module ti.sysbios.BIOS

SYS/BIOS Top-Level Manager

This module is responsible for setting up global parameters pertaining to SYS/BIOS and for performing the SYS/BIOS startup sequence. [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/BIOS.xdc
#include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
Functions common to all target modules
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef Void 
typedef enum
extern const Bool 
extern const Types_FreqHz 
extern const String 
extern const SizeT 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
This module is responsible for setting up global parameters pertaining to SYS/BIOS and for performing the SYS/BIOS startup sequence.
SYS/BIOS configures the Memory.defaultHeapInstance using a HeapMem instance of size heapSize.
The SYS/BIOS startup sequence is logically divided into two phases: those operations that occur prior to the application's "main()" function being called, and those operations that are performed after the application's "main()" function is invoked.
The "before main()" startup sequence is governed completely by the RTSC runtime package's Startup module.
The "after main()" startup sequence is governed by SYS/BIOS and is initiated by an explicit call to the BIOS_start() function at the end of the application's main() function.
Control points are provided at various places in each of the two startup sequences for user startup operations to be inserted.
The RTSC runtime startup sequence is as follows:
  1. Immediately after CPU reset, perform target-specific CPU initialization (beginning at c_int00).
  2. Prior to cinit(), run the user-supplied "reset functions" (see Reset.fxns).
  3. Run cinit() to initialize C runtime environment.
  4. Run the user-supplied "first functions" (see Startup.firstFxns).
  5. Run all the module initialization functions.
  6. Run pinit().
  7. Run the user-supplied "last functions" (see Startup.lastFxns).
  8. Run main().
The SYS/BIOS startup sequence begins at the end of main() when BIOS_start() is called:
  1. Run the user-supplied "startup functions" (see BIOS.startupFxns).
  2. Enable Hardware Interrupts.
  3. Enable Software Interrupts. If the system supports Software Interrupts (Swis) (see BIOS.swiEnabled), then the SYS/BIOS startup sequence enables Swis at this point.
  4. Timer Startup. If the system supports Timers, then at this point all statically configured timers are initialized per their user-configuration. If a timer was configured to start "automatically", it is started here.
  5. Task Startup. If the system supports Tasks (see BIOS.taskEnabled), then task scheduling begins here. If there are no statically or dynamically created Tasks in the system, then execution proceeds directly to the Idle loop.
Local variables defined in main() no longer exist once BIOS_start() is called. The RAM where main's local variables reside is reassigned for use as the interrupt stack during the execution of BIOS_start().
Below is a configuration script excerpt that installs a user-supplied startup function at every possible control point in the RTSC and SYS/BIOS startup sequence:
  // get handle to xdc Startup module
  var Startup = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Startup');

  // install "reset function"
  Startup.resetFxn = '&myReset';

  // install a "first function"
  var len = Startup.firstFxns.length
  Startup.firstFxns[len] = '&myFirst';

  // install a "last function"
  var len = Startup.lastFxns.length
  Startup.lastFxns[len] = '&myLast';

  // get handle to SYS/BIOS module
  var BIOS = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.BIOS');

  // install a SYS/BIOS startup function

Calling Context

Function Hwi Swi Task Main Startup
getCpuFreq Y Y Y Y Y
getThreadType Y Y Y Y N
setCpuFreq Y Y Y Y Y
start N N N Y N
  • Hwi: API is callable from a Hwi thread.
  • Swi: API is callable from a Swi thread.
  • Task: API is callable from a Task thread.
  • Main: API is callable during any of these phases:
    • In your module startup after this module is started (e.g. BIOS_Module_startupDone() returns TRUE).
    • During xdc.runtime.Startup.lastFxns.
    • During main().
    • During BIOS.startupFxns.
  • Startup: API is callable during any of these phases:
    • During xdc.runtime.Startup.firstFxns.
    • In your module startup before this module is started (e.g. BIOS_Module_startupDone() returns FALSE).

