module ti.sysbios.timers.dmtimer.Timer

Timer Peripheral Manager

This Timer module manages the Dual Mode timer (dmtimer) peripherals available on the ARM and C6000 devices (see Timer Mapping Tables for supported device information). [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/timers/dmtimer/Timer.xdc
#include <ti/sysbios/timers/dmtimer/Timer.h>
Functions common to all ITimer modules
Functions common to all target instances
Functions common to all target modules
typedef Void 
typedef Timer_Object *
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
extern const Bits32 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Bool 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
This Timer module manages the Dual Mode timer (dmtimer) peripherals available on the ARM and C6000 devices (see Timer Mapping Tables for supported device information).
The dmtimer Timer module supports the timer in 'one shot', 'continuous', and 'dynamic' modes.
In 'one shot' mode, a timer function will "fire" (run) when the timer period expires (counts up to zero). In 'one shot' mode this will only happen once.
In 'continuous' mode, the specified timer function will "fire" every time the period expires, throughout the lifetime of the program. When the period expires in 'continuous mode', the period is then reset to its original value and then begins counting up to zero again. At this point the timer function will fire again and the cycle repeats itself.
In 'dynamic' mode, the specified timer function will "fire" every time the period expires. But the period of the timer can be changed dynamically, to correspond to the next tick interrupt needed from the timer. The timer will continually count upwards, and the timer's compare mode is used to generate an interrupt when a specific threshold count is reached. This mode is used by the SYS/BIOS Clock module, for implementing dynamic tick suppression, which reduces the number of interrupts from the timer to the minimum required for currently scheduled timeouts.

Calling Context

Function Hwi Swi Task Main Startup
getNumTimers Y Y Y Y N
getStatus Y Y Y Y N
Params_init Y Y Y Y N
construct Y Y Y Y N
create N N Y Y N
delete N N Y Y N
destruct Y Y Y Y N
getCount Y Y Y N N
getFreq Y Y Y Y N
getFunc Y Y Y Y N
getPeriod Y Y Y Y N
reconfig Y Y Y Y N
setFunc Y Y Y Y N
setPeriod Y Y Y Y N
setPeriodMicroSecs Y Y Y Y N
start Y Y Y N N
stop Y Y Y N N
  • Hwi: API is callable from a Hwi thread.
  • Swi: API is callable from a Swi thread.
  • Task: API is callable from a Task thread.
  • Main: API is callable during any of these phases:
    • In your module startup after this module is started (e.g. Timer_Module_startupDone() returns TRUE).
    • During xdc.runtime.Startup.lastFxns.
    • During main().
    • During BIOS.startupFxns.
  • Startup: API is callable during any of these phases:
    • During xdc.runtime.Startup.firstFxns.
    • In your module startup before this module is started (e.g. Timer_Module_startupDone() returns FALSE).

Timer Mapping Tables

The Timer module allows the user to use and configure the various timers that exist on a particular device. This is achieved by specifying a timer ID when calling ti.sysbios.hal.Timer.Timer_create. However, the timer ID specified may not always map to that timer; for example, specifying an ID value of 1 does not necessarily mean that this will map to "GPTimer1". These tables are provided to show which timers map to which timer IDs.

Timer Mapping Tables
const Timer_ANY

Const used to specify any timer

C synopsis target-domain
#define Timer_ANY (UInt)~0
const Timer_MAX_PERIOD

Max value of Timer period for PeriodType_COUNTS

C synopsis target-domain
#define Timer_MAX_PERIOD (UInt)0xffffffff
enum Timer_PeriodType

Timer period units

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Timer_PeriodType {
    // period in microsecs
    // period in counts
} Timer_PeriodType;
PeriodType_MICROSECS — Period value is in microseconds.
PeriodType_COUNTS — Period value is in counts.
enum Timer_RunMode

Timer Run Modes

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Timer_RunMode {
    // periodic and continuous
    // one-shot
    // dynamically reprogrammed (available on subset of devices)
} Timer_RunMode;
RunMode_CONTINUOUS — Timer is periodic and runs continuously.
RunMode_ONESHOT — Timer runs for a single period value and stops.
RunMode_DYNAMIC — Timer is dynamically reprogrammed for the next required tick.
enum Timer_StartMode

Timer Start Modes

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Timer_StartMode {
    // timer starts automatically
    // timer will be started by user
} Timer_StartMode;
StartMode_AUTO — Statically created/constructed Timers will be started in BIOS_start(). Dynamically created Timers will start at create() time. This includes timers created before BIOS_start().
StartMode_USER — Timer will be started by the user using start().
enum Timer_Status

Timer Status

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Timer_Status {
    // timer in use
    // timer is free
} Timer_Status;
Status_INUSE — Timer is in use. A timer is marked in use from the time it gets created to the time it gets deleted.
Status_FREE — Timer is free and can be acquired using create.
typedef Timer_FuncPtr

Timer tick function prototype

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void (*Timer_FuncPtr)(UArg);
struct Timer_Tclr

Control Register (TCLR)

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Timer_Tclr {
    Bits32 ptv;
    // Trigger output mode
    Bits8 pre;
    // Prescalar enable
    Bits8 ce;
    // Compare enable
    Bits8 scpwm;
    // Pulse-width modulation
    Bits16 tcm;
    // Transition capture mode
    Bits16 trg;
    // Trigger output mode
    Bits8 pt;
    // Pulse or toggle select bit
    Bits8 captmode;
    // Capture mode select bit
    Bits8 gpocfg;
    // PWM output/event detection input pin
} Timer_Tclr;
struct Timer_Tier

Interrupt Enable Register (TIER)

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Timer_Tier {
    Bits8 mat_it_ena;
    // Enable match interrupt
    Bits8 ovf_it_ena;
    // Enable overflow interrupt
    Bits8 tcar_it_ena;
    // Enable capture interrupt
} Timer_Tier;
struct Timer_TiocpCfg

L4 interface Configuration Register (TIOCP_CFG)

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Timer_TiocpCfg {
    Bits8 idlemode;
    // 0=force-idle;1=no-idle;2=Smart-idle;3=Smart-idle
    Bits8 emufree;
    // 0=counter frozen; 1=counter free-running
    Bits8 softreset;
    // 0=normal mode; 1=soft reset
} Timer_TiocpCfg;
struct Timer_Tsicr

L4 Interface Synchronization Control Register (TSICR)

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Timer_Tsicr {
    Bits8 sft;
    // Reset software functional registers
    Bits8 posted;
    // Posted mode selection
} Timer_Tsicr;
struct Timer_Twer

WakepUp Enable Register (TWER)

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Timer_Twer {
    Bits8 mat_wup_ena;
    // Enable match wake-up
    Bits8 ovf_wup_ena;
    // Enable overflow wake-up
    Bits8 tcar_wup_ena;
    // Enable capture wake-up
} Timer_Twer;
config Timer_A_notAvailable  // module-wide

Assert raised when statically created timer is not available

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Timer_A_notAvailable;
config Timer_E_badIntNum  // module-wide

Error raised when intNum not supplied by user or device table

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Timer_E_badIntNum;
config Timer_E_cannotSupport  // module-wide

Error raised when period requested is not supported

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Timer_E_cannotSupport;
config Timer_E_freqMismatch  // module-wide

Error raised when timer frequency does not match expected frequency

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Timer_E_freqMismatch;
BIOS does not configure the DMTimer clock source and expects this configuration to be performed via a GEL script or on the host OS. This error is raised if BIOS detects a mismatch between intFreq and the actual operating frequency. The check is performed by comparing the timestamp operating frequency with the DMTimer frequency.
To change the expected timer frequency to match the actual operating frequency, use the following example configuration:
      var Timer = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.timers.dmtimer.Timer');
      Timer.intFreq.lo = 20000000; //For 20Mhz
      Timer.intFreq.hi = 0;
This check can be skipped by setting checkFrequency to FALSE.
config Timer_E_invalidTimer  // module-wide

Error raised when timer id specified is not supported

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Timer_E_invalidTimer;
config Timer_E_notAvailable  // module-wide

Error raised when timer requested is in use

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Timer_E_notAvailable;
config Timer_anyMask  // module-wide

Available mask to be used when select = Timer_ANY

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bits32 Timer_anyMask;
Default value is device specific.
config Timer_checkFrequency  // module-wide

Whether to check the timer operating frequency at startup

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Timer_checkFrequency;
When this flag is set to 'TRUE', the Timer module will verify that the operating frequency equals the frequency at which BIOS expects the timers to operate. This check is performed by checking the timer count rate against the xdc.runtime.Timestamp count rate.
Timer_getHandle()  // module-wide

Get Handle associated with a timer id

C synopsis target-domain
Timer_Handle Timer_getHandle(UInt id);
id — timer Id
timer handle
Timer_getNumTimers()  // module-wide

Returns number of timer peripherals on the platform

C synopsis target-domain
UInt Timer_getNumTimers();
Number of timer peripherals.
Timer_getStatus()  // module-wide

Returns timer status (free or in use)

C synopsis target-domain
ITimer_Status Timer_getStatus(UInt id);
timer status
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Timer_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Timer_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Timer_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Timer_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Timer_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Timer_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Instance Object Types

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Timer_Object Timer_Object;
// Opaque internal representation of an instance object
typedef Timer_Object *Timer_Handle;
// Client reference to an instance object
typedef struct Timer_Struct Timer_Struct;
// Opaque client structure large enough to hold an instance object
Timer_Handle Timer_handle(Timer_Struct *structP);
// Convert this instance structure pointer into an instance handle
Timer_Struct *Timer_struct(Timer_Handle handle);
// Convert this instance handle into an instance structure pointer
Instance Config Parameters

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Timer_Params {
// Instance config-params structure
    IInstance_Params *instance;
    // Common per-instance configs
    UArg arg;
    // Argument for tick function
    Int eventId;
    // Hwi event Id to be used by Timer
    Types_FreqHz extFreq;
    // Timer frequency
    Hwi_Params *hwiParams;
    // Hwi Params for Hwi Object. Default is null
    Int intNum;
    // Hwi interrupt number to be used by Timer
    UInt32 period;
    // Period of a tick
    ITimer_PeriodType periodType;
    // Period type
    ITimer_RunMode runMode;
    // Timer run mode
    ITimer_StartMode startMode;
    // Timer start mode
    Timer_Tclr tclr;
    // Initial Timer Control Register bit settings
    Timer_Tier tier;
    // Initial Timer IRQSTATUS_SET Register bit settings
    Timer_TiocpCfg tiocpCfg;
    // Initial Timer TIOCP_CFG Register bit settings
    UInt32 tmar;
    // Initial Timer Match Register setting
    Timer_Tsicr tsicr;
    // Initial Timer Synchronous Interface Control Register bit settings
    Timer_Twer twer;
    // Initial Timer IRQ Wakeup Enable Register bit settings
} Timer_Params;
Void Timer_Params_init(Timer_Params *params);
// Initialize this config-params structure with supplier-specified defaults before instance creation
config Timer_Params.arg  // instance

Argument for tick function

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    UArg arg;
Default is null.
config Timer_Params.eventId  // instance

Hwi event Id to be used by Timer

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Int eventId;
config Timer_Params.extFreq  // instance

Timer frequency

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Types_FreqHz extFreq;
This parameter is meaningfull only on platforms where the timer's input clock can be changed. If value is left at zero, then input clock to the timer clock is assumed.
This value is used to convert timer ticks to real time units; seconds, milliseconds, etc.
config Timer_Params.hwiParams  // instance

Hwi Params for Hwi Object. Default is null

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Hwi_Params *hwiParams;
config Timer_Params.intNum  // instance

Hwi interrupt number to be used by Timer

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Int intNum;
config Timer_Params.period  // instance

Period of a tick

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    UInt32 period;
The period can be specified in timer counts or microseconds and its default value is 0.
The implementation of ITimer will support a period of UInt32 timer counts and use pre-scalars if necessary.
config Timer_Params.periodType  // instance

Period type

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    ITimer_PeriodType periodType;
Default is PeriodType_MICROSECS
config Timer_Params.runMode  // instance

Timer run mode

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    ITimer_RunMode runMode;
Default is RunMode_CONTINUOUS.
config Timer_Params.startMode  // instance

Timer start mode

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    ITimer_StartMode startMode;
Default is StartMode_AUTO.
config Timer_Params.tclr  // instance

Initial Timer Control Register bit settings

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Timer_Tclr tclr;
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer_Params.tier  // instance

Initial Timer IRQSTATUS_SET Register bit settings

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Timer_Tier tier;
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer_Params.tiocpCfg  // instance

Initial Timer TIOCP_CFG Register bit settings

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Timer_TiocpCfg tiocpCfg;
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer_Params.tmar  // instance

Initial Timer Match Register setting

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    UInt32 tmar;
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer_Params.tsicr  // instance

Initial Timer Synchronous Interface Control Register bit settings

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Timer_Tsicr tsicr;
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer_Params.twer  // instance

Initial Timer IRQ Wakeup Enable Register bit settings

C synopsis target-domain
struct Timer_Params {
    Timer_Twer twer;
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
Runtime Instance Creation

C synopsis target-domain
Timer_Handle Timer_create(Int id, ITimer_FuncPtr tickFxn, const Timer_Params *params, Error_Block *eb);
// Allocate and initialize a new instance object and return its handle
Void Timer_construct(Timer_Struct *structP, Int id, ITimer_FuncPtr tickFxn, const Timer_Params *params, Error_Block *eb);
// Initialize a new instance object inside the provided structure
id — Timer id ranging from 0 to a platform specific value, or ANY
tickFxn — function that runs upon timer expiry.
params — per-instance config params, or NULL to select default values (target-domain only)
eb — active error-handling block, or NULL to select default policy (target-domain only)
Create could fail if timer peripheral is unavailable. To request any available timer use ANY as the id. TimerId's are logical ids. The family-specific implementations map the ids to physical peripherals.
Instance Deletion

C synopsis target-domain
Void Timer_delete(Timer_Handle *handleP);
// Finalize and free this previously allocated instance object, setting the referenced handle to NULL
Void Timer_destruct(Timer_Struct *structP);
// Finalize the instance object inside the provided structure
Timer_getCount()  // instance

Read timer counter register

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 Timer_getCount(Timer_Handle handle);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
timer counter value
Timer_getFreq()  // instance

Return timer frequency in Hz

C synopsis target-domain
Void Timer_getFreq(Timer_Handle handle, Types_FreqHz *freq);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
freq — frequency in Hz
This is the effective frequency of the clock incrementing the timer counter register after all scaling factors are taken into account. (including pre-scalars).
Timer_getFunc()  // instance

Get Timer function and arg

C synopsis target-domain
ITimer_FuncPtr Timer_getFunc(Timer_Handle handle, UArg *arg);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
arg — pointer for returning Timer's function argument
Timer's function
Timer_getPeriod()  // instance

Get timer period in timer counts

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 Timer_getPeriod(Timer_Handle handle);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
period in timer counts
Timer_reconfig()  // instance

Used to modify static timer instances at runtime

C synopsis target-domain
Void Timer_reconfig(Timer_Handle handle, Timer_FuncPtr tickFxn, Timer_Params *timerParams, Error_Block *eb);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
timerParams — timer Params
tickFxn — functions that runs when timer expires
Timer_restoreRegisters()  // instance

Restore timer registers to their nominal state following a power down

C synopsis target-domain
Void Timer_restoreRegisters(Timer_Handle handle, Error_Block *eb);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
All registers are restored to their nominal operating state, except for those registers and bits associated with starting the timer.
Following a power down, the user should do the following to restore and restart the timer:
      Timer_handle timer;
      Error_Block eb;

      Timer_restoreRegisters(timer, &eb);
Timer_setFunc()  // instance

Overwrite Timer function and arg

C synopsis target-domain
Void Timer_setFunc(Timer_Handle handle, ITimer_FuncPtr fxn, UArg arg);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
fxn — pointer to function
arg — argument to function
Replaces a Timer object's tickFxn function originally provided in create.
Timer_setPeriod()  // instance

Set timer period specified in timer counts

C synopsis target-domain
Void Timer_setPeriod(Timer_Handle handle, UInt32 period);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
period — period in timer counts
Timer_setPeriod() invokes Timer_stop() prior to setting the period and leaves the timer in the stopped state.
To dynamically change the period of a timer you must protect against re-entrancy by disabling interrupts. Use the following call sequence to guarantee proper results:
  // disable interrupts if an interrupt could lead to
  // another call to Timer_start().
  key = Hwi_disable();
ITimer implementation must support UInt32 and use pre-scalars whenever necessary
Calls Timer_stop(), and disables the timer's interrupt.
Timer_setPeriodMicroSecs()  // instance

Set timer period specified in microseconds

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Timer_setPeriodMicroSecs(Timer_Handle handle, UInt32 microsecs);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
period — period in microseconds
A best-effort method will be used to set the period register. There might be a slight rounding error based on resolution of timer period register. If the timer frequency cannot support the requested period, i.e. the timer period register cannot support the requested period, then this function returns false.
Timer_setPeriodMicroSecs() invokes Timer_stop() prior to setting the period and leaves the timer in the stopped state.
To dynamically change the period of a timer you must protect against re-entrancy by disabling interrupts. Use the following call sequence to guarantee proper results:
  // disable interrupts if an interrupt could lead to
  // another call to Timer_start().
  key = Hwi_disable();
Timer_start()  // instance

Reload and start the timer

C synopsis target-domain
Void Timer_start(Timer_Handle handle);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
Thread safety must be observed when using the start and stop APIs to avoid possible miss- configuration of the timers and unintended behaviors. To protect against re-entrancy, surround the start/stop invocations with Hwi_disable() and Hwi_restore() calls:
  // disable interrupts if an interrupt could lead to
  // another call to Timer_start().
  key = Hwi_disable();
Enables the timer's interrupt.
Timer_stop()  // instance

Stop the timer

C synopsis target-domain
Void Timer_stop(Timer_Handle handle);
handle — handle of a previously-created Timer instance object
Thread safety must be observed when using the start and stop APIs to avoid possible miss- configuration of the timers and unintended behaviors. To protect against re-entrancy, surround the start/stop invocations with Hwi_disable() and Hwi_restore() calls:
  // disable interrupts if an interrupt could lead to
  // another call to Timer_start().
  key = Hwi_disable();
Disables the timer's interrupt.
Instance Convertors

C synopsis target-domain
ITimer_Handle Timer_Handle_upCast(Timer_Handle handle);
// unconditionally move one level up the inheritance hierarchy
Timer_Handle Timer_Handle_downCast(ITimer_Handle handle);
// conditionally move one level down the inheritance hierarchy; NULL upon failure
Instance Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Int Timer_Object_count();
// The number of statically-created instance objects
Timer_Handle Timer_Object_get(Timer_Object *array, Int i);
// The handle of the i-th statically-created instance object (array == NULL)
Timer_Handle Timer_Object_first();
// The handle of the first dynamically-created instance object, or NULL
Timer_Handle Timer_Object_next(Timer_Handle handle);
// The handle of the next dynamically-created instance object, or NULL
IHeap_Handle Timer_Object_heap();
// The heap used to allocate dynamically-created instance objects
Types_Label *Timer_Handle_label(Timer_Handle handle, Types_Label *buf);
// The label associated with this instance object
String Timer_Handle_name(Timer_Handle handle);
// The name of this instance object
Configuration settings sourced in ti/sysbios/timers/dmtimer/Timer.xdc
var Timer = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.timers.dmtimer.Timer');
module-wide constants & types
    values of type Timer.RunMode// Timer Run Modes
        const Timer.RunMode_ONESHOT// one-shot;
    values of type Timer.StartMode// Timer Start Modes
    values of type Timer.Status// Timer Status
        const Timer.Status_INUSE// timer in use;
        const Timer.Status_FREE// timer is free;
    var obj = new Timer.Tclr// Control Register (TCLR);
        obj.ptv// Trigger output mode = Bits32  ...
        obj.pre// Prescalar enable = Bits8  ...
        obj.ce// Compare enable = Bits8  ...
        obj.scpwm// Pulse-width modulation = Bits8  ...
        obj.tcm// Transition capture mode = Bits16  ...
        obj.trg// Trigger output mode = Bits16  ... Pulse or toggle select bit = Bits8  ...
        obj.captmode// Capture mode select bit = Bits8  ...
        obj.gpocfg// PWM output/event detection input pin = Bits8  ...
        obj.mat_it_ena// Enable match interrupt = Bits8  ...
        obj.ovf_it_ena// Enable overflow interrupt = Bits8  ...
        obj.tcar_it_ena// Enable capture interrupt = Bits8  ...
    var obj = new Timer.TimerSetting// Timer Settings;
        obj.master// specifies whether this is the master = Bool  ...
        obj.baseAddr// specify the base address = Ptr  ...
        obj.intNum// specify which interrupt vector = Int  ...
        obj.eventId// specify which event number to use = Int  ... specify the timer name = String  ...
        obj.emufree// 0=counter frozen; 1=counter free-running = Bits8  ...
        obj.softreset// 0=normal mode; 1=soft reset = Bits8  ...
        obj.sft// Reset software functional registers = Bits8  ...
        obj.posted// Posted mode selection = Bits8  ...
        obj.mat_wup_ena// Enable match wake-up = Bits8  ...
        obj.ovf_wup_ena// Enable overflow wake-up = Bits8  ...
        obj.tcar_wup_ena// Enable capture wake-up = Bits8  ...
module-wide config parameters
        msg: "A_notAvailable: statically created timer not available"
        msg: "E_badIntNum: Timer requires a valid intNum. Please use DMTimer module's timerSettings config param to assign a valid intNum for the selected timer."
        msg: "E_cannotSupport: Timer cannot support requested period %d"
        msg: "E_freqMismatch: Frequency mismatch: Expected %d Hz, actual: %d Hz. You need to modify Timer.intFreq.lo to match the actual frequency."
        msg: "E_invalidTimer: Invalid Timer Id %d"
        msg: "E_notAvailable: Timer not available %d"
        lo: 0,
        hi: 0
per-instance config parameters
    var params = new Timer.Params// Instance config-params object;
        params.arg// Argument for tick function = UArg null;
        params.eventId// Hwi event Id to be used by Timer = Int -1;
        params.extFreq// Timer frequency = Types.FreqHz {
            lo: 0,
            hi: 0
        params.intNum// Hwi interrupt number to be used by Timer = Int -1;
        params.period// Period of a tick = UInt32 0;
            ptv: 0,
            pre: 0,
            ce: 0,
            scpwm: 0,
            tcm: 0,
            trg: 0,
            pt: 0,
            captmode: 0,
            gpocfg: 0
            mat_it_ena: 0,
            ovf_it_ena: 1,
            tcar_it_ena: 0
            idlemode: 0,
            emufree: 0,
            softreset: 1
        params.tmar// Initial Timer Match Register setting = UInt32 0;
            sft: 0,
            posted: 0
            mat_wup_ena: 0,
            ovf_wup_ena: 0,
            tcar_wup_ena: 0
per-instance creation
    var inst = Timer.create// Create an instance-object(Int id, Void(*)(UArg) tickFxn, params);
const Timer.ANY

Const used to specify any timer

Configuration settings
const Timer.ANY = ~0;
const Timer.MAX_PERIOD

Max value of Timer period for PeriodType_COUNTS

Configuration settings
const Timer.MAX_PERIOD = 0xffffffff;
enum Timer.PeriodType

Timer period units

Configuration settings
values of type Timer.PeriodType
    const Timer.PeriodType_MICROSECS;
    // period in microsecs
    const Timer.PeriodType_COUNTS;
    // period in counts
PeriodType_MICROSECS — Period value is in microseconds.
PeriodType_COUNTS — Period value is in counts.
enum Timer.RunMode

Timer Run Modes

Configuration settings
values of type Timer.RunMode
    const Timer.RunMode_CONTINUOUS;
    // periodic and continuous
    const Timer.RunMode_ONESHOT;
    // one-shot
    const Timer.RunMode_DYNAMIC;
    // dynamically reprogrammed (available on subset of devices)
RunMode_CONTINUOUS — Timer is periodic and runs continuously.
RunMode_ONESHOT — Timer runs for a single period value and stops.
RunMode_DYNAMIC — Timer is dynamically reprogrammed for the next required tick.
enum Timer.StartMode

Timer Start Modes

Configuration settings
values of type Timer.StartMode
    const Timer.StartMode_AUTO;
    // timer starts automatically
    const Timer.StartMode_USER;
    // timer will be started by user
StartMode_AUTO — Statically created/constructed Timers will be started in BIOS_start(). Dynamically created Timers will start at create() time. This includes timers created before BIOS_start().
StartMode_USER — Timer will be started by the user using start().
enum Timer.Status

Timer Status

Configuration settings
values of type Timer.Status
    const Timer.Status_INUSE;
    // timer in use
    const Timer.Status_FREE;
    // timer is free
Status_INUSE — Timer is in use. A timer is marked in use from the time it gets created to the time it gets deleted.
Status_FREE — Timer is free and can be acquired using create.
struct Timer.Tclr

Control Register (TCLR)

Configuration settings
var obj = new Timer.Tclr;
    obj.ptv = Bits32  ...
    // Trigger output mode
    obj.pre = Bits8  ...
    // Prescalar enable
    obj.ce = Bits8  ...
    // Compare enable
    obj.scpwm = Bits8  ...
    // Pulse-width modulation
    obj.tcm = Bits16  ...
    // Transition capture mode
    obj.trg = Bits16  ...
    // Trigger output mode = Bits8  ...
    // Pulse or toggle select bit
    obj.captmode = Bits8  ...
    // Capture mode select bit
    obj.gpocfg = Bits8  ...
    // PWM output/event detection input pin
struct Timer.Tier

Interrupt Enable Register (TIER)

Configuration settings
var obj = new Timer.Tier;
    obj.mat_it_ena = Bits8  ...
    // Enable match interrupt
    obj.ovf_it_ena = Bits8  ...
    // Enable overflow interrupt
    obj.tcar_it_ena = Bits8  ...
    // Enable capture interrupt
metaonly struct Timer.TimerSetting

Timer Settings

Configuration settings
var obj = new Timer.TimerSetting;
    obj.master = Bool  ...
    // specifies whether this is the master
    obj.baseAddr = Ptr  ...
    // specify the base address
    obj.intNum = Int  ...
    // specify which interrupt vector
    obj.eventId = Int  ...
    // specify which event number to use = String  ...
    // specify the timer name
struct Timer.TiocpCfg

L4 interface Configuration Register (TIOCP_CFG)

