
Cache Module

This Cache module provides C64+ family-specific implementations of the APIs defined in ICache. It also provides additional C64+ specific cache functions. [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/family/c64p/Cache.xdc
#include <ti/sysbios/family/c64p/Cache.h>
Functions common to all ICache modules
Cache_wb// Writes back a range of memory from all cache(s)(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
Functions common to all target modules
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef enum
extern const UInt 
extern const UInt *
extern const UInt 
extern const UInt 
extern const UInt *
extern const UInt 
extern const UInt 
extern const UInt *
extern const UInt 
extern const Cache_Size 
extern const UInt32 
extern const UInt32 
extern const UInt32 
extern const UInt32 
extern const UInt32 
extern const UInt32 
extern const UInt32 
extern const UInt32 
This Cache module provides C64+ family-specific implementations of the APIs defined in ICache. It also provides additional C64+ specific cache functions.
Unconstrained Functions All functions

Calling Context

Function Hwi Swi Task Main Startup
disable Y Y Y Y Y
enable Y Y Y Y Y
getMar* Y Y Y Y Y
getMode* Y Y Y Y Y
getSize* Y Y Y Y Y
inv Y Y Y Y Y
invL1pAll* Y Y Y Y Y
setMar* Y Y Y Y Y
setMode* Y Y Y Y Y
setSize* Y Y Y Y Y
wait Y Y Y Y Y
wb Y Y Y Y Y
wbAll* Y Y Y Y Y
wbL1dAll Y Y Y Y Y
wbInv Y Y Y Y Y
wbInvAll Y Y Y Y Y
wbInvL1dAll Y Y Y Y Y
  • Hwi: API is callable from a Hwi thread.
  • Swi: API is callable from a Swi thread.
  • Task: API is callable from a Task thread.
  • Main: API is callable during any of these phases:
    • In your module startup after this module is started (e.g. Mod_Module_startupDone() returns TRUE).
    • During xdc.runtime.Startup.lastFxns.
    • During main().
    • During BIOS.startupFxns.
  • Startup: API is callable during any of these phases:
    • During xdc.runtime.Startup.firstFxns.
    • In your module startup before this module is started (e.g. Mod_Module_startupDone() returns FALSE).
  • *: These APIs are intended to be made at initialization time, but are not restricted to this.
enum Cache_L1Size

Level 1 cache size type definition. Can be used for both L1D & L1P

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Cache_L1Size {
    // Amount of cache is 0K, Amount of SRAM is 32K
    // Amount of cache is 4K, Amount of SRAM is 28K
    // Amount of cache is 8K, Amount of SRAM is 24K
    // Amount of cache is 16K, Amount of SRAM is 16K
    // Amount of cache is 32K, Amount of SRAM is 0K
} Cache_L1Size;
enum Cache_L2Size

Level 2 cache size type definition

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Cache_L2Size {
    // L2 is all SRAM
    // Amount of cache is 32K
    // Amount of cache is 64K
    // Amount of cache is 128K
    // Amount of cache is 256K
    // Amount of cache is 512K
    // Amount of cache is 1024K
} Cache_L2Size;
enum Cache_Mar

MAR register setting type definition

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Cache_Mar {
    // The Permit Copy bit of MAR register is disabled
    // The Permit Copy bit of MAR register is enabled
} Cache_Mar;
enum Cache_Mode

Lists of cache modes for L1/L2 caches

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Cache_Mode {
    // No new cache lines are allocated
    // All access result in long-distance access
    // Normal operation of cache
} Cache_Mode;
enum Cache_Type

Lists of bitmask cache types

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Cache_Type {
    // Level 1 Program cache
    // Level 1 Data cache
    // Level 1 caches
    // Level 2 Program cache
    // Level 2 Data cache
    // Level 2 caches
    // All Program caches
    // All Data caches
    // All caches
} Cache_Type;
struct Cache_Size

