TI-RTOS Drivers  tidrivers_msp43x_2_16_01_13
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PIN.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Generic PIN & GPIO driver.

To use the PIN driver ensure that the correct TI-RTOS driver library for your device is linked in and include this header file:

#include <ti/drivers/PIN.h>

In order to use device-specific functionality or to use the size/speed- optimized versions of some of the PIN driver functions that circumvent error and resource checking, link in the correct TI-RTOS driver library for your device and include the device-specific PIN driver header file (which in turn includes PIN.h). As an example for the CC26xx family of devices:

#include <ti/drivers/pin/PINCC26xx.h>


The PIN driver allows clients (applications or other drivers) to allocate and control the I/O pins on the device. The pins can either be software- controlled general-purpose I/O (GPIO) or connected to hardware peripherals. Furthermore, the PIN driver allows clients to configure interrupt functionality on the pins to receive callbacks (and potentially wake up from the standby or idle power modes) on configurable signal edges.

Most other drivers rely on functionality in the PIN driver.


In order to provide a generic driver interface, this file (PIN.h) only defines the API and some common data types and macros of the driver. A PIN client (application or driver) can in most cases only use the generic PIN API, however, for more advanced usage where device-specific pin configuration is used or device-specific PIN driver API extensions are used must use the device-specific PIN driver API.

The device-independent API is implemented as function calls with pin access control based on the PIN client handle. For time-critical applications the device-specific API can be used directly, as these API functions are implemented as inlined functions without access control.


The PIN module provides the following functionality:

Pin Allocation

The purpose of being able to allocate pins to a pin set is to:

API function Description
PIN_open() Allocate pins to a set, returns handle
PIN_add() Add pin to pin set for open PIN handle
PIN_remove() Removes pin from pin set for open PIN handle
PIN_close() Deallocate pin set, revert to original GPIO state


Pins that are to be used as software-controlled general-purpose I/O (GPIO) need to be allocated in the same manner as for pins that will be mapped to hardware peripheral ports. A pin set requested with a PIN_open() call may contain a mix of pins to be used for GPIO and hardware-mapped pins.

When a pin is deallocated using PIN_close() it reverts to the GPIO configuration it was given in the initial call to PIN_init().

API function Description
PIN_init() Initialize I/O pins to a safe GPIO state
PIN_open() Allocate pins to a set, returns handle
PIN_close() Deallocate pin set, revert to original GPIO state
PIN_setConfig() Sets parts of or complete pin configuration
PIN_getConfig() Returns pin configuration
PIN_setOutputEnable()Control output enable of GPIO pin
PIN_getInputValue() Read input value on pin
PIN_setOutputValue() Set output value of GPIO pin
PIN_getOutputValue() Get current output value of GPIO pin

GPIO Ports

Sometimes it is necessary to be able to read from, write to or control multiple pins simultaneously (in time). The PIN driver allows a set of allocated pins, if they reside on the same GPIO port in the underlying hardware, to be manipulated simultaneously.

API function Description
PIN_open() Allocate pins to a set, returns handle
PIN_close() Deallocate pin set, revert to original GPIO state
PIN_getPortMask() Returns bitmask for allocated pins in GPIO port
PIN_getPortInputValue() Returns input value of whole GPIO port
PIN_setPortOutputValue() Sets output value of whole GPIO port (masked)
PIN_getPortOutputValue() Get current output value of whole GPIO port
PIN_setPortOutputValue() Sets output value of whole GPIO port (masked)
PIN_setPortOutputEnable()Sets output enable of whole GPIO port (masked)

I/O Pin Configuration

Different devices provide different levels of configurability of I/O pins. The PIN driver provides a fairly extensive set of generic IO configuration options that are device-independent, all of which might not be supported by the underlying device-specific PIN driver and hardware. Likewise, the underlying device-specific PIN driver and hardware might support additional configuration options not covered by the generic options.

To allow both independence from and flexibility to use features on the target device, the PIN_Config entries used by the PIN driver allows use of either a set of generic PIN configuration options or a device-specific set of PIN configuration options defined in the underlying device-specific PIN driver (e.g. PINCC26XX.h)

Mapping to GPIO or Peripheral

Since the amount of flexibilty in which peripherals can be mapped to which pins and the manner in which this needs to be set up is highly device-specific, functions for configuring this is not part of the generic PIN driver API but is left to be implemented by device-specific PIN drivers. See the relevant device-specific PIN driver (e.g. PINCC26XX.h) for details.

