EDMA3 Resource Manager Defines
[EDMA3 Resource Manager Symbols]


#define EDMA3_RM_RES_ANY   (1010u)
 Used to specify any available Resource Id (EDMA3_RM_ResDesc.resId).
#define EDMA3_RM_E_BASE   (-155)
#define EDMA3_RM_DMA_CHANNEL_ANY   (1011u)
#define EDMA3_RM_QDMA_CHANNEL_ANY   (1012u)
#define EDMA3_RM_TCC_ANY   (1013u)
#define EDMA3_RM_PARAM_ANY   (1014u)
#define EDMA3_RM_CH_NO_PARAM_MAP   (1015u)
#define EDMA3_RM_CH_NO_TCC_MAP   (1016u)

Define Documentation

#define EDMA3_RM_E_BASE   (-155)

Resource Manager Error Codes base define


Resource Manager Object Not Deleted yet. So the object cannot be created.


Resource Manager Object Not Closed yet. So the object cannot be deleted.


Resource Manager Object Not Opened yet So the object cannot be closed.


Invalid Parameter passed to API


Resource requested for freeing is already free


Resource requested for allocation/freeing is not owned


Resource is not available


No Resource of specified type is available


Invalid State of EDMA3 RM Obj


Maximum no of Res Mgr Instances already Opened


More than one Res Mgr Master Instance NOT supported. Only 1 master can exist.


Callback function already registered.


Semaphore related error


Hardware feature NOT supported


EDMA3 Resource NOT allocated

#define EDMA3_RM_DMA_CHANNEL_ANY   (1011u)

Used to specify any available DMA Channel while requesting one. Used in the API EDMA3_RM_allocLogicalChannel (). DMA channel from the pool of (owned && non_reserved && available_right_now) DMA channels will be chosen and returned.

#define EDMA3_RM_QDMA_CHANNEL_ANY   (1012u)

Used to specify any available QDMA Channel while requesting one. Used in the API EDMA3_RM_allocLogicalChannel(). QDMA channel from the pool of (owned && non_reserved && available_right_now) QDMA channels will be chosen and returned.

#define EDMA3_RM_TCC_ANY   (1013u)

Used to specify any available TCC while requesting one. Used in the API EDMA3_RM_allocLogicalChannel(), for both DMA and QDMA channels. TCC from the pool of (owned && non_reserved && available_right_now) TCCs will be chosen and returned.

#define EDMA3_RM_PARAM_ANY   (1014u)

Used to specify any available PaRAM Set while requesting one. Used in the API EDMA3_RM_allocLogicalChannel(), for both DMA/QDMA and Link channels. PaRAM Set from the pool of (owned && non_reserved && available_right_now) PaRAM Sets will be chosen and returned.

#define EDMA3_RM_CH_NO_PARAM_MAP   (1015u)

This define is used to specify that a DMA channel is NOT tied to any PaRAM Set and hence any available PaRAM Set could be used for that DMA channel. It could be used in dmaChannelPaRAMMap [EDMA3_MAX_DMA_CH], in global configuration structure EDMA3_RM_GblConfigParams.

This value should mandatorily be used to mark DMA channels with no initial mapping to specific PaRAM Sets.

#define EDMA3_RM_CH_NO_TCC_MAP   (1016u)

This define is used to specify that the DMA/QDMA channel is not tied to any TCC and hence any available TCC could be used for that DMA/QDMA channel. It could be used in dmaChannelTccMap [EDMA3_MAX_DMA_CH], in global configuration structure EDMA3_RM_GblConfigParams.

This value should mandatorily be used to mark DMA channels with no initial mapping to specific TCCs.

Generated on Mon Feb 14 18:31:17 2011 for EDMA3 Resource Manager by  doxygen 1.6.1