Texas Instruments

TI-RTOS CC13XX and CC26XX Release Notes

Table of Contents


TI-RTOS delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on Texas Instruments micro-controller devices. The product is comprised of multiple software components and examples of how to use these components together. TI-RTOS gives developers a one-stop RTOS solution for developing applications for TI embedded microcontrollers. It provides an OS kernel, communications support, drivers, and more. It is tightly integrated with the Code Composer Studio development environment. In addition, examples are provided to demonstrate the use of each functional area and each supported device and as a starting point for your own projects.


The following documentation is available:

Products Included

Click on the links below to view the release notes for the different products.

Boards Supported

Examples are provided for the following boards:

What’s New

To see what has changed in the TI-RTOS Drivers, see the separate TI-Drivers release notes in [as installed]/products/tidrivers_M_mm_pp_bb.

Defects fixed in this release:

Key Summary
TIRTOS-100 Restore tcp/udpSendReceive builds
TIRTOS-116 Add examples to support the CC3200 WiFi to the TI-RTOS
TIRTOS-121 Remove Concerto demo examples
TIRTOS-125 Add macros or variables to help migration between different versions of TI-RTOS in IAR workbench
TIRTOS-127 Add benchloop example to TI-RTOS
TIRTOS-133 Example .c files should not include xdc/cfg/global.h
TIRTOS-140 Console output in Linux doesn’t match in Windows for CC3200 tests
TIRTOS-146 CC26xx/CC13xx kernel and instrumentation examples need to use the common .cfg
TIRTOS-148 Doxygen for TIRTOS for TivaC should replace EMACTiva with EMACSnow
TIRTOS-158 Watchdog examples should be re-designated to not reset the MCU
TIRTOS-164 FAT SD example missing \n in print statement “Creating a new file …” (line 124 fatsd.c)
TIRTOS-176 TI-RTOS examples single .cfg and use Mod_construct instead of Mod.create in the .cfg files
TIRTOS-184 Need to move doxygen generation into drivers.git and out of zumaprod
TIRTOS-222 Testlink tests generation should be separated by generation, building, and submissions.
TIRTOS-227 Build warning for TI-RTOS
TIRTOS-228 TI-RTOS should support IAR for MSP430 version 6.10
TIRTOS-250 Changed Concerto TCP and UDP examples to pass regression tests
TIRTOS-256 UDP echo WiFi example only gets IP address every other program load
TIRTOS-263 Legacy BIOS should be removed from all permutations of TI-RTOS
TIRTOS-309 Top-level docs HTML’s doxygen link is wrong
TIRTOS-74 Bigtime example does not build for MSP430F5529
TIRTOS-78 Move to IAR ARM 7.50.x in /db/vendors
TIRTOS-81 Remove the example list table from the TI-RTOS GSGs (it gets stale quickly and not very useful)
TIRTOS-83 TI-RTOS User’s guide needs instructions for setting project debugger options for MSP432 IAR
TIRTOS-86 Merge the two TI-RTOS power management docs to one that covers: CC26xx/CC13xx, CC3200 and MSP432
TIRTOS-87 Remove bogus ‘exports’ directory at the top of the TI-RTOS installed directory
TIRTOS-99 The drivers’ ROV documentation should be removed from the U.G.

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

The following is a summary of known compatibility issues from previous releases:

Host Support


This release requires the following other software components and tools.

Validation Information

Known Issues

Please check out the TI-RTOS Support Wiki for information about issues with this product.


All releases have 4 digits (M.mm.pp.bb). This includes GA and engineering releases. Engineering releases are denoted with an _eng suffix (e.g.,

This product’s version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory (e.g. tirtos_2_00_00_16).

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. TI-RTOS with directory tirtos_1_00_01_68. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Technical Support and Product Updates