CC13xx Driver Library


ProtocolBitVector_t ChipInfo_GetSupportedProtocol_BV (void)
 Returns bit vector showing supported protocols. More...
static bool ChipInfo_SupportsBLE (void)
 Returns true if the chip supports the BLE protocol. More...
static bool ChipInfo_SupportsIEEE_802_15_4 (void)
 Returns true if the chip supports the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. More...
static bool ChipInfo_SupportsPROPRIETARY (void)
 Returns true if the chip supports propriatary protocols. More...
PackageType_t ChipInfo_GetPackageType (void)
 Returns package type. More...
static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs4x4 (void)
 Returns true if this is a 4x4mm chip. More...
static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs5x5 (void)
 Returns true if this is a 5x5mm chip. More...
static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs7x7 (void)
 Returns true if this is a 7x7mm chip. More...
static uint32_t ChipInfo_GetDeviceIdHwRevCode (void)
 Returns the internal chip HW revision code. More...
static uint32_t ChipInfo_GetMinorHwRev (void)
 Returns minor hardware revision number. More...
ChipFamily_t ChipInfo_GetChipFamily (void)
 Returns chip family member. More...
static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC26xx (void)
 Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26xx family. More...
static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC13xx (void)
 Returns true if this chip is member of the CC13xx family. More...
static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC26xxLizard (void)
 Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26xxLizard family. More...
HwRevision_t ChipInfo_GetHwRevision (void)
 Returns chip HW revision. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_1_0 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 1.0. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_0 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.0 or greater. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_0 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.0. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_1 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.1. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_2 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.2. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_2 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.2 or greater. More...
void ThisCodeIsBuiltForCC13xxHwRev20AndLater_HaltIfViolated (void)
 Verifies that curent chip is built for CC13xx HwRev 2.0 or later and never returns if violated. More...


enum  ProtocolBitVector_t { PROTOCOL_Unknown = 0, PROTOCOLBIT_BLE = 0x02, PROTOCOLBIT_IEEE_802_15_4 = 0x04, PROTOCOLBIT_Proprietary = 0x08 }
 Enumeration identifying the protocols supported. More...
enum  PackageType_t { PACKAGE_Unknown = -1, PACKAGE_4x4 = 0, PACKAGE_5x5 = 1, PACKAGE_7x7 = 2 }
 Package type enumeration. More...
enum  ChipFamily_t { FAMILY_Unknown = -1, FAMILY_CC26xx = 0, FAMILY_CC13xx = 1, FAMILY_CC26xxLizard = 2 }
 Chip family enumeration. More...
enum  HwRevision_t {
  HWREV_Unknown = -1, HWREV_1_0 = 10, HWREV_2_0 = 20, HWREV_2_1 = 21,
  HWREV_2_2 = 22, HWREV_2_3 = 23
 HW revision enumeration. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC13xx ( void  )

Returns true if this chip is member of the CC13xx family.

Returns true if this chip is member of the CC13xx family, false otherwise.

Definition at line 288 of file chipinfo.h.

Referenced by ThisCodeIsBuiltForCC13xxHwRev20AndLater_HaltIfViolated().

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC26xx ( void  )

Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26xx family.

Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26xx family, false otherwise.

Definition at line 274 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC26xxLizard ( void  )

Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26xxLizard family.

Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26xxLizard family, false otherwise.

Definition at line 302 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

ChipFamily_t ChipInfo_GetChipFamily ( void  )

Returns chip family member.

Returns ChipFamily_t

Definition at line 91 of file chipinfo.c.

Referenced by ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC13xx(), ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC26xx(), ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIsCC26xxLizard(), and ChipInfo_GetHwRevision().

static uint32_t ChipInfo_GetDeviceIdHwRevCode ( void  )

Returns the internal chip HW revision code.

Returns the internal chip HW revision code (in range 0-15)

Definition at line 211 of file chipinfo.h.

Referenced by ChipInfo_GetHwRevision().

HwRevision_t ChipInfo_GetHwRevision ( void  )

Returns chip HW revision.

Returns HwRevision_t

Definition at line 114 of file chipinfo.c.

Referenced by ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_1_0(), ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_0(), ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_1(), ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_2(), ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_0(), and ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_2().

Here is the call graph for this function:

static uint32_t ChipInfo_GetMinorHwRev ( void  )

Returns minor hardware revision number.