Structure for specifying all cache sizes

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Cache_Size {
    Cache_L1Size l1pSize;
    // L1 Program cache size
    Cache_L1Size l1dSize;
    // L1 Data data size
    Cache_L2Size l2Size;
    // L2 cache size
} Cache_Size;
config Cache_EMIFA_BASE  // module-wide

EMIF A base register address

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Cache_EMIFA_BASE;
By default, this is set to the emif A base register physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache_EMIFA_CFG  // module-wide

EMIF A configuration address

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt *Cache_EMIFA_CFG;
By default, this is set to the physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache_EMIFA_LENGTH  // module-wide

EMIF A address space length

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Cache_EMIFA_LENGTH;
config Cache_EMIFB_BASE  // module-wide

EMIF B base register address

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Cache_EMIFB_BASE;
By default, this is set to the emif B base register physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache_EMIFB_CFG  // module-wide

EMIF B configuration address

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt *Cache_EMIFB_CFG;
By default, this is set to the physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache_EMIFB_LENGTH  // module-wide

EMIF B address space length

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Cache_EMIFB_LENGTH;
config Cache_EMIFC_BASE  // module-wide

EMIF C base register address

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Cache_EMIFC_BASE;
By default, this is set to the emif C base register physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache_EMIFC_CFG  // module-wide

EMIF C configuration address

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt *Cache_EMIFC_CFG;
By default, this is set to the physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache_EMIFC_LENGTH  // module-wide

EMIF C address space length

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Cache_EMIFC_LENGTH;
config Cache_MAR0_31  // module-wide

MAR 00 - 31 register bitmask. (for addresses 0x00000000 - 0x1FFFFFFF)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_MAR0_31;
If undefined by the user, this parameter is configured to match the memory map of the platform. Each memory region defined in the platform will have all of its corresponding MAR bits set.
To override the default behavior you must initialize this parameter in your configuration script:
  // disable MAR bits for addresses 0x00000000 to 0x1FFFFFFF
  Cache.MAR0_31 = 0x00000000;
config Cache_MAR128_159  // module-wide

MAR 128 - 159 register bitmask (for addresses 0x80000000 - 0x9FFFFFFF)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_MAR128_159;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache_MAR160_191  // module-wide

MAR 160 - 191 register bitmask (for addresses 0xA0000000 - 0xBFFFFFFF)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_MAR160_191;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache_MAR192_223  // module-wide

MAR 192 - 223 register bitmask (for addresses 0xC0000000 - 0xDFFFFFFF)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_MAR192_223;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache_MAR224_255  // module-wide

MAR 224 - 255 register bitmask (for addresses 0xE0000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_MAR224_255;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache_MAR32_63  // module-wide

MAR 32 - 63 register bitmask (for addresses 0x20000000 - 0x3FFFFFFF)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_MAR32_63;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache_MAR64_95  // module-wide

MAR 64 - 95 register bitmask (for addresses 0x40000000 - 0x5FFFFFFF)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_MAR64_95;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache_MAR96_127  // module-wide

MAR 96 - 127 register bitmask (for addresses 0x60000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_MAR96_127;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache_initSize  // module-wide

Cache sizes

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Cache_Size Cache_initSize;
When this parameter is set in user's cfg script, user set cache sizes override those specified by the Cache module or the platform.
Cache_disable()  // module-wide

Disables the 'type' cache(s)

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_disable(Bits16 type);
type — bit mask of Cache type
Disabling of L2 cache is currently not supported.
Cache_enable()  // module-wide

Enables all cache(s)

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_enable(Bits16 type);
type — bit mask of Cache type
Cache_getMar()  // module-wide

Get the value of the MAR register defined for the specified base address

C synopsis target-domain
Cache_Mar Cache_getMar(Ptr baseAddr);
baseAddr — address for which MAR is requested
value of MAR register associated with specified address
Cache_getMode()  // module-wide

Get mode of a cache

C synopsis target-domain
Cache_Mode Cache_getMode(Bits16 type);
type — bit mask of cache type
mode of specified level of cache
Cache_getSize()  // module-wide