Input Mode

The input mode of a pin controls:

API function Description
PIN_init() Initialize IOs to a safe GPIO state
PIN_getConfig() Returns pin configuration
PIN_setConfig() Sets parts of or complete pin configuration

Output Mode

The output mode of a pin controls:

API function Description
PIN_init() Initialize IOs to a safe GPIO state
PIN_setOutputEnable()Control output enable of GPIO pins
PIN_getConfig() Returns pin configuration
PIN_setConfig() Sets parts of or complete pin configuration

Pin Interrupt and Pin Wakeup

Pin interrupts are used to process asynchronous signal edge events on pins and potentially wake the device up from low power sleep modes. To use pin interrupts the relevant pins must be allocated and a interrupt callback registered by the client. The callback function will be called in a SWI context.

API function Description
PIN_init() Initialize IOs to a safe GPIO state
PIN_getConfig() Returns pin configuration
PIN_setConfig() Sets parts of or complete pin configuration
PIN_setInterrupt() Control interrupt enable and edge for pin
PIN_registerIntCb() Register callback function for a set of pins
PIN_setUserArg() Sets a user argument associated with the handle
PIN_getUserArg() Gets a user argument associated with the handle

PIN Data Types

The PIN driver defines the following data types:

PIN Config Flags/Fields and Bitmasks

The PIN driver uses the PIN_Config data type many places and it merits some additional attention. A PIN_Config value consists of a collection of flags and fields that define how an I/O pin and its attached GPIO interface should behave electrically and logically. In addition a PIN_Config value also embeds a PIN_Id pin ID, identifying which pin it refers to.

A PIN_Config value can use one of two mutually exclusive sets of flags and fields: device-independent options defined in PIN.h or device-dependent options defined in the device-specific implementation of the PIN driver interface. Any function that uses PIN_Config will accept both option types, just not at the same time. PIN_getConfig() always returns device-independent options, an additional device-specific version (e.g. PINCC26XX_getConfig()) might return device-specific options.

The bitmask argument for PIN_setConfig() decides which of the options the call should affect. All other options are kept at their current values in hardware. Thus PIN_setConfig(hPins, PIN_BM_PULLING, PIN_BM_PULLUP) will only change the pullup/pulldown configuration of the pin, leaving everything else, such as for instance output enable, input hysteresis or output value, untouched. For PIN_Config lists (as supplied to PIN_init() for instance) there is no mask, so all options will affect the pin.

Some of the options affect the pin regardless of whether it is mapped to a hardware peripheral or GPIO and some options only take effect when it is mapped to GPIO. These latter options have _GPIO_ in their names.

The default value for a flag/field is indicated with a star (*) in the description of the options and will be applied if any explicit value is not supplied for a flag/field that is masked.

The available options can be grouped into categories as follows:

Input Mode Options

Option Option bitmask HW/GPIO Description
PIN_INPUT_EN (*) PIN_BM_INPUT_EN Both Enable pin input buffer
PIN_INPUT_DIS PIN_BM_INPUT_EN Both Disable pin input buffer
PIN_HYSTERESIS PIN_BM_HYSTERESIS Both Enable hysteresis on input
PIN_NOPULL (*) PIN_BM_PULLING Both No pullup/pulldown
PIN_BM_INPUT_MODE Mask for all input mode options

Output Mode Options

Option Option bitmask HW/GPIO Description
PIN_PUSHPULL (*) PIN_BM_OUTPUT_BUF Both Use push-pull output buffer
PIN_OPENDRAIN PIN_BM_OUTPUT_BUF Both Use open drain output buffer
PIN_OPENSOURCE PIN_BM_OUTPUT_BUF Both Use open source output buffer
PIN_SLEWCTRL PIN_BM_SLEWCTRL Both Enable output buffer slew control
PIN_DRVSTR_MIN (*) PIN_BM_DRVSTR Both Output buffer uses min drive
PIN_DRVSTR_MED PIN_BM_DRVSTR Both Output buffer uses medium drive
PIN_DRVSTR_MAX PIN_BM_DRVSTR Both Output buffer uses max drive
PIN_BM_OUTPUT_MODE Mask for all output mode options

Misc Options

Option Option bitmask HW/GPIO Description
PIN_INV_INOUT PIN_BM_INV_INOUT Both Invert input/output
PIN_IRQ_DIS (*) PIN_BM_IRQ Both Disable pin interrupts
PIN_IRQ_NEGEDGE PIN_BM_IRQ Both Pin interrupts on negative edges
PIN_IRQ_POSEDGE PIN_BM_IRQ Both Pin interrupts on negative edges
PIN_IRQ_BOTHEDGES PIN_BM_IRQ Both Pin interrupts on both edges
PIN_BM_ALL Mask for all options


The PIN driver must be initialized before any other drivers are initialized. In order for IO pins to get a safe value as soon as possible PIN_init() should be called as early as possible in the boot sequence. Typically, PIN_init() is called at the start of main() before TI-RTOS is started with BIOS_start().

PIN_init() takes as an argument a PIN_Config list containing default pin configurations. Typically the PIN_Config list defined in the board files is used:


It is possible, however, to use another PIN_Config list if desired.

Power Management Interaction

No specific interaction with power management module, as PIN is independent of power mode.

