Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Variables
UARTCC32XX.h File Reference

Detailed Description

UART driver implementation for a CC32XX UART controller.


The UART header file should be included in an application as follows:

Refer to UART.h for a complete description of APIs & example of use.

Device Specific Pin Mode Macros

This header file contains pin mode definitions used to specify the UART TX and RX pin assignment in the UARTCC32XX_HWAttrsV1 structure. Please refer to the CC32XX Techincal Reference Manual for details on pin multiplexing.

Flow Control

To enable Flow Control, the RTS and CTS pins must be assigned in the UARTCC32XX_HWAttrsV1.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/ClockP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/HwiP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/SemaphoreP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/Power.h>
#include <ti/drivers/power/PowerCC32XX.h>
#include <ti/drivers/UART.h>
#include <ti/drivers/utils/RingBuf.h>
Include dependency graph for UARTCC32XX.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  UARTCC32XX_FxnSet
 Complement set of read functions to be used by the UART ISR and UARTCC32XX_read(). Internal use only. More...
struct  UARTCC32XX_HWAttrsV1
 UARTCC32XX Hardware attributes. More...
struct  UARTCC32XX_Object
 UARTCC32XX Object. More...


 Indicates a pin is not being used. More...
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_01_UART1_TX   0x700
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_02_UART1_RX   0x701
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_03_UART0_TX   0x702
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_04_UART0_RX   0x703
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_07_UART1_TX   0x506
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_08_UART1_RX   0x507
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_16_UART1_TX   0x20F
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_17_UART1_RX   0x210
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_45_UART0_RX   0x92C
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_45_UART1_RX   0x22C
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_53_UART0_TX   0x934
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_55_UART0_TX   0x336
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_55_UART1_TX   0x636
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_57_UART0_RX   0x338
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_57_UART1_RX   0x638
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_58_UART1_TX   0x639
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_59_UART1_RX   0x63A
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_62_UART0_TX   0xB3D
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_50_UART0_CTS   0xC31
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_50_UART0_RTS   0x331
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_50_UART1_RTS   0xA31
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_52_UART0_RTS   0x633
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_61_UART0_RTS   0x53C
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_61_UART0_CTS   0x63C
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_61_UART1_CTS   0x33C
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_62_UART0_RTS   0xA3D
#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_62_UART1_RTS   0x33D
 No hardware flow control. More...
 Hardware flow control. More...
 Command used by UART_control to determines whether the UART transmitter is busy or not. More...
 Command used by UART_control to determines if there are any characters in the receive FIFO. More...
 Command used by UART_control to determines if there is any space in the transmit FIFO. More...


typedef struct UARTCC32XX_FxnSet UARTCC32XX_FxnSet
 Complement set of read functions to be used by the UART ISR and UARTCC32XX_read(). Internal use only. More...
typedef void(* UARTCC32XX_ErrorCallback) (UART_Handle handle, uint32_t error)
 The definition of an optional callback function used by the UART driver to notify the application when a receive error (FIFO overrun, parity error, etc) occurs. More...
typedef struct UARTCC32XX_HWAttrsV1 UARTCC32XX_HWAttrsV1
 UARTCC32XX Hardware attributes. More...
typedef struct UARTCC32XX_Object UARTCC32XX_Object
 UARTCC32XX Object. More...
typedef struct UARTCC32XX_ObjectUARTCC32XX_Handle


const UART_FxnTable UARTCC32XX_fxnTable

Macro Definition Documentation



Indicates a pin is not being used.

If hardware flow control is not being used, the UART CTS and RTS pins should be set to UARTCC32XX_PIN_UNASSIGNED.


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_01_UART1_TX   0x700

PIN 1 is used for UART1 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_02_UART1_RX   0x701

PIN 2 is used for UART1 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_03_UART0_TX   0x702

PIN 3 is used for UART0 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_04_UART0_RX   0x703

PIN 4 is used for UART0 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_07_UART1_TX   0x506

PIN 7 is used for UART1 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_08_UART1_RX   0x507

PIN 8 is used for UART1 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_16_UART1_TX   0x20F

PIN 16 is used for UART1 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_17_UART1_RX   0x210

PIN 17 is used for UART1 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_45_UART0_RX   0x92C

PIN 45 is used for UART0 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_45_UART1_RX   0x22C

PIN 45 is used for UART1 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_53_UART0_TX   0x934

