EDMA3_DRV_Instance Struct Reference

EDMA3 Driver Instance Configuration Structure. More...

#include <edma3.h>

Data Fields

EDMA3_RM_RegionId regionId
unsigned int isMaster
EDMA3_DRV_InstanceInitConfig drvInstInitConfig
void * drvSemHandle
EDMA3_RM_GblErrCallbackParams gblerrCbParams
EDMA3_CCRL_ShadowRegs * shadowRegs
EDMA3_RM_Handle resMgrInstance
EDMA3_DRV_mapXbarEvtToChan mapXbarToChan
EDMA3_DRV_xbarConfigScr configScrMapXbarToEvt
EDMA3_DRV_GblXbarToChanConfigParams drvXbarToEvtMapConfig

Detailed Description

EDMA3 Driver Instance Configuration Structure.

Used to maintain information of the EDMA3 Driver Instances. One such storage exists for each instance of the EDMA3 Driver. There could be as many Driver Instances as there are shadow regions. Multiple EDMA3 Driver instances on the same shadow region are NOT allowed.

Field Documentation

EDMA3_RM_RegionId EDMA3_DRV_Instance::regionId

Region Identification

Whether EDMA3 driver instance is Master or not. Only the master instance shadow region will receive the EDMA3 interrupts, if enabled.

EDMA3 Driver Instance (Shadow Region) specific init configuration. If NULL, static values will be taken

EDMA3 Driver Instance specific semaphore handle

EDMA3_RM_GblErrCallbackParams EDMA3_DRV_Instance::gblerrCbParams

Instance wide Global Error callback parameters

EDMA3_CCRL_ShadowRegs* EDMA3_DRV_Instance::shadowRegs

Pointer to appropriate Shadow Register region of CC Registers

Pointer to the EDMA3 Driver Object, for HW specific / Global Information.

Pointer to the Resource Manager Instance opened by the EDMA3 Driver

Pointer to the user defined function for mapping cross bar events to channel.

Pointer to the user defined function for configuring the cross bar events to appropriate channel in the Control Config TPCC Event Config registers.

Pointer to the configuration data structure for mapping cross bar events to channel.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Fri Jan 28 15:45:40 2011 for EDMA3 Driver by  doxygen 1.6.1