParams
 DES Parameters. More...
union  CryptoCC32XX_EncryptParams
 Cryptography Parameters. More...
struct  CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams
 HMAC Parameters. More...
struct  CryptoCC32XX_Config
 Crypto Global configuration. More...
struct  CryptoCC32XX_Object
 CryptoCC32XX Object. More...


#define CryptoCC32XX_CMD_RESERVED   32
#define CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_RESERVED   -32
#define CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_SUCCESS   0
 Successful status code returned by Crypto Common functions. More...
#define CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_ERROR   -1
 Generic error status code returned by Crypto Common functions. More...
 An error status code returned by Crypto Common functions for undefined command codes. More...
#define CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_ERROR_VERIFY   -3
 An error status code returned by CryptoCC32XX_verify for define error in verifying a given Hash value. More...
 An error status code returned by Crypto Common functions for define cryptographic type not supported. More...
#define CryptoCC32XX_MAX_TYPES   3
#define CryptoCC32XX_MD5_BLOCK_SIZE   64
#define CryptoCC32XX_SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE   64
#define CryptoCC32XX_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE   64
#define CryptoCC32XX_MD5_DIGEST_SIZE   16
#define CryptoCC32XX_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE   20
#define CryptoCC32XX_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE   32
#define CryptoCC32XX_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE   CryptoCC32XX_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE


typedef CryptoCC32XX_ConfigCryptoCC32XX_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a CryptoCC32XX_open() call. More...


enum  CryptoCC32XX_Type { CryptoCC32XX_AES = 0x01, CryptoCC32XX_DES = 0x02, CryptoCC32XX_HMAC = 0x04 }
 Cryptography types configuration. More...
enum  CryptoCC32XX_EncryptMethod {
  CryptoCC32XX_AES_ECB = (CryptoCC32XX_AES << 8) | 1, CryptoCC32XX_AES_CBC, CryptoCC32XX_AES_CTR, CryptoCC32XX_AES_ICM,
  CryptoCC32XX_AES_CFB, CryptoCC32XX_AES_GCM, CryptoCC32XX_AES_CCM, CryptoCC32XX_DES_ECB = (CryptoCC32XX_DES << 8) | 1,
  CryptoCC32XX_DES_CBC, CryptoCC32XX_DES_CFB
 AES and DES Cryptography methods configuration Keep the Crypto method in the lower 8 bit and Crypto type in the upper 8 bits. More...
enum  CryptoCC32XX_HmacMethod { CryptoCC32XX_HMAC_MD5 = (CryptoCC32XX_HMAC << 8) | 1, CryptoCC32XX_HMAC_SHA1, CryptoCC32XX_HMAC_SHA224, CryptoCC32XX_HMAC_SHA256 }
 HMAC Cryptography methods configuration Keep the Crypto method in the lower 8 bit and Crypto type in the upper 8 bits. More...
enum  CryptoCC32XX_AesKeySize { CryptoCC32XX_AES_KEY_SIZE_128BIT, CryptoCC32XX_AES_KEY_SIZE_192BIT, CryptoCC32XX_AES_KEY_SIZE_256BIT }
 AES Cryptography key size type configuration. More...
enum  CryptoCC32XX_DesKeySize { CryptoCC32XX_DES_KEY_SIZE_SINGLE, CryptoCC32XX_DES_KEY_SIZE_TRIPLE }
 DES Cryptography key size type configuration. More...