PIN 53 is used for UART0 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_55_UART0_TX   0x336

PIN 55 is used for UART0 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_55_UART1_TX   0x636

PIN 55 is used for UART1 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_57_UART0_RX   0x338

PIN 57 is used for UART0 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_57_UART1_RX   0x638

PIN 57 is used for UART1 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_58_UART1_TX   0x639

PIN 58 is used for UART1 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_59_UART1_RX   0x63A

PIN 59 is used for UART1 RX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_62_UART0_TX   0xB3D

PIN 62 is used for UART0 TX


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_50_UART0_CTS   0xC31

PIN 50 is used for UART0 CTS


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_50_UART0_RTS   0x331

PIN 50 is used for UART0 RTS


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_50_UART1_RTS   0xA31

PIN 50 is used for UART1 RTS


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_52_UART0_RTS   0x633

PIN 52 is used for UART0 RTS


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_61_UART0_RTS   0x53C

PIN 61 is used for UART0 RTS


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_61_UART0_CTS   0x63C

PIN 61 is used for UART0 CTS


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_61_UART1_CTS   0x33C

PIN 61 is used for UART1 CTS


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_62_UART0_RTS   0xA3D

PIN 62 is used for UART0 RTS


#define UARTCC32XX_PIN_62_UART1_RTS   0x33D

PIN 62 is used for UART1 RTS



No hardware flow control.



Hardware flow control.

Typedef Documentation


Complement set of read functions to be used by the UART ISR and UARTCC32XX_read(). Internal use only.

These functions are solely intended for the UARTCC32XX driver, and should not be used by the application. The UARTCC32XX_FxnSet is a pair of complement functions that are design to operate with one another in a task context and in an ISR context. The readTaskFxn is called by UARTCC32XX_read() to drain a circular buffer, whereas the readIsrFxn is used by the UARTCC32XX_hwiIntFxn to fill up the circular buffer.

readTaskFxn: Function called by UART read These variables are set and avilalable for use to the readTaskFxn. object->readBuf = buffer; //Pointer to a user buffer object->readSize = size; //Desired no. of bytes to read object->readCount = size; //Remaining no. of bytes to read

readIsrFxn: The required ISR counterpart to readTaskFxn

§ UARTCC32XX_ErrorCallback

typedef void(* UARTCC32XX_ErrorCallback) (UART_Handle handle, uint32_t error)

The definition of an optional callback function used by the UART driver to notify the application when a receive error (FIFO overrun, parity error, etc) occurs.

errorThe current value of the receive status register. Please refer to the device data sheet to interpret this value.


UARTCC32XX Hardware attributes.

The fields, baseAddr, intNum, and flowControl, are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For CC32XXWare these definitions are found in:

  • inc/hw_memmap.h
  • inc/hw_ints.h
  • driverlib/uart.h

intPriority is the UART peripheral's interrupt priority, as defined by the underlying OS. It is passed unmodified to the underlying OS's interrupt handler creation code, so you need to refer to the OS documentation for usage. For example, for SYS/BIOS applications, refer to the documentation for SYS/BIOS usage of interrupt priorities. If the driver uses the ti.dpl interface instead of making OS calls directly, then the HwiP port handles the interrupt priority in an OS specific way. In the case of the SYS/BIOS port, intPriority is passed unmodified to Hwi_create().

A sample structure is shown below:

unsigned char uartCC32XXRingBuffer[2][32];
const UARTCC32XX_HWAttrsV1 uartCC32XXHWAttrs[] = {
.baseAddr = UARTA0_BASE,
.intNum = INT_UARTA0,
.intPriority = (~0),
.ringBufPtr = uartCC32XXRingBuffer[0],
.ringBufSize = sizeof(uartCC32XXRingBuffer[0]),
.errorFxn = NULL
.baseAddr = UARTA1_BASE,
.intNum = INT_UARTA1,
.intPriority = (~0),
.ringBufPtr = uartCC32XXRingBuffer[1],
.ringBufSize = sizeof(uartCC32XXRingBuffer[1]),
.errorFxn = NULL

§ UARTCC32XX_Object

UARTCC32XX Object.

The application must not access any member variables of this structure!

§ UARTCC32XX_Handle

Variable Documentation

§ UARTCC32XX_fxnTable

const UART_FxnTable UARTCC32XX_fxnTable
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