Functionality Not Supported

There is no known unsupported functionality.


The pin driver does not use any of the instrumentation facilities.

Usage Examples

Initialization and Pin Allocation

Example that illustrates when and how to call PIN_init(), PIN_open(), PIN_add(), PIN_close()

// Default pin configuration. Typically resides in Board.c file.
// IOs not mentioned here configured to default: input/output/pull disabled
PIN_Config BoardGpioInitTable[] = {
// DIO11: LED A (initially off)
// DIO10: LED B (initially off)
// DIO23: BUTTON A (ensure pull-up as button A is also used by other ICs)
// DIO3: LCD controller reset line (make sure LCD is in reset)
// Terminate list
Task_Struct taskStart;
uint8_t taskStartStack[512];
// PIN_init() should be called as early as possible in boot
void main() {
// Default initialization of IO
// Configure startup task
Task_Params taskParams;
taskParams.stack = taskStartStack;
taskParams.stackSize = sizeof(taskStartStack);
Task_construct(&taskStart, taskStartFxn, &taskParams, NULL);
// Start kernel (never returns)
// Human user interface PIN state/handle
PIN_State hStateHui;
#define HUI_LED_A PIN_ID(11)
#define HUI_LED_B PIN_ID(10)
#define HUI_LED_C PIN_ID(9)
#define HUI_BUTTON_A PIN_ID(23)
#define HUI_BUTTON_B PIN_ID(24)
static void taskStartFxn(UArg a0, UArg a1) {
// Define pins used by Human user interface and initial configuration
const PIN_Config aPinListHui[] = {
// Get handle to this collection of pins
if (!PIN_open(&hStateHui, aPinListHui)) {
// Handle allocation error
// ...
// We can also add (and remove) pins to a set at run time
PIN_Status status = PIN_add(
if (status != PIN_SUCCESS) {
// Handling allocation error is especially important with PIN_add()
// ...
// Before ending task, make sure to deallocate pins. They will return
// to the default configurations provided in PIN_init()

Application use of GPIO

An example of using GPIO that builds on the previous example. Illustrates how to read input values, set output values and control output enable

void huiDoSomething() {
// Running lights on LEDs A-B-C (left to right). Button A causes left
// movement, button B causes right movement, both simultaneously aborts
// and disables LED output drivers
// LED initial state (A off, B off, C on). Only our outputs are affected
PIN_setPortOutputValue(&hStateHui, (1<<HUI_LED_C));
int32_t moveDir = -1; // <0: left, 0: stop, >0 right
while (moveDir) {
// Update LEDs
if (moveDir<0) {
// Left movement
uint32_t t = PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_A);
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_A, PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_B));
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_B, PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_C));
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_C, t);
} else {
// Right movement
uint32_t t = PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_C);
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_C, PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_B));
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_B, PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_A));
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_A, t);
// Sleep for 333 ms
// Read input from both buttons simultaneously
uint32_t buttons = PIN_getPortInputValue(&hStateHui);
if (buttons&(1<<HUI_BUTTON_A) == 0) {
moveDir = -1;
} else if (buttons&(1<<HUI_BUTTON_A) == 0) {
moveDir = 1;
} else if (buttons&((1<<HUI_BUTTON_A)|(1<<HUI_BUTTON_A))) {
moveDir = 0;
// Disable output enable for all pins (only our pins affected)
PIN_setPortOutputEnable(&hStateHui, 0);

Pin Interrupt

An example that handles pin inputs in the GPIO example above using PIN interrupts instead:

// volatile variable used to communicate between callback and task
static volatile int32_t moveDir = -1; // <0: left, 0: stop, >0 right
// Pin interrupt callback
void huiPinIntCb(PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Id pinId) {
// Ignore pinId and read input from both buttons simultaneously
uint32_t buttons = PIN_getPortInputValue(&hStateHui);
if (buttons&(1<<HUI_BUTTON_A) == 0) {
moveDir = -1;
} else if (buttons&(1<<HUI_BUTTON_A) == 0) {
moveDir = 1;
} else if (buttons&((1<<HUI_BUTTON_A)|(1<<HUI_BUTTON_A))) {
moveDir = 0;
void huiDoSomething() {
// Running lights on LEDs A-B-C (left to right). Button A causes left
// movement, button B causes right movement, both simultaneously aborts
// and disables LED output drivers
// LED initial state (A off, B off, C on). Only our outputs are affected
PIN_setPortOutputValue(&hStateHui, (1<<HUI_LED_C));
moveDir = -1; // <0: left, 0: stop, >0 right
// Setup pin interrupts and register callback
PIN_registerIntCb(&hStateHui, huiPinIntCb);
PIN_setInterrupt(&hStateHui, HUI_BUTTON_A | PIN_IRQ_NEGEDGE);
PIN_setInterrupt(&hStateHui, HUI_BUTTON_B | PIN_IRQ_NEGEDGE);
while (moveDir) {
// Update LEDs
if (moveDir<0) {
// Left movement
uint32_t t = PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_A);
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_A, PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_B));
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_B, PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_C));
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_C, t);
} else {
// Right movement
uint32_t t = PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_C);
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_C, PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_B));
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_B, PIN_getOutputValue(HUI_LED_A));
PIN_setOutputValue(&hStateHui, HUI_LED_A, t);
// Sleep for 333 ms (we will likely go into standby)
// Disable output enable for all pins (only our pins affected)
PIN_setPortOutputEnable(&hStateHui, 0);
// Disable pin interrupts
PIN_setInterrupt(&hStateHui, HUI_BUTTON_A | PIN_IRQ_DIS);
PIN_setInterrupt(&hStateHui, HUI_BUTTON_B | PIN_IRQ_DIS);
#include <xdc/std.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
Include dependency graph for PIN.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  PIN_State_s
 underlying data structure for type PIN_State More...