Used in APIs that take a timeout to specify no waiting

C synopsis target-domain
#define BIOS_NO_WAIT (UInt)0

Used in APIs that take a timeout to specify wait forever

C synopsis target-domain
#define BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER (UInt)~(0)
const BIOS_version

SYS/BIOS version number macro

C synopsis target-domain
#define BIOS_version (UInt32)0x64501
This macro has a hex value that represents the SYS/BIOS version number. The hex value has the version format 0xMmmpp, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is a 2 digit minor number and pp is a 2 digit patch number.
Example: A macro hex value of 0x64501 implies that the SYS/BIOS product version number is 6.45.01
enum BIOS_LibType

SYS/BIOS library selection options

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum BIOS_LibType {
    // Instrumented (Asserts and Logs enabled)
    // Non-instrumented (Asserts and Logs disabled)
    // Custom (Fully configurable)
    // Debug (Fully configurable)
} BIOS_LibType;
LibType_Instrumented — The library supplied is prebuilt with logging and assertions enabled.
LibType_NonInstrumented — The library supplied is prebuilt with logging and assertions disabled.
LibType_Custom — This option builds the SYS/BIOS library from sources using the options specified by customCCOpts. Only the modules and APIs that your application needs to access are contained in the resulting executable. Program optimization is performed to reduce the size of the executable and improve its performance. Enough debug information is retained to allow you to step through the application code in CCS and locate global variables.
LibType_Debug — This option is similar to the LibType_Custom option in that it builds the SYS/BIOS library from sources and omits modules and APIs that your code does not use. However, no program optimization is performed. The resulting executable is fully debuggable, and you can step into SYS/BIOS code. The tradeoff is that the executable is larger and runs slower than builds that use the LibType_Custom option.
This enumeration defines all the SYS/BIOS library types provided by the product. You can select the library type by setting the BIOS.libType configuration parameter.
enum BIOS_RtsLockType

Type of Gate to use in the TI RTS library

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum BIOS_RtsLockType {
} BIOS_RtsLockType;
NoLocking — no gate is added to the RTS library. In this case, the application needs to be careful to always serialize access to the inherently non-reentrant ANSI C functions (such as malloc(), printf(), etc.).
GateHwi — Interrupts are disabled and restored to maintain re-entrancy. This is a very efficient lock but will also result in unbounded interrupt latency times. If real-time response to interrupts is important, you should not use this gate to lock the RTS library.
GateSwi — Swis are disabled and restored to maintain re-entrancy.
GateMutex — A single mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy.
GateMutexPri — A single priority inheriting mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy.
enum BIOS_ThreadType

Current thread type definitions

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum BIOS_ThreadType {
    // Current thread is a Hwi
    // Current thread is a Swi
    // Current thread is a Task
    // Current thread is Boot/Main
} BIOS_ThreadType;
These values are returned by BIOS_getThreadType.
typedef BIOS_StartupFuncPtr

User startup function type definition

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void (*BIOS_StartupFuncPtr)(Void);
config BIOS_clockEnabled  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Clock services enable flag

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool BIOS_clockEnabled;
The following behaviors occur when clockEnabled is set to false:
config BIOS_cpuFreq  // module-wide

CPU frequency in Hz

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Types_FreqHz BIOS_cpuFreq;
This configuration parameter allow SYS/BIOS to convert various periods between timer ticks (or instruction cycles) and real-time units. For example, timer periods expressed in micro-seconds need to be converted into timer ticks in order to properly program the timers.
The default value of this parameter is obtained from the platform (the clockRate property of Program.cpu) which is the CPU clock rate when the processor is reset.
If CPU frequency is 720MHz, the following configuration script configures SYS/BIOS with the proper clock frequency:
     var BIOS = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.BIOS');
     BIOS.cpuFreq.hi = 0;
     BIOS.cpuFreq.lo = 720000000;
config BIOS_heapSection  // module-wide

Section to place the system heap

C synopsis target-domain
extern const String BIOS_heapSection;
This configuration parameter allows you to specify a named output section that will contain the SYS/BIOS system heap. The system heap is, by default, used to allocate Task stacks and instance object state structures. So, giving this section a name and explicitly placing it via a linker command file can significantly improve system performance.
If heapSection is null (or undefined) the system heap is placed in the target's default data section.
config BIOS_heapSize  // module-wide