Get sizes of all caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_getSize(Cache_Size *size);
size — pointer to structure of type Cache_Size
Cache_inv()  // module-wide

Invalidate the range of memory within the specified starting address and byte count. The range of addresses operated on gets quantized to whole cache lines in each cache. All lines in range are invalidated for all the 'type' caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_inv(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
blockPtr — start address of range to be invalidated
byteCnt — number of bytes to be invalidated
type — bit mask of Cache type
wait — wait until the operation is completed
Cache_invL1pAll()  // module-wide

Invalidate all of L1 Program cache

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_invL1pAll();
Performs a global invalidate of L1P cache. Polls the L1P invalidate register until done.
Cache_setMar()  // module-wide

Set the MAR register(s) that corresponds to the specified address range

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_setMar(Ptr baseAddr, SizeT byteSize, Cache_Mar value);
baseAddr — start address for which to set MAR
byteSize — size (in bytes) of memory block
value — enum of type Cache_Mar
Cache_setMode()  // module-wide

Set mode of a cache

C synopsis target-domain
Cache_Mode Cache_setMode(Bits16 type, Cache_Mode mode);
type — bit mask of cache type
mode — mode of cache
previous mode of cache
Cache_setSize()  // module-wide

Set sizes of all caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_setSize(Cache_Size *size);
size — pointer to structure of type Cache_Size
Cache_wait()  // module-wide

Wait for a previous cache operation to complete

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wait();
Wait for the cache wb/wbInv/inv operation to complete. A cache operation is not truly complete until it has worked its way through all buffering and all memory writes have landed in the source memory.
Cache_wb()  // module-wide

Writes back a range of memory from all cache(s)

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wb(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
blockPtr — start address of range to be invalidated
byteCnt — number of bytes to be invalidated
type — bit mask of Cache type
wait — wait until the operation is completed
Writes back the range of memory within the specified starting address and byte count. The range of addresses operated on gets quantized to whole cache lines in each cache. All lines within the range are left valid in the 'type' caches and the data within the range will be written back to the source memory.
Cache_wbAll()  // module-wide

Write back all caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wbAll();
Perform a global write back. There is no effect on program cache. All data cache lines are left valid.
Perform a global write back. There is no effect on L1P cache. All cache lines are left valid in L1D cache and dirty lines in L1D cache are written back to L2 or external. All cache lines are left valid in L2 cache and dirty lines in L2 cache are written back to external. This function does not wait for write back operation to perculate through the whole memory system before returing. Call Cache_wait(), after this function if necessary.
Cache_wbInv()  // module-wide

Writes back and invalidates the range of memory within the specified starting address and byte count. The range of addresses operated on gets quantized to whole cache lines in each cache. All lines within the range are written back to the source memory and then invalidated for all 'type' caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wbInv(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
blockPtr — start address of range to be invalidated
byteCnt — number of bytes to be invalidated
type — bit mask of Cache type
wait — wait until the operation is completed
Cache_wbInvAll()  // module-wide

Write back invalidate all caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wbInvAll();
Performs a global write back and invalidate. All cache lines are written out to physical memory and then invalidated.
Performs a global write back and invalidate. All cache lines are invalidated in L1P cache. All dirty cache lines are written back to L2 or external and then invalidated in L1D cache. All dirty cache lines are written back to external and then invalidated in L2 cache. This function does not wait for write back operation to perculate through the whole memory system before returing. Call Cache_wait(), after this function if necessary.
Cache_wbInvL1dAll()  // module-wide

Write back invalidate L1D cache

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wbInvL1dAll();
Performs a global write back and invalidate of L1D cache. All dirty cache lines are written back to L2 or external and then invalidated in L1D cache. This function does not wait for write back operation to perculate through the whole memory system before returing. Call Cache_wait(), after this function if necessary.
Cache_wbL1dAll()  // module-wide