 Pin ID used to indicate no pin. More...
#define PIN_TERMINATE   0xFE
 Pin ID used to terminate a list of PIN_Id or PIN_Config entries. More...
#define PIN_ID(x)   ((x)&0xFF)
 Macro for inserting or extracting a PIN_Id in a PIN_Config entry. More...
Generic PIN_Config flags/fields

Generic (i.e. not device-specific) fields/flags for I/O configuration for use in PIN_Config entries. All of these generic options may not be supported by the underlying device-specific PIN driver. A PIN_Config entry may use either these generic fields/flags or device-specific ones defined in the device-specific PIN-driver, but may not mix the two.

The entries starting with PIN_BM_ are bitmasks used to extract individual fields obtained from PIN_getConfig() or to pass as a parameter to PIN_setConfig()to define which options it should set.

A star (*) in the descriptions below means the default if no option is supplied.

#define PIN_GEN   (((uint32_t)1)<<31)
 Flags that generic options are used. More...
#define PIN_INPUT_EN   (PIN_GEN|(0<<29))
 (*) Enable input buffer More...
#define PIN_INPUT_DIS   (PIN_GEN|(1<<29))
 Disable input buffer. More...
#define PIN_HYSTERESIS   (PIN_GEN|(1<<30))
 Enable input buffer hysteresis. More...
#define PIN_NOPULL   (PIN_GEN|(0<<13))
 (*) No pull-up or pull-down resistor More...
#define PIN_PULLUP   (PIN_GEN|(1<<13))
 Pull-up resistor enabled. More...
#define PIN_PULLDOWN   (PIN_GEN|(2<<13))
 Pull-down resistor enabled. More...
#define PIN_BM_INPUT_EN   (1<<29)
 Bitmask for input enable option. More...
#define PIN_BM_HYSTERESIS   (1<<30)
 Bitmask input hysteresis option. More...
#define PIN_BM_PULLING   (0x3<<13)
 Bitmask for pull-up/pull-down options. More...
 Bitmask for all input mode options. More...
#define PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_DIS   (PIN_GEN|(0<<23))
 (*) Disable output buffer when GPIO More...
#define PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN   (PIN_GEN|(1<<23))
 Enable output buffer when GPIO. More...
#define PIN_GPIO_LOW   (PIN_GEN|(0<<22))
 Output buffer drives to VSS when GPIO. More...
#define PIN_GPIO_HIGH   (PIN_GEN|(1<<22))
 Output buffer drives to VDD when GPIO. More...
#define PIN_PUSHPULL   (PIN_GEN|(0<<25))
 (*) Output buffer mode: push/pull More...
#define PIN_OPENDRAIN   (PIN_GEN|(2<<25))
 Output buffer mode: open drain. More...
#define PIN_OPENSOURCE   (PIN_GEN|(3<<25))
 Output buffer mode: open source. More...
#define PIN_SLEWCTRL   (PIN_GEN|(1<<12))
 Enable output buffer slew control. More...
#define PIN_DRVSTR_MIN   (PIN_GEN|(0x0<<8))
 (*) Lowest drive strength More...
#define PIN_DRVSTR_MED   (PIN_GEN|(0x4<<8))
 Medium drive strength. More...
#define PIN_DRVSTR_MAX   (PIN_GEN|(0x8<<8))
 Highest drive strength. More...
#define PIN_BM_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN   (1<<23)
 Bitmask for output enable option. More...
#define PIN_BM_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL   (1<<22)
 Bitmask for output value option. More...
#define PIN_BM_OUTPUT_BUF   (0x3<<25)
 Bitmask for output buffer options. More...
#define PIN_BM_SLEWCTRL   (0x1<<12)
 Bitmask for slew control options. More...
#define PIN_BM_DRVSTR   (0xF<<8)
 Bitmask for drive strength options. More...
 Bitmask for all output mode options. More...
#define PIN_INV_INOUT   (PIN_GEN|(1<<24))
 Logically invert input and output. More...
#define PIN_BM_INV_INOUT   (1<<24)
 Bitmask for input/output inversion option. More...
#define PIN_IRQ_DIS   (PIN_GEN|(0x0<<16))
 (*) Disable IRQ on pin More...
#define PIN_IRQ_NEGEDGE   (PIN_GEN|(0x5<<16))
 Enable IRQ on negative edge. More...
#define PIN_IRQ_POSEDGE   (PIN_GEN|(0x6<<16))
 Enable IRQ on positive edge. More...
#define PIN_IRQ_BOTHEDGES   (PIN_GEN|(0x7<<16))
 Enable IRQ on both edges. More...
#define PIN_BM_IRQ   (0x7<<16)
 Bitmask for pin interrupt option. More...
 Bitmask for all options at once. More...