Size of system heap, units are in MAUs

C synopsis target-domain
extern const SizeT BIOS_heapSize;
The system heap is, by default, used to allocate instance object state structures, such as Task objects and their stacks, Semaphore objects, etc.
If the application configuration does not set Memory.defaultHeapInstance, then SYS/BIOS will create a HeapMem heap of this size. This heap will be assigned to Memory.defaultHeapInstance and will therefore be used as the default system heap. This heap will also be used by the SYS/BIOS version of the standard C library functions malloc(), calloc() and free().
config BIOS_heapTrackEnabled  // module-wide

Use HeapTrack with system default heap

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool BIOS_heapTrackEnabled;
This configuration parameter will add a HeapTrack instance on top of the system heap. HeapTrack adds a tracker packet to every allocated buffer and displays the information in RTOS Object Viewer (ROV). An assert will be raised on a free if there was a buffer overflow.
config BIOS_runtimeCreatesEnabled  // module-wide

Runtime instance creation enable flag

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool BIOS_runtimeCreatesEnabled;
true = Mod_create() & Mod_delete() callable at runtime false = Mod_create() & Mod_delete() not callable at runtime
config BIOS_smpEnabled  // module-wide

Enables multi core SMP task scheduling

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool BIOS_smpEnabled;
This functionality is available on only select multi-core devices.
More information about SMP/BIOS is provided here: SMP/BIOS.
config BIOS_swiEnabled  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Swi services enable flag

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool BIOS_swiEnabled;
The following behaviors occur when swiEnabled is set to false:
  • Static Swi creation will result in a fatal build error.
  • See other effects as noted for clockEnabled = false;
  • Runtime calls to Swi_create will trigger an assertion violation via xdc.runtime.Assert.isTrue.
config BIOS_taskEnabled  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Task services enable flag

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool BIOS_taskEnabled;
The following behaviors occur when taskEnabled is set to false:
  • Static Task creation will result in a fatal build error.
  • The Idle task object is not created. (The Idle functions are invoked within the start() thread.)
  • Runtime calls to Task_create will trigger an assertion violation via xdc.runtime.Assert.isTrue.
BIOS_exit()  // module-wide

Exit currently running SYS/BIOS executable

C synopsis target-domain
Void BIOS_exit(Int stat);
stat — exit status to return to calling environment.
This function is called when a SYS/BIOS executable needs to terminate normally. This function sets the internal SYS/BIOS threadType to ThreadType_Main and then calls System_exit(stat), passing along the 'stat' argument.
All functions bound via System_atexit or the ANSI C Standard Library atexit function are then executed.
BIOS_getCpuFreq()  // module-wide

Get CPU frequency in Hz

C synopsis target-domain
Void BIOS_getCpuFreq(Types_FreqHz *freq);
This API is not thread safe. Please use appropriate locks.
BIOS_getThreadType()  // module-wide

Get the current thread type

C synopsis target-domain
BIOS_ThreadType BIOS_getThreadType();
Current thread type
BIOS_setCpuFreq()  // module-wide

Set CPU Frequency in Hz

C synopsis target-domain
Void BIOS_setCpuFreq(Types_FreqHz *freq);
This API is not thread safe. Please use appropriate locks.
BIOS_start()  // module-wide


C synopsis target-domain
Void BIOS_start();
The user's main() function is required to call this function after all other user initializations have been performed.
This function does not return.
This function performs any remaining SYS/BIOS initializations and then transfers control to the highest priority ready task if taskEnabled is true. If taskEnabled is false, control is transferred directly to the Idle Loop.
The SYS/BIOS start sequence is as follows:
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId BIOS_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool BIOS_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle BIOS_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool BIOS_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 BIOS_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void BIOS_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Configuration settings sourced in ti/sysbios/BIOS.xdc
var BIOS = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.BIOS');
module-wide constants & types
        const BIOS.NoLocking;
        const BIOS.GateHwi;
        const BIOS.GateSwi;
        const BIOS.GateMutex;
        const BIOS.GateMutexPri;
module-wide config parameters

Used in APIs that take a timeout to specify no waiting

Configuration settings
const BIOS.NO_WAIT = 0;