Write back L1D cache

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wbL1dAll();
Perform a global write back of L1D cache. There is no effect on L1P or L2 cache. All cache lines are left valid in L1D cache and the dirty lines in L1D cache are written back to L2 or external. This function does not wait for write back operation to perculate through the whole memory system before returing. Call Cache_wait(), after this function if necessary.
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Cache_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Cache_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Cache_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Cache_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Cache_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Cache_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Configuration settings sourced in ti/sysbios/family/c64p/Cache.xdc
var Cache = xdc.useModule('');
module-wide constants & types
        const Cache.L2Size_0K// L2 is all SRAM;
        const Cache.Type_L1D// Level 1 Data cache;
        const Cache.Type_L1// Level 1 caches;
        const Cache.Type_L2D// Level 2 Data cache;
        const Cache.Type_L2// Level 2 caches;
        const Cache.Type_ALLP// All Program caches;
        const Cache.Type_ALLD// All Data caches;
        const Cache.Type_ALL// All caches;
        obj.l1pSize// L1 Program cache size = Cache.L1Size  ...
        obj.l1dSize// L1 Data data size = Cache.L1Size  ...
        obj.l2Size// L2 cache size = Cache.L2Size  ...
module-wide config parameters
        l1pSize: Cache.L1Size_32K,
        l1dSize: Cache.L1Size_32K,
        l2Size: Cache.L2Size_0K
enum Cache.L1Size

Level 1 cache size type definition. Can be used for both L1D & L1P

Configuration settings
values of type Cache.L1Size
    const Cache.L1Size_0K;
    // Amount of cache is 0K, Amount of SRAM is 32K
    const Cache.L1Size_4K;
    // Amount of cache is 4K, Amount of SRAM is 28K
    const Cache.L1Size_8K;
    // Amount of cache is 8K, Amount of SRAM is 24K
    const Cache.L1Size_16K;
    // Amount of cache is 16K, Amount of SRAM is 16K
    const Cache.L1Size_32K;
    // Amount of cache is 32K, Amount of SRAM is 0K
enum Cache.L2Size

Level 2 cache size type definition

Configuration settings
values of type Cache.L2Size
    const Cache.L2Size_0K;
    // L2 is all SRAM
    const Cache.L2Size_32K;
    // Amount of cache is 32K
    const Cache.L2Size_64K;
    // Amount of cache is 64K
    const Cache.L2Size_128K;
    // Amount of cache is 128K
    const Cache.L2Size_256K;
    // Amount of cache is 256K
    const Cache.L2Size_512K;
    // Amount of cache is 512K
    const Cache.L2Size_1024K;
    // Amount of cache is 1024K
enum Cache.Mar

MAR register setting type definition

Configuration settings
values of type Cache.Mar
    const Cache.Mar_DISABLE;
    // The Permit Copy bit of MAR register is disabled
    const Cache.Mar_ENABLE;
    // The Permit Copy bit of MAR register is enabled
enum Cache.Mode

Lists of cache modes for L1/L2 caches

Configuration settings
values of type Cache.Mode
    const Cache.Mode_FREEZE;
    // No new cache lines are allocated
    const Cache.Mode_BYPASS;
    // All access result in long-distance access
    const Cache.Mode_NORMAL;
    // Normal operation of cache
enum Cache.Type

Lists of bitmask cache types

Configuration settings
values of type Cache.Type
    const Cache.Type_L1P;
    // Level 1 Program cache
    const Cache.Type_L1D;
    // Level 1 Data cache
    const Cache.Type_L1;
    // Level 1 caches
    const Cache.Type_L2P;
    // Level 2 Program cache
    const Cache.Type_L2D;
    // Level 2 Data cache
    const Cache.Type_L2;
    // Level 2 caches
    const Cache.Type_ALLP;
    // All Program caches
    const Cache.Type_ALLD;
    // All Data caches
    const Cache.Type_ALL;
    // All caches
struct Cache.Size

Structure for specifying all cache sizes

Configuration settings
var obj = new Cache.Size;
    obj.l1pSize = Cache.L1Size  ...
    // L1 Program cache size
    obj.l1dSize = Cache.L1Size  ...
    // L1 Data data size
    obj.l2Size = Cache.L2Size  ...
    // L2 cache size
config Cache.EMIFA_BASE  // module-wide