The minor revision number is set to 0 for the first market released chip and thereafter incremented by 1 for each minor hardware change.

Returns the minor hardware revision number (in range 0-127)

Definition at line 229 of file chipinfo.h.

Referenced by ChipInfo_GetHwRevision().

PackageType_t ChipInfo_GetPackageType ( void  )

Returns package type.

Returns PackageType_t

Definition at line 68 of file chipinfo.c.

Referenced by ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs4x4(), ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs5x5(), and ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs7x7().

ProtocolBitVector_t ChipInfo_GetSupportedProtocol_BV ( void  )

Returns bit vector showing supported protocols.

Returns ProtocolBitVector_t which is a bit vector indicating supported protocols.

Definition at line 56 of file chipinfo.c.

Referenced by ChipInfo_SupportsBLE(), ChipInfo_SupportsIEEE_802_15_4(), and ChipInfo_SupportsPROPRIETARY().

static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_1_0 ( void  )

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 1.0.

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 1.0, false otherwise.

Definition at line 340 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_0 ( void  )

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.0.

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.0, false otherwise.

Definition at line 368 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_1 ( void  )

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.1.

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.1, false otherwise.

Definition at line 382 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_2 ( void  )

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.2.

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.2, false otherwise.

Definition at line 396 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_0 ( void  )

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.0 or greater.

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.0 or greater, false otherwise.

Definition at line 354 of file chipinfo.h.

Referenced by ThisCodeIsBuiltForCC13xxHwRev20AndLater_HaltIfViolated().

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_2 ( void  )

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.2 or greater.

Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.2 or greater, false otherwise.

Definition at line 410 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs4x4 ( void  )

Returns true if this is a 4x4mm chip.

Returns true if this is a 4x4mm chip, false otherwise.

Definition at line 169 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs5x5 ( void  )

Returns true if this is a 5x5mm chip.

Returns true if this is a 5x5mm chip, false otherwise.

Definition at line 183 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs7x7 ( void  )

Returns true if this is a 7x7mm chip.

Returns true if this is a 7x7mm chip, false otherwise.

Definition at line 197 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_SupportsBLE ( void  )

Returns true if the chip supports the BLE protocol.

Returns true if supporting the BLE protocol, false otherwise.

Definition at line 104 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_SupportsIEEE_802_15_4 ( void  )

Returns true if the chip supports the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol.

Returns true if supporting the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol, false otherwise.

Definition at line 118 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

static bool ChipInfo_SupportsPROPRIETARY ( void  )

Returns true if the chip supports propriatary protocols.

Returns true if supporting propriatary protocols, false otherwise.

Definition at line 132 of file chipinfo.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ThisCodeIsBuiltForCC13xxHwRev20AndLater_HaltIfViolated ( void  )

Verifies that curent chip is built for CC13xx HwRev 2.0 or later and never returns if violated.


Definition at line 168 of file chipinfo.c.

Referenced by trimDevice().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Enumeration Type Documentation

Chip family enumeration.


-1 means that the chip's family member is unknown.


0 means that the chip is a CC26xx family member.


1 means that the chip is a CC13xx family member.


2 means that the chip is a CC26xxLizard family member.

Definition at line 248 of file chipinfo.h.

HW revision enumeration.


-1 means that the chip's HW revision is unknown.


10 means that the chip's HW revision is 1.0


20 means that the chip's HW revision is 2.0


21 means that the chip's HW revision is 2.1


22 means that the chip's HW revision is 2.2


23 means that the chip's HW revision is 2.3

Definition at line 312 of file chipinfo.h.

Package type enumeration.


-1 means that current chip type is unknown.


0 means that this is a 4x4mm chip.


1 means that this is a 5x5mm chip.


2 means that this is a 7x7mm chip.

Definition at line 143 of file chipinfo.h.

Enumeration identifying the protocols supported.

This is a bit vector enumeration that indicates supported protocols. E.g: 0x06 means that the chip supports both BLE and IEEE 802.15.4

None of the known protocols are supported.


Bit[1] set, indicates that Bluetooth Low Energy is supported.


Bit[2] set, indicates that IEEE 802.15.4 is supported.


Bit[3] set, indicates that proprietary protocols are supported.

Definition at line 77 of file chipinfo.h.