typedef unsigned int uint_t
typedef int int_t
typedef uint8_t PIN_Id
 Pin identifier data type. More...
typedef uint32_t PIN_Config
 Pin configuration data type with embedded pin identifier. More...
typedef struct PIN_State_s PIN_State
 Struct used to store PIN client state Pointer to a PIN_State is used as handles (PIN_Handle) in interactions with the I/O driver. More...
typedef PIN_StatePIN_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a PIN_open() call Used for further PIN client interaction with the PIN driver. More...
typedef void(* PIN_IntCb) (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Id pinId)
 I/O Interrupt callback function pointer type One PIN Interrupt callback can be registered by each PIN client and it will be called when one of the pins allocated by the client has an interrupt event. The callback is called from HWI context with handle and pin ID as arguments. More...


enum  PIN_Status {
 Return value for many functions in the PIN driver interface. More...


PIN_Status PIN_init (const PIN_Config aPinCfg[])
 PIN module initialization. More...
PIN_Handle PIN_open (PIN_State *pState, const PIN_Config aPinList[])
 Allocate one or more pins for a driver or an application. More...
PIN_Status PIN_add (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Config pinCfg)
 Add pin to pin set for open PIN handle. More...
PIN_Status PIN_remove (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Id pinId)
 Removes pin from pin set foropen PIN handle. More...
void PIN_close (PIN_Handle handle)
 Deallocate all pins previously allocated with a call to PIN_open(). More...
Pin Manipulation/Configuration Functions

Functions that are used to manipulate the configuration of I/O pins and to get input values and set output values.

uint_t PIN_getInputValue (PIN_Id pinId)
 Get pin input value (0/1) More...
PIN_Status PIN_setOutputEnable (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Id pinId, bool bOutEn)
 Control output enable for GPIO pin. More...
PIN_Status PIN_setOutputValue (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Id pinId, uint_t val)
 Control output value for GPIO pin. More...
uint_t PIN_getOutputValue (PIN_Id pinId)
 Get value of GPIO pin output buffer. More...
PIN_Status PIN_setInterrupt (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Config pinCfg)
 Control interrupt enable and edge for pin. More...
PIN_Status PIN_clrPendInterrupt (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Id pinId)
 Clear pending interrupt for pin, if any. More...
PIN_Status PIN_registerIntCb (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_IntCb pCb)
 Register callback function for a set of pins. More...
PIN_Config PIN_getConfig (PIN_Id pinId)
 Returns pin configuration. More...
PIN_Status PIN_setConfig (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Config bmMask, PIN_Config pinCfg)
 Sets complete pin configuration. More...
IO Port Functions

Functions used to get input values for, set ouput values for and set output enables for multiple pins at a time. The size of so-called I/O ports that allows such multiple-pin operations are highly device dependent. In order to use the I/O port functions a set of pins that reside in the same I/O port must have been allocated previously with PIN_open().

uint_t PIN_getPortMask (PIN_Handle handle)
 Returns bitmask indicating pins allocated to client in GPIO port. More...
uint_t PIN_getPortInputValue (PIN_Handle handle)
 Read input value of whole GPIO port. More...
uint_t PIN_getPortOutputValue (PIN_Handle handle)
 Returns value of whole GPIO port's output buffers. More...
PIN_Status PIN_setPortOutputValue (PIN_Handle handle, uint_t bmOutVal)
 Simultaneous write output buffer values of all allocated pins in GPIO port. More...
PIN_Status PIN_setPortOutputEnable (PIN_Handle handle, uint_t bmOutEn)
 Set output enable for all pins allocated to client in GPIO port. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


Pin ID used to indicate no pin.

#define PIN_TERMINATE   0xFE

Pin ID used to terminate a list of PIN_Id or PIN_Config entries.

#define PIN_ID (   x)    ((x)&0xFF)

Macro for inserting or extracting a PIN_Id in a PIN_Config entry.

