TI-RTOS Drivers  tidrivers_tivac_2_16_01_13
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions
List.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Linked List interface for use in drivers.


This module provides simple doubly-link list implementation. There are two main structures:

The following shows how to create a linked list with three elements.

+ denotes null-terminated
_______ _______ _______ _______
,----|_______| ,-|_______|<-----|_______|<---|_______|<-//-, +
| List + elem elem elem |

The APIs List_get, List_put, and List_putHead are atomic. The other APIs are not necessarily atomic. In other words, when traversing a linked list, it is up to the application to provide thread-safety (e.g. HwiP_disable/restore or MutexP_pend/post).

Initializing and adding an element to the tail and removing it

typedef struct MyStruct {
List_Elem elem;
void *buffer;
} MyStruct;
List_List list;
MyStruct foo;
MyStruct *bar;
List_put(&list, (List_Elem *)&foo);
bar = (MyStruct *)List_get(&list);

The List_put and List_get APIs are used to maintain a first-in first-out (FIFO) linked list.

The List_putHead and List_get APIs are used to maintain a last-in first-out (LIFO) linked list.

Traversing a list from head to tail. Note: thread-safety calls are not shown here.

List_List list;
List_Elem *temp;
for (temp = List_head(&list); temp != NULL; temp = List_next(temp)) {
printf("address = 0x%x\n", temp);

Traversing a list from tail to head. Note: thread-safety calls are not shown here.

List_List list;
List_Elem *temp;
for (temp = List_tail(&list); temp != NULL; temp = List_prev(temp)) {
printf("address = 0x%x\n", temp);

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
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Data Structures

struct  List_Elem
struct  List_List


typedef struct List_Elem List_Elem
typedef struct List_List List_List


void List_clearList (List_List *list)
 Function to initialize the contents of a List_List. More...
bool List_empty (List_List *list)
 Function to test whether a linked list is empty. More...
List_ElemList_get (List_List *list)
 Function to atomically get the first elem in a linked list. More...
List_ElemList_head (List_List *list)
 Function to return the head of a linked list. More...
void List_insert (List_List *list, List_Elem *newElem, List_Elem *curElem)
 Function to insert an elem into a linked list. More...
List_ElemList_next (List_Elem *elem)
 Function to return the next elem in a linked list. More...
List_ElemList_prev (List_Elem *elem)
 Function to return the prev elem in a linked list. More...
void List_put (List_List *list, List_Elem *elem)
 Function to atomically put an elem onto the end of a linked list. More...
void List_putHead (List_List *list, List_Elem *elem)
 Function to atomically put an elem onto the head of a linked list. More...
void List_remove (List_List *list, List_Elem *elem)
 Function to remove an elem from a linked list. More...
List_ElemList_tail (List_List *list)
 Function to return the tail of a linked list. More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct List_Elem List_Elem
typedef struct List_List List_List

Function Documentation

void List_clearList ( List_List list)

Function to initialize the contents of a List_List.

listPointer to a List_List structure that will be used to maintain a linked list
bool List_empty ( List_List list)

Function to test whether a linked list is empty.

listA pointer to a linked list
true if empty, false if not empty
List_Elem* List_get ( List_List list)

Function to atomically get the first elem in a linked list.

listA pointer to a linked list
Pointer the first elem in the linked list or NULL if empty
List_Elem* List_head ( List_List list)

Function to return the head of a linked list.

This function does not remove the head, it simply returns a pointer to it. This function is typically used when traversing a linked list.

listA pointer to the linked list
Pointer to the first elem in the linked list or NULL if empty
void List_insert ( List_List list,
List_Elem newElem,
List_Elem curElem 

Function to insert an elem into a linked list.

listA pointer to the linked list
newElemNew elem to insert
curElemElem to insert the newElem in front of. This value cannot be NULL.
List_Elem* List_next ( List_Elem elem)

Function to return the next elem in a linked list.

This function does not remove the elem, it simply returns a pointer to next one. This function is typically used when traversing a linked list.

elemElem in the list
Pointer to the next elem in linked list or NULL if at the end
List_Elem* List_prev ( List_Elem elem)

Function to return the prev elem in a linked list.

This function does not remove the elem, it simply returns a pointer to prev one. This function is typically used when traversing a linked list.

elemElem in the list
Pointer to the prev elem in linked list or NULL if at the beginning
void List_put ( List_List list,
List_Elem elem 

Function to atomically put an elem onto the end of a linked list.

listA pointer to the linked list
elemElement to place onto the end of the linked list
void List_putHead ( List_List list,
List_Elem elem 

Function to atomically put an elem onto the head of a linked list.

listA pointer to the linked list
elemElement to place onto the beginning of the linked list
void List_remove ( List_List list,
List_Elem elem 

Function to remove an elem from a linked list.

listA pointer to the linked list
elemElement to be removed from a linked list
List_Elem* List_tail ( List_List list)

Function to return the tail of a linked list.

This function does not remove the tail, it simply returns a pointer to it. This function is typically used when traversing a linked list.

listA pointer to the linked list
Pointer to the last elem in the linked list or NULL if empty
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