Used in APIs that take a timeout to specify wait forever

Configuration settings
const BIOS.WAIT_FOREVER = ~(0);
const BIOS.version

SYS/BIOS version number macro

Configuration settings
const BIOS.version = 0x64501;
This macro has a hex value that represents the SYS/BIOS version number. The hex value has the version format 0xMmmpp, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is a 2 digit minor number and pp is a 2 digit patch number.
Example: A macro hex value of 0x64501 implies that the SYS/BIOS product version number is 6.45.01
enum BIOS.LibType

SYS/BIOS library selection options

Configuration settings
values of type BIOS.LibType
    const BIOS.LibType_Instrumented;
    // Instrumented (Asserts and Logs enabled)
    const BIOS.LibType_NonInstrumented;
    // Non-instrumented (Asserts and Logs disabled)
    const BIOS.LibType_Custom;
    // Custom (Fully configurable)
    const BIOS.LibType_Debug;
    // Debug (Fully configurable)
LibType_Instrumented — The library supplied is prebuilt with logging and assertions enabled.
LibType_NonInstrumented — The library supplied is prebuilt with logging and assertions disabled.
LibType_Custom — This option builds the SYS/BIOS library from sources using the options specified by customCCOpts. Only the modules and APIs that your application needs to access are contained in the resulting executable. Program optimization is performed to reduce the size of the executable and improve its performance. Enough debug information is retained to allow you to step through the application code in CCS and locate global variables.
LibType_Debug — This option is similar to the LibType_Custom option in that it builds the SYS/BIOS library from sources and omits modules and APIs that your code does not use. However, no program optimization is performed. The resulting executable is fully debuggable, and you can step into SYS/BIOS code. The tradeoff is that the executable is larger and runs slower than builds that use the LibType_Custom option.
This enumeration defines all the SYS/BIOS library types provided by the product. You can select the library type by setting the BIOS.libType configuration parameter.
enum BIOS.RtsLockType

Type of Gate to use in the TI RTS library

Configuration settings
values of type BIOS.RtsLockType
    const BIOS.NoLocking;
    const BIOS.GateHwi;
    const BIOS.GateSwi;
    const BIOS.GateMutex;
    const BIOS.GateMutexPri;
NoLocking — no gate is added to the RTS library. In this case, the application needs to be careful to always serialize access to the inherently non-reentrant ANSI C functions (such as malloc(), printf(), etc.).
GateHwi — Interrupts are disabled and restored to maintain re-entrancy. This is a very efficient lock but will also result in unbounded interrupt latency times. If real-time response to interrupts is important, you should not use this gate to lock the RTS library.
GateSwi — Swis are disabled and restored to maintain re-entrancy.
GateMutex — A single mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy.
GateMutexPri — A single priority inheriting mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy.
enum BIOS.ThreadType

Current thread type definitions

Configuration settings
values of type BIOS.ThreadType
    const BIOS.ThreadType_Hwi;
    // Current thread is a Hwi
    const BIOS.ThreadType_Swi;
    // Current thread is a Swi
    const BIOS.ThreadType_Task;
    // Current thread is a Task
    const BIOS.ThreadType_Main;
    // Current thread is Boot/Main
These values are returned by BIOS_getThreadType.
config BIOS.clockEnabled  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Clock services enable flag

Configuration settings
BIOS.clockEnabled = Bool true;
The following behaviors occur when clockEnabled is set to false:
config BIOS.cpuFreq  // module-wide

CPU frequency in Hz

Configuration settings
BIOS.cpuFreq = Types.FreqHz undefined;
This configuration parameter allow SYS/BIOS to convert various periods between timer ticks (or instruction cycles) and real-time units. For example, timer periods expressed in micro-seconds need to be converted into timer ticks in order to properly program the timers.
The default value of this parameter is obtained from the platform (the clockRate property of Program.cpu) which is the CPU clock rate when the processor is reset.
If CPU frequency is 720MHz, the following configuration script configures SYS/BIOS with the proper clock frequency:
     var BIOS = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.BIOS');
     BIOS.cpuFreq.hi = 0;
     BIOS.cpuFreq.lo = 720000000;
config BIOS.heapSection  // module-wide