EMIF A base register address

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFA_BASE = UInt undefined;
By default, this is set to the emif A base register physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache.EMIFA_CFG  // module-wide

EMIF A configuration address

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFA_CFG = UInt* undefined;
By default, this is set to the physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache.EMIFA_LENGTH  // module-wide

EMIF A address space length

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFA_LENGTH = UInt undefined;
config Cache.EMIFB_BASE  // module-wide

EMIF B base register address

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFB_BASE = UInt undefined;
By default, this is set to the emif B base register physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache.EMIFB_CFG  // module-wide

EMIF B configuration address

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFB_CFG = UInt* undefined;
By default, this is set to the physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache.EMIFB_LENGTH  // module-wide

EMIF B address space length

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFB_LENGTH = UInt undefined;
config Cache.EMIFC_BASE  // module-wide

EMIF C base register address

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFC_BASE = UInt undefined;
By default, this is set to the emif C base register physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache.EMIFC_CFG  // module-wide

EMIF C configuration address

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFC_CFG = UInt* undefined;
By default, this is set to the physical address. On devices with a MMU where the physical address is mapped to a virtual address, the virtual address must be specified here.
config Cache.EMIFC_LENGTH  // module-wide

EMIF C address space length

Configuration settings
Cache.EMIFC_LENGTH = UInt undefined;
config Cache.MAR0_31  // module-wide

MAR 00 - 31 register bitmask. (for addresses 0x00000000 - 0x1FFFFFFF)

Configuration settings
Cache.MAR0_31 = UInt32 undefined;
If undefined by the user, this parameter is configured to match the memory map of the platform. Each memory region defined in the platform will have all of its corresponding MAR bits set.
To override the default behavior you must initialize this parameter in your configuration script:
  // disable MAR bits for addresses 0x00000000 to 0x1FFFFFFF
  Cache.MAR0_31 = 0x00000000;
config Cache.MAR128_159  // module-wide

MAR 128 - 159 register bitmask (for addresses 0x80000000 - 0x9FFFFFFF)

Configuration settings
Cache.MAR128_159 = UInt32 undefined;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache.MAR160_191  // module-wide

MAR 160 - 191 register bitmask (for addresses 0xA0000000 - 0xBFFFFFFF)

Configuration settings
Cache.MAR160_191 = UInt32 undefined;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache.MAR192_223  // module-wide

MAR 192 - 223 register bitmask (for addresses 0xC0000000 - 0xDFFFFFFF)

Configuration settings
Cache.MAR192_223 = UInt32 undefined;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache.MAR224_255  // module-wide

MAR 224 - 255 register bitmask (for addresses 0xE0000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF)

Configuration settings
Cache.MAR224_255 = UInt32 undefined;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache.MAR32_63  // module-wide

MAR 32 - 63 register bitmask (for addresses 0x20000000 - 0x3FFFFFFF)

Configuration settings
Cache.MAR32_63 = UInt32 undefined;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache.MAR64_95  // module-wide

MAR 64 - 95 register bitmask (for addresses 0x40000000 - 0x5FFFFFFF)

Configuration settings
Cache.MAR64_95 = UInt32 undefined;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache.MAR96_127  // module-wide

MAR 96 - 127 register bitmask (for addresses 0x60000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF)

Configuration settings
Cache.MAR96_127 = UInt32 undefined;
see MAR0_31 for more info
config Cache.initSize  // module-wide

Cache sizes

Configuration settings
Cache.initSize = Cache.Size {
    l1pSize: Cache.L1Size_32K,
    l1dSize: Cache.L1Size_32K,
    l2Size: Cache.L2Size_0K
When this parameter is set in user's cfg script, user set cache sizes override those specified by the Cache module or the platform.
metaonly config Cache.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
Cache.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
generated on Thu, 21 Apr 2016 21:00:29 GMT