3 PIN_setConfig(hPins, PIN_BM_OUTPUT_MODE, pinCfg);
4 // Trigger IRQ
5 PIN_setOutputValue(hPins, PIN_ID(pinCfg), 1);
#define PIN_GEN   (((uint32_t)1)<<31)

Flags that generic options are used.

#define PIN_INPUT_EN   (PIN_GEN|(0<<29))

(*) Enable input buffer

#define PIN_INPUT_DIS   (PIN_GEN|(1<<29))

Disable input buffer.

#define PIN_HYSTERESIS   (PIN_GEN|(1<<30))

Enable input buffer hysteresis.

#define PIN_NOPULL   (PIN_GEN|(0<<13))

(*) No pull-up or pull-down resistor

#define PIN_PULLUP   (PIN_GEN|(1<<13))

Pull-up resistor enabled.

#define PIN_PULLDOWN   (PIN_GEN|(2<<13))

Pull-down resistor enabled.

#define PIN_BM_INPUT_EN   (1<<29)

Bitmask for input enable option.

#define PIN_BM_HYSTERESIS   (1<<30)

Bitmask input hysteresis option.

#define PIN_BM_PULLING   (0x3<<13)

Bitmask for pull-up/pull-down options.


Bitmask for all input mode options.

#define PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_DIS   (PIN_GEN|(0<<23))

(*) Disable output buffer when GPIO

#define PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN   (PIN_GEN|(1<<23))

Enable output buffer when GPIO.

#define PIN_GPIO_LOW   (PIN_GEN|(0<<22))

Output buffer drives to VSS when GPIO.

#define PIN_GPIO_HIGH   (PIN_GEN|(1<<22))

Output buffer drives to VDD when GPIO.

#define PIN_PUSHPULL   (PIN_GEN|(0<<25))

(*) Output buffer mode: push/pull

#define PIN_OPENDRAIN   (PIN_GEN|(2<<25))

Output buffer mode: open drain.

#define PIN_OPENSOURCE   (PIN_GEN|(3<<25))

Output buffer mode: open source.

#define PIN_SLEWCTRL   (PIN_GEN|(1<<12))

Enable output buffer slew control.

#define PIN_DRVSTR_MIN   (PIN_GEN|(0x0<<8))

(*) Lowest drive strength

#define PIN_DRVSTR_MED   (PIN_GEN|(0x4<<8))

Medium drive strength.

#define PIN_DRVSTR_MAX   (PIN_GEN|(0x8<<8))

Highest drive strength.

#define PIN_BM_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN   (1<<23)

Bitmask for output enable option.

#define PIN_BM_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL   (1<<22)

Bitmask for output value option.

#define PIN_BM_OUTPUT_BUF   (0x3<<25)

Bitmask for output buffer options.

#define PIN_BM_SLEWCTRL   (0x1<<12)

Bitmask for slew control options.

#define PIN_BM_DRVSTR   (0xF<<8)

Bitmask for drive strength options.

Bitmask for output value option.
Definition: PIN.h:635
Bitmask for slew control options.
Definition: PIN.h:637
Bitmask for output enable option.
Definition: PIN.h:634
Bitmask for output buffer options.
Definition: PIN.h:636
Bitmask for drive strength options.
Definition: PIN.h:638

Bitmask for all output mode options.

#define PIN_INV_INOUT   (PIN_GEN|(1<<24))

Logically invert input and output.

#define PIN_BM_INV_INOUT   (1<<24)

Bitmask for input/output inversion option.

#define PIN_IRQ_DIS   (PIN_GEN|(0x0<<16))

(*) Disable IRQ on pin

#define PIN_IRQ_NEGEDGE   (PIN_GEN|(0x5<<16))

Enable IRQ on negative edge.

#define PIN_IRQ_POSEDGE   (PIN_GEN|(0x6<<16))

Enable IRQ on positive edge.

#define PIN_IRQ_BOTHEDGES   (PIN_GEN|(0x7<<16))

Enable IRQ on both edges.

#define PIN_BM_IRQ   (0x7<<16)

Bitmask for pin interrupt option.

Bitmask for all options at once.

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned int uint_t
typedef int int_t
typedef uint8_t PIN_Id

Pin identifier data type.

Data type used to identify a pin through an index between 0 to 254. Typically the index does not refer to the physical device pin number but rather to the index of the subset of pins that are under software-control (e.g. index 3 refers to DIO3). This data type is used as arguments in API functions to identify which pin is affected or used in lists (terminated by PIN_TERMINATE entry) identifying multiple pins

See also
typedef uint32_t PIN_Config

Pin configuration data type with embedded pin identifier.

A data type used to specify I/O-pin configuration options. The lower 8b contain an embedded pin ID (see PIN_Id) and the top 24b contain flags/fields that affect I/O configuration. PIN_Config entries can either use a set of device-independent options or device-specific options defined in PIN driver (e.g. PINCC26XX.h), but cannot mix the two.