Section to place the system heap

Configuration settings
BIOS.heapSection = String null;
This configuration parameter allows you to specify a named output section that will contain the SYS/BIOS system heap. The system heap is, by default, used to allocate Task stacks and instance object state structures. So, giving this section a name and explicitly placing it via a linker command file can significantly improve system performance.
If heapSection is null (or undefined) the system heap is placed in the target's default data section.
config BIOS.heapSize  // module-wide

Size of system heap, units are in MAUs

Configuration settings
BIOS.heapSize = SizeT 0x1000;
The system heap is, by default, used to allocate instance object state structures, such as Task objects and their stacks, Semaphore objects, etc.
If the application configuration does not set Memory.defaultHeapInstance, then SYS/BIOS will create a HeapMem heap of this size. This heap will be assigned to Memory.defaultHeapInstance and will therefore be used as the default system heap. This heap will also be used by the SYS/BIOS version of the standard C library functions malloc(), calloc() and free().
config BIOS.heapTrackEnabled  // module-wide

Use HeapTrack with system default heap

Configuration settings
BIOS.heapTrackEnabled = Bool false;
This configuration parameter will add a HeapTrack instance on top of the system heap. HeapTrack adds a tracker packet to every allocated buffer and displays the information in RTOS Object Viewer (ROV). An assert will be raised on a free if there was a buffer overflow.
config BIOS.runtimeCreatesEnabled  // module-wide

Runtime instance creation enable flag

Configuration settings
BIOS.runtimeCreatesEnabled = Bool true;
true = Mod_create() & Mod_delete() callable at runtime false = Mod_create() & Mod_delete() not callable at runtime
config BIOS.smpEnabled  // module-wide

Enables multi core SMP task scheduling

Configuration settings
BIOS.smpEnabled = Bool false;
This functionality is available on only select multi-core devices.
More information about SMP/BIOS is provided here: SMP/BIOS.
config BIOS.swiEnabled  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Swi services enable flag

Configuration settings
BIOS.swiEnabled = Bool true;
The following behaviors occur when swiEnabled is set to false:
  • Static Swi creation will result in a fatal build error.
  • See other effects as noted for clockEnabled = false;
  • Runtime calls to Swi_create will trigger an assertion violation via xdc.runtime.Assert.isTrue.
config BIOS.taskEnabled  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Task services enable flag

Configuration settings
BIOS.taskEnabled = Bool true;
The following behaviors occur when taskEnabled is set to false:
  • Static Task creation will result in a fatal build error.
  • The Idle task object is not created. (The Idle functions are invoked within the start() thread.)
  • Runtime calls to Task_create will trigger an assertion violation via xdc.runtime.Assert.isTrue.
metaonly config BIOS.assertsEnabled  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Assert checking in Custom SYS/BIOS library enable flag

Configuration settings
BIOS.assertsEnabled = Bool true;
When set to true, Assert checking code is compiled into the custom library created when BIOS.libType is set to BIOS_LibType_Custom or BIOS_LibType_Debug.
When set to false, Assert checking code is removed from the custom library created when BIOS.libType is set to BIOS.LibType_Custom or BIOS.LibType_Debug. This option can considerably improve runtime performance as well significantly reduce the application's code size.
metaonly config BIOS.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
BIOS.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config BIOS.customCCOpts  // module-wide

Compiler options used when building a custom SYS/BIOS library

Configuration settings
BIOS.customCCOpts = String undefined;
When BIOS.libType is set to BIOS_LibType_Custom or BIOS_LibType_Debug, this string contains the options passed to the compiler during any re-build of the SYS/BIOS sources.
In addition to the options specified by BIOS.customCCOpts, several -D and -I options are also passed to the compiler. The options specified by BIOS.customCCOpts are, however, the first options passed to the compiler on the command line.
To view the custom compiler options, add the following line to your config script:
When BIOS.libType is set to BIOS_LibType_Custom, BIOS.customCCOpts is initialized to settings that create a highly optimized SYS/BIOS library.
When BIOS.libType is set to BIOS_LibType_Debug, BIOS.customCCOpts is initialized to settings that create a non-optimized SYS/BIOS library that can be used to single-step through the APIs with the CCS debugger.
More information about using BIOS.customCCOpts is provided in the SYS/BIOS FAQs.
The default value of BIOS.customCCOpts, which is derived from the target specified by your configuration, includes runtime model options (such as endianess) that must be the same for all sources built and linked into your application. You must not change or add any options that can alter the runtime model specified by the default value of BIOS.customCCOpts.
metaonly config BIOS.includeXdcRuntime  // module-wide