void CryptoCC32XX_close (CryptoCC32XX_Handle handle)
 Function to close a given Crypto peripheral specified by the Crypto handle. More...
void CryptoCC32XX_init (void)
 Function to initializes the Crypto module. More...
CryptoCC32XX_Handle CryptoCC32XX_open (uint32_t index, uint32_t types)
 Opens a Crypto object with a given index and returns a CryptoCC32XX_Handle. More...
void CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams_init (CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams *params)
 Initialize params structure to default values. More...
int32_t CryptoCC32XX_encrypt (CryptoCC32XX_Handle handle, CryptoCC32XX_EncryptMethod method, void *pInBuff, size_t inLen, void *pOutBuff, size_t *outLen, CryptoCC32XX_EncryptParams *pParams)
 Function which encrypt given data by a given AES or DES method. relevant to CryptoCC32XX_AES and CryptoCC32XX_DES. More...
int32_t CryptoCC32XX_decrypt (CryptoCC32XX_Handle handle, CryptoCC32XX_EncryptMethod method, void *pInBuff, size_t inLen, void *pOutBuff, size_t *outLen, CryptoCC32XX_EncryptParams *pParams)
 Function which decrypt given cipher data by a given AES or DES method. relevant to CryptoCC32XX_AES and CryptoCC32XX_DES. More...
int32_t CryptoCC32XX_sign (CryptoCC32XX_Handle handle, CryptoCC32XX_HmacMethod method, void *pBuff, size_t len, uint8_t *pSignature, CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams *pParams)
 Function which generates the HMAC Hash value of given plain Text. relevant to CryptoCC32XX_HMAC. More...
int32_t CryptoCC32XX_verify (CryptoCC32XX_Handle handle, CryptoCC32XX_HmacMethod method, void *pBuff, size_t len, uint8_t *pSignature, CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams *pParams)
 Function which verify a given Hash value on given plain Text. relevant to CryptoCC32XX_HMAC. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CryptoCC32XX_CMD_RESERVED   32


#define CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_RESERVED   -32


#define CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_SUCCESS   0

Successful status code returned by Crypto Common functions.


#define CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_ERROR   -1

Generic error status code returned by Crypto Common functions.



An error status code returned by Crypto Common functions for undefined command codes.


#define CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_ERROR_VERIFY   -3

An error status code returned by CryptoCC32XX_verify for define error in verifying a given Hash value.



An error status code returned by Crypto Common functions for define cryptographic type not supported.


#define CryptoCC32XX_MAX_TYPES   3


#define CryptoCC32XX_MD5_BLOCK_SIZE   64


#define CryptoCC32XX_SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE   64


#define CryptoCC32XX_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE   64


#define CryptoCC32XX_MD5_DIGEST_SIZE   16


#define CryptoCC32XX_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE   20


#define CryptoCC32XX_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE   32




#define CryptoCC32XX_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE   CryptoCC32XX_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE

Typedef Documentation

§ CryptoCC32XX_Handle

A handle that is returned from a CryptoCC32XX_open() call.

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ CryptoCC32XX_Type

Cryptography types configuration.

This enum defines bitwise Cryptography types.


Advanced Encryption Standard


Data Encryption Standard


Cryptographic hash function

§ CryptoCC32XX_EncryptMethod

AES and DES Cryptography methods configuration Keep the Crypto method in the lower 8 bit and Crypto type in the upper 8 bits.

This enum defines the AES and DES Cryptography modes.


AES Electronic CodeBook


AES Cipher Block Chaining


AES Counter


AES Integer Counter Mode


AES Cipher FeedBack


AES Galois/Counter Mode


AES Counter with CBC-MAC Mode


DES Electronic CodeBook


DES Cipher Block Chaining


DES Cipher FeedBack

§ CryptoCC32XX_HmacMethod

HMAC Cryptography methods configuration Keep the Crypto method in the lower 8 bit and Crypto type in the upper 8 bits.

This enum defines the HMAC HASH algorithms modes.


MD5 used keyed-hash message authentication code


SHA1 used keyed-hash message authentication code


SHA224 used keyed-hash message authentication code


SHA256 used keyed-hash message authentication code

§ CryptoCC32XX_AesKeySize

AES Cryptography key size type configuration.

This enum defines the AES key size types


§ CryptoCC32XX_DesKeySize

DES Cryptography key size type configuration.

This enum defines the DES key size types


Function Documentation

§ CryptoCC32XX_close()

void CryptoCC32XX_close ( CryptoCC32XX_Handle  handle)

Function to close a given Crypto peripheral specified by the Crypto handle.

CryptoCC32XX_open() had to be called first.
handleA CryptoCC32XX_Handle returned from CryptoCC32XX_open
See also

§ CryptoCC32XX_init()

void CryptoCC32XX_init ( void  )

Function to initializes the Crypto module.

The CryptoCC32XX_Config structure must exist and be persistent before this function can be called. This function must also be called before any other Crypto driver APIs. This function call does not modify any peripheral registers.