This data type is used as arguments or return values in API functions that manipulate pin configuration or used in lists (terminated by a PIN_TERMINATE entry) for configuring multiple pins at a time.

typedef struct PIN_State_s PIN_State

Struct used to store PIN client state Pointer to a PIN_State is used as handles (PIN_Handle) in interactions with the I/O driver.

Must reside in persistent memory
Fields must never be modified directly

A handle that is returned from a PIN_open() call Used for further PIN client interaction with the PIN driver.

typedef void(* PIN_IntCb) (PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Id pinId)

I/O Interrupt callback function pointer type One PIN Interrupt callback can be registered by each PIN client and it will be called when one of the pins allocated by the client has an interrupt event. The callback is called from HWI context with handle and pin ID as arguments.

The callback must, as it runs in HWI context, execute and return quickly. Any lengthy operations should be performed in SWIs or tasks triggered by the callback

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum PIN_Status

Return value for many functions in the PIN driver interface.


Operation succeeded.


Operation failed, some pin already allocated.


Operation failed, client does not have access to pin.


Operation not supported.

Function Documentation

PIN_Status PIN_init ( const PIN_Config  aPinCfg[])

PIN module initialization.

Must be called early in the boot sequence to ensure that I/O pins have safe configurations. This initialization sets up pins as GPIO as defined in an array (possibly user-generated) that typically resides in a board file. All pins not mentioned in aPinCfg[] are configured to be input/output/pull disabled.

Function cannot be called more than once.
aPinCfg[]Pointer to array of PIN_Config entries, one per pin that needs configuration. List terminates when a PIN_TERMINATE entry is encountered.
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else an error code.
PIN_Handle PIN_open ( PIN_State pState,
const PIN_Config  aPinList[] 

Allocate one or more pins for a driver or an application.

Allows a PIN client (driver or application) to allocate a set of pins, thus ensuring that they cannot be reconfigured/controlled by anyone else. The pins are identified by and reconfigured according to the PIN_Config entries in aPinList.

pStatePointer to a PIN_State object that will hold the state for this IO client. The object must be in persistent memory
aPinList[]Pointer to array of PIN_Config entries, one per pin to allocate. List terminates when PIN_TERMINATE entry is encountered.
A handle for further PIN driver calls or NULL if an error occurred (already allocated pin in aPinList or non-existent pin in aPinList)
PIN_Status PIN_add ( PIN_Handle  handle,
PIN_Config  pinCfg 

Add pin to pin set for open PIN handle.

If the requested pin is unallocated it will be added, else an error code will be returned.

handlehandle retrieved through an earlier call to PIN_open().
pinCfgPin ID/configuration for pin to add.
Error code if unsuccessful, else PIN_SUCCESS
PIN_Status PIN_remove ( PIN_Handle  handle,
PIN_Id  pinId 

Removes pin from pin set foropen PIN handle.

If the requested pin is allocated to handle it will be removed from the pin set, else an error code will be returned.

handlehandle retrieved through an earlier call to PIN_open().
pinIdPin ID for pin to remove.
Error code if unsuccessful, else PIN_SUCCESS
void PIN_close ( PIN_Handle  handle)

Deallocate all pins previously allocated with a call to PIN_open().

Deallocate pins allocated to handle and restore these pins to the pool of unallocated pins. Also restores the pin configuration to what it was set to when PIN_init() was called.

handlehandle retrieved through an earlier call to PIN_open().
uint_t PIN_getInputValue ( PIN_Id  pinId)

Get pin input value (0/1)

Input values of all pins are available to everyone so no handle required

pinIdID of pin to get input value from
Current input buffer value
This function typically has an inlined sibling function in the device-specific driver that may be used for higher efficiency
1 myPin = PIN_getInputValue(PIN_ID(5));
PIN_Status PIN_setOutputEnable ( PIN_Handle  handle,
PIN_Id  pinId,
bool  bOutEn 

Control output enable for GPIO pin.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
pinIdPIN_Id entry identifying pin
bOutEnEnable output buffer when true, else disable
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
This function is included for consistency with the corresponding port function and to provide a more efficient/directed approach. PIN_setConfig() can be used to achieve same result.
This function typically has an inlined sibling function in the device-specific driver that may be used for higher efficiency
1 PIN_setOutputEnable(hPins, PIN_ID(11), 0);
PIN_Status PIN_setOutputValue ( PIN_Handle  handle,
PIN_Id  pinId,
uint_t  val 

Control output value for GPIO pin.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
pinIdPin ID
valOutput value (0/1)
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
This function typically has an inlined sibling function in the device-specific driver that may be used for higher efficiency
1 PIN_setOutputValue(hPins, PIN_ID(4), 1);
uint_t PIN_getOutputValue ( PIN_Id  pinId)

Get value of GPIO pin output buffer.