Include xdc.runtime sources in custom built library

Configuration settings
BIOS.includeXdcRuntime = Bool false;
By default, the xdc.runtime library sources are not included in the custom SYS/BIOS library created for the application. Instead, the pre-built xdc.runtime library is provided by the respective target used to build the application.
Setting this parameter to true will cause the xdc.runtime library sources to be included in the custom SYS/BIOS library. This setting yields the most efficient library in both code size and runtime performance.
metaonly config BIOS.libType  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Library type

Configuration settings
The SYS/BIOS runtime is provided in the form of a library that is linked with your application. Several forms of this library are provided with the SYS/BIOS product. In addition, there is an option to build the library from source. This configuration parameter allows you to select the form of the SYS/BIOS library to use.
The default value of libType is BIOS_LibType_Instrumented. For a complete list of options and what they offer see LibType.
metaonly config BIOS.logsEnabled  // module-wide

SYS/BIOS Log support in Custom SYS/BIOS library enable flag

Configuration settings
BIOS.logsEnabled = Bool true;
When set to true, SYS/BIOS execution Log code is compiled into the custom library created when BIOS.libType is set to BIOS_LibType_Custom or BIOS_LibType_Debug.
When set to false, all Log code is removed from the custom library created when BIOS.libType = BIOS.LibType_Custom or BIOS.LibType_Debug. This option can considerably improve runtime performance as well significantly reduce the application's code size.
Since interrupts are enabled when logs are generated, this setting will have the side effect of requiring task stacks to be sized large enough to absorb two interrupt contexts rather than one. See the discussion on task stacks in Task for more information.
metaonly config BIOS.rtsGateType  // module-wide

Gate to make sure TI RTS library APIs are re-entrant

Configuration settings
BIOS.rtsGateType = BIOS.RtsLockType undefined;
The application gets to determine the type of gate (lock) that is used in the TI RTS library. The gate will be used to guarantee re-entrancy of the RTS APIs.
The type of gate depends on the type of threads that are going to be calling into the RTS library. For example, if both Swi and Task threads are going to be calling the RTS library's printf, GateSwi should be used. In this case, Hwi threads are not impacted (i.e. disabled) during the printf calls from the Swi or Task threads.
If NoLocking is used, the RTS lock is not plugged and re-entrancy for the TI RTS library calls are not guaranteed. The application can plug the RTS locks directly if it wants.
Numerous gate types are provided by SYS/BIOS. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. The following list summarizes when each type is appropriate for protecting an underlying non-reentrant RTS library.
Interrupts are disabled and restored to maintain re-entrancy. Use if only making RTS calls from a Hwi, Swi and/or Task.
Swis are disabled and restored to maintain re-entrancy. Use if only making RTS calls from a Swi and/or Task.
A single mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy. Use if only making RTS calls from a Task. Blocks only Tasks that are also trying to execute critical regions of RTS library.
A priority inheriting mutex is used to maintain re-entrancy. Blocks only Tasks that are also trying to execute critical regions of RTS library. Raises the priority of the Task that is executing the critical region in the RTS library to the level of the highest priority Task that is block by the mutex.
The default value of rtsGateType depends on the type of threading model enabled by other configuration parameters. If taskEnabled is true, GateMutex is used. If swiEnabled is true and taskEnabled is false: GateSwi is used. If both swiEnabled and taskEnabled are false: xdc.runtime.GateNull is used.
If taskEnabled is false, the user should not select GateMutex (or other Task level gates). Similarly, if taskEnabled and swiEnabledare false, the user should not select GateSwi or the Task level gates.
metaonly config BIOS.startupFxns  // module-wide

Functions to be executed at the beginning of BIOS_start()

Configuration settings
BIOS.startupFxns = BIOS.StartupFuncPtr[] [ ];
These user (or middleware) functions are executed before Hwis, Swis, and Tasks are started.
generated on Sat, 20 Feb 2016 00:37:30 GMT