§ CryptoCC32XX_open()

CryptoCC32XX_Handle CryptoCC32XX_open ( uint32_t  index,
uint32_t  types 

Opens a Crypto object with a given index and returns a CryptoCC32XX_Handle.

Crypto module has been initialized
indexLogical peripheral number for the Crypto indexed into the CryptoCC32XX_config table
typesDefine bitwise Crypto Types to support
A CryptoCC32XX_Handle on success or a NULL on an error or if it has been opened already.
See also

§ CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams_init()

void CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams_init ( CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams params)

Initialize params structure to default values.

The default parameters are:

  • pKey: 0
  • moreData: 0
  • *pContext: 0
  • first: 1
  • digestCount: 0
  • innerDigest: 0
  • buff: 0
  • buffLen: 0
  • blockSize: CryptoCC32XX_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE
paramsPointer to the instance configuration parameters.

§ CryptoCC32XX_encrypt()

int32_t CryptoCC32XX_encrypt ( CryptoCC32XX_Handle  handle,
CryptoCC32XX_EncryptMethod  method,
void *  pInBuff,
size_t  inLen,
void *  pOutBuff,
size_t *  outLen,
CryptoCC32XX_EncryptParams pParams 

Function which encrypt given data by a given AES or DES method. relevant to CryptoCC32XX_AES and CryptoCC32XX_DES.

handleA CryptoCC32XX_Handle
methodAn AES or DES encryption method to use on a given plain data.
pInBuffPointer to plain data to encrypt.
inLenSize of plain data to encrypt.
pOutBuffPointer to encrypted data (cipher text).
outLenSize of encrypted data.
pParamsSpecific parameters according to Crypto Type (AES or DES).
Returns CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful else would return CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_ERROR on an error.
See also

§ CryptoCC32XX_decrypt()

int32_t CryptoCC32XX_decrypt ( CryptoCC32XX_Handle  handle,
CryptoCC32XX_EncryptMethod  method,
void *  pInBuff,
size_t  inLen,
void *  pOutBuff,
size_t *  outLen,
CryptoCC32XX_EncryptParams pParams 

Function which decrypt given cipher data by a given AES or DES method. relevant to CryptoCC32XX_AES and CryptoCC32XX_DES.

handleA CryptoCC32XX_Handle
methodAn AES or DES decryption method to use on a given cipher data.
pInBuffPointer to cipher data to decrypt.
inLenSize of cipher data to decrypt.
pOutBuffPointer to decrypted data (plain text).
outLenSize of decrypted data.
pParamsSpecific parameters according to Crypto Type (AES or DES).
Returns CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful else would return CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_ERROR on an error.
See also

§ CryptoCC32XX_sign()

int32_t CryptoCC32XX_sign ( CryptoCC32XX_Handle  handle,
CryptoCC32XX_HmacMethod  method,
void *  pBuff,
size_t  len,
uint8_t *  pSignature,
CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams pParams 

Function which generates the HMAC Hash value of given plain Text. relevant to CryptoCC32XX_HMAC.

handleA CryptoCC32XX_Handle
methodHMAC Hash algorithm to use in order to generates the hash value
pBuffPointer to plain data.
lenSize of plain data.
pSignatureAs input pointer to the given HMAC Hash value in case the HMAC flag was set and as output pointer for the generated Hash value.
pParamsSpecific parameters according to HMAC algorithm
Returns CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful else would return CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_ERROR on an error.
See also

§ CryptoCC32XX_verify()

int32_t CryptoCC32XX_verify ( CryptoCC32XX_Handle  handle,
CryptoCC32XX_HmacMethod  method,
void *  pBuff,
size_t  len,
uint8_t *  pSignature,
CryptoCC32XX_HmacParams pParams 

Function which verify a given Hash value on given plain Text. relevant to CryptoCC32XX_HMAC.

handleA CryptoCC32XX_Handle
methodHMAC Hash algorithm to use in order to verify the hash value
pBuffPointer to plain data.
lenSize of plain data.
pSignatureAs input pointer to the given HMAC Hash value in case the HMAC flag was set and as output pointer for the generated Hash value.
pParamsSpecific parameters according to HMAC algorithm.
Returns CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_SUCCESS if value was successfully verified else would return CryptoCC32XX_STATUS_ERROR.
See also
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