Output values of all pins are available to everyone so no handle required

pinIdPin ID
Output value (0/1)
This function typically has an inlined sibling function in the device-specific driver that may be used for higher efficiency
1 PIN_setOutputValue(hpins, PIN_ID(4), PIN_getOutputValue(PIN_ID(6)));
PIN_Status PIN_setInterrupt ( PIN_Handle  handle,
PIN_Config  pinCfg 

Control interrupt enable and edge for pin.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
pinCfgPIN_Config entry identifying pin ID and relevant pin configuration as combinations of:
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
Any pending interrupts on pins that have not had interrupt enabled will be cleared when enabling interrupts
1 PIN_setInterrupt(hPins, PIN_ID(8)|PIN_IRQ_POSEDGE);
PIN_Status PIN_clrPendInterrupt ( PIN_Handle  handle,
PIN_Id  pinId 

Clear pending interrupt for pin, if any.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
pinIdPIN_Id for pin to clear pending interrupt for
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
1 PIN_ClrPendInterrupt(hPins, PIN_ID(8));
PIN_Status PIN_registerIntCb ( PIN_Handle  handle,
PIN_IntCb  pCb 

Register callback function for a set of pins.

Registers a callback function (see PIN_IntCb for details) for the client identified by handle that will be called from HWI context upon an interrupt event on one or more of the allocated pins that have interrupts enabled

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
pCbFunction pointer to a PIN_IntCb function.
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
Pin interrupts are serviced one at a time in pin order when simultaneous. Pin hardware interrupt flags are automatically cleared by PIN driver.
1 void pinIntHandler(PIN_Handle handle, PIN_Id pinId) {
2  // Handle pin interrupt
3 }
4 ...
5 PIN_registerIntCb(hPins, pinIntHandler);
PIN_Config PIN_getConfig ( PIN_Id  pinId)

Returns pin configuration.

pinIdPin ID
Current pin configuration as a device-independent PIN_Config value
The pin ID is embedded in return value.
There is usually a device-specific version of this function that returns device-specific options
1 // Get config of pin 14 to be able to revert later
2 myPinConfig = PIN_getConfig(PIN_ID(14));
3 // ...
4 // Lots of pin reconfigurations
5 // ...
6 // Restore previous configuration
7 PIN_setConfig(hPins, PIN_BM_ALL, myPinConfig);
PIN_Status PIN_setConfig ( PIN_Handle  handle,
PIN_Config  bmMask,
PIN_Config  pinCfg 

Sets complete pin configuration.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
bmMaskBitmask specifying which fields in cfg that should take effect, the rest keep their current value.
pinCfgPIN_Config entry with pin ID and pin configuration
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
1 // Set drive strength on pin 15
uint_t PIN_getPortMask ( PIN_Handle  handle)

Returns bitmask indicating pins allocated to client in GPIO port.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
A bitmask indicating which bit positions in an I/O port the allocated I/O pins lie on, or zero if I/O port operations are not supported or the allocated pins span multiple I/O ports. The bitmask maps lowest pin index to the rightmost mask bit
uint_t PIN_getPortInputValue ( PIN_Handle  handle)

Read input value of whole GPIO port.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
The simultaneous input value for the whole I/O port masked by the bit mask for the client's allocated pins
See also
This function typically has an inlined sibling function in the device-specific driver that may be used for higher efficiency
uint_t PIN_getPortOutputValue ( PIN_Handle  handle)

Returns value of whole GPIO port's output buffers.

The I/O port is identified by the pins allocated by client in a previous call to PIN_open()

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
The current output value for whole I/O port
See also
This function typically has an inlined sibling function in the device-specific driver that may be used for higher efficiency
PIN_Status PIN_setPortOutputValue ( PIN_Handle  handle,
uint_t  bmOutVal 

Simultaneous write output buffer values of all allocated pins in GPIO port.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
bmOutValBitmask indicating the desired output value for the whole port, only the pins allocated to the client will be affected
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
See also
This function typically has an inlined sibling function in the device-specific driver that may be used for higher efficiency
1 // Invert all pins allocated to client
2 PIN_setPortOutputVal(hPins, ~PIN_getPortOutputVals(hPins));
PIN_Status PIN_setPortOutputEnable ( PIN_Handle  handle,
uint_t  bmOutEn 

Set output enable for all pins allocated to client in GPIO port.

handleHandle provided by previous call to PIN_open()
bmOutEnBitmask indicating the desired output enable configuration for the whole port, only the pins allocated to the client will be affected
PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
See also
This function typically has an inlined sibling function in the device-specific driver that may be used for higher efficiency
1 // Set output to 0 on all allocated pins, then enable the output drivers
2 pin_setPortOutputVal(hPins, 0);
3 pin_setPortOutputEnable(hPins, PIN_getPortMask());
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