Configuration settings
var obj = new Timer.TiocpCfg;
    obj.idlemode = Bits8  ...
    // 0=force-idle;1=no-idle;2=Smart-idle;3=Smart-idle
    obj.emufree = Bits8  ...
    // 0=counter frozen; 1=counter free-running
    obj.softreset = Bits8  ...
    // 0=normal mode; 1=soft reset
struct Timer.Tsicr

L4 Interface Synchronization Control Register (TSICR)

Configuration settings
var obj = new Timer.Tsicr;
    obj.sft = Bits8  ...
    // Reset software functional registers
    obj.posted = Bits8  ...
    // Posted mode selection
struct Timer.Twer

WakepUp Enable Register (TWER)

Configuration settings
var obj = new Timer.Twer;
    obj.mat_wup_ena = Bits8  ...
    // Enable match wake-up
    obj.ovf_wup_ena = Bits8  ...
    // Enable overflow wake-up
    obj.tcar_wup_ena = Bits8  ...
    // Enable capture wake-up
config Timer.A_notAvailable  // module-wide

Assert raised when statically created timer is not available

Configuration settings
Timer.A_notAvailable = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_notAvailable: statically created timer not available"
config Timer.E_badIntNum  // module-wide

Error raised when intNum not supplied by user or device table

Configuration settings
Timer.E_badIntNum = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_badIntNum: Timer requires a valid intNum. Please use DMTimer module's timerSettings config param to assign a valid intNum for the selected timer."
config Timer.E_cannotSupport  // module-wide

Error raised when period requested is not supported

Configuration settings
Timer.E_cannotSupport = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_cannotSupport: Timer cannot support requested period %d"
config Timer.E_freqMismatch  // module-wide

Error raised when timer frequency does not match expected frequency

Configuration settings
Timer.E_freqMismatch = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_freqMismatch: Frequency mismatch: Expected %d Hz, actual: %d Hz. You need to modify Timer.intFreq.lo to match the actual frequency."
BIOS does not configure the DMTimer clock source and expects this configuration to be performed via a GEL script or on the host OS. This error is raised if BIOS detects a mismatch between intFreq and the actual operating frequency. The check is performed by comparing the timestamp operating frequency with the DMTimer frequency.
To change the expected timer frequency to match the actual operating frequency, use the following example configuration:
      var Timer = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.timers.dmtimer.Timer');
      Timer.intFreq.lo = 20000000; //For 20Mhz
      Timer.intFreq.hi = 0;
This check can be skipped by setting checkFrequency to FALSE.
config Timer.E_invalidTimer  // module-wide

Error raised when timer id specified is not supported

Configuration settings
Timer.E_invalidTimer = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_invalidTimer: Invalid Timer Id %d"
config Timer.E_notAvailable  // module-wide

Error raised when timer requested is in use

Configuration settings
Timer.E_notAvailable = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_notAvailable: Timer not available %d"
config Timer.anyMask  // module-wide

Available mask to be used when select = Timer_ANY

Configuration settings
Timer.anyMask = Bits32 undefined;
Default value is device specific.
config Timer.checkFrequency  // module-wide

Whether to check the timer operating frequency at startup

Configuration settings
Timer.checkFrequency = Bool true;
When this flag is set to 'TRUE', the Timer module will verify that the operating frequency equals the frequency at which BIOS expects the timers to operate. This check is performed by checking the timer count rate against the xdc.runtime.Timestamp count rate.
metaonly config Timer.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
Timer.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config Timer.intFreq  // module-wide

Default internal timer input clock frequency

Configuration settings
Timer.intFreq = Types.FreqHz {
    lo: 0,
    hi: 0
If intFreq is set, its value will be copied into all intFreqs[] array entries except any entry which was explicitly written to in the application's config script.
For example, if intFreq is set to {hi:0, lo:32768} on a device with 3 timers, it will be copied into intFreqs[0], intFreqs[1] & intFreqs[2]. If the application explicitly sets one of the intFreqs[] entries, say intFreqs[1], then intFreq is not copied into intFreqs[1] and intFreqs[1] retains the value it was set to in the config script.
metaonly config Timer.intFreqs  // module-wide

Default internal timer input clock frequency array

Configuration settings
Timer.intFreqs = Types.FreqHz[] undefined;
This array can be used to change the input clock frequency for a particular timer.
For example, if it is required to change the input clock frequency for timer id 2 to 32768Hz on a device that has 4 timers, the intFreqs[2] config param can be set to {hi:0, lo:32768} in the config script.
For a list of default timer frequencies for different devices, please refer Timer Mapping Tables.
metaonly config Timer.timerSettings  // module-wide

Global Control configuration for each physical timer

Configuration settings
Timer.timerSettings = Timer.TimerSetting[] [ ];
Instance Config Parameters

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
// Instance config-params object
    params.arg = UArg null;
    // Argument for tick function
    params.eventId = Int -1;
    // Hwi event Id to be used by Timer
    params.extFreq = Types.FreqHz {
    // Timer frequency
        lo: 0,
        hi: 0
    params.hwiParams = Hwi.Params* null;
    // Hwi Params for Hwi Object. Default is null
    params.intNum = Int -1;
    // Hwi interrupt number to be used by Timer
    params.period = UInt32 0;
    // Period of a tick
    params.periodType = ITimer.PeriodType ITimer.PeriodType_MICROSECS;
    // Period type
    params.runMode = ITimer.RunMode ITimer.RunMode_CONTINUOUS;
    // Timer run mode
    params.startMode = ITimer.StartMode ITimer.StartMode_AUTO;
    // Timer start mode
    params.tclr = Timer.Tclr {
    // Initial Timer Control Register bit settings
        ptv: 0,
        pre: 0,
        ce: 0,
        scpwm: 0,
        tcm: 0,
        trg: 0,
        pt: 0,
        captmode: 0,
        gpocfg: 0
    params.tier = Timer.Tier {
    // Initial Timer IRQSTATUS_SET Register bit settings
        mat_it_ena: 0,
        ovf_it_ena: 1,
        tcar_it_ena: 0
    params.tiocpCfg = Timer.TiocpCfg {
    // Initial Timer TIOCP_CFG Register bit settings
        idlemode: 0,
        emufree: 0,
        softreset: 1
    params.tmar = UInt32 0;
    // Initial Timer Match Register setting
    params.tsicr = Timer.Tsicr {
    // Initial Timer Synchronous Interface Control Register bit settings
        sft: 0,
        posted: 0
    params.twer = Timer.Twer {
    // Initial Timer IRQ Wakeup Enable Register bit settings
        mat_wup_ena: 0,
        ovf_wup_ena: 0,
        tcar_wup_ena: 0
config Timer.Params.arg  // instance

Argument for tick function

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.arg = UArg null;
Default is null.
config Timer.Params.eventId  // instance

Hwi event Id to be used by Timer

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.eventId = Int -1;
config Timer.Params.extFreq  // instance

Timer frequency

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.extFreq = Types.FreqHz {
    lo: 0,
    hi: 0
This parameter is meaningfull only on platforms where the timer's input clock can be changed. If value is left at zero, then input clock to the timer clock is assumed.
This value is used to convert timer ticks to real time units; seconds, milliseconds, etc.
config Timer.Params.hwiParams  // instance

Hwi Params for Hwi Object. Default is null

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.hwiParams = Hwi.Params* null;
config Timer.Params.intNum  // instance

Hwi interrupt number to be used by Timer

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.intNum = Int -1;
config Timer.Params.period  // instance

Period of a tick

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.period = UInt32 0;
The period can be specified in timer counts or microseconds and its default value is 0.
The implementation of ITimer will support a period of UInt32 timer counts and use pre-scalars if necessary.
config Timer.Params.periodType  // instance

Period type

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
Default is PeriodType_MICROSECS
config Timer.Params.runMode  // instance

Timer run mode

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
Default is RunMode_CONTINUOUS.
config Timer.Params.startMode  // instance

Timer start mode

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
Default is StartMode_AUTO.
config Timer.Params.tclr  // instance

Initial Timer Control Register bit settings

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.tclr = Timer.Tclr {
    ptv: 0,
    pre: 0,
    ce: 0,
    scpwm: 0,
    tcm: 0,
    trg: 0,
    pt: 0,
    captmode: 0,
    gpocfg: 0
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer.Params.tier  // instance

Initial Timer IRQSTATUS_SET Register bit settings

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.tier = Timer.Tier {
    mat_it_ena: 0,
    ovf_it_ena: 1,
    tcar_it_ena: 0
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer.Params.tiocpCfg  // instance

Initial Timer TIOCP_CFG Register bit settings

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.tiocpCfg = Timer.TiocpCfg {
    idlemode: 0,
    emufree: 0,
    softreset: 1
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer.Params.tmar  // instance

Initial Timer Match Register setting

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.tmar = UInt32 0;
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer.Params.tsicr  // instance

Initial Timer Synchronous Interface Control Register bit settings

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.tsicr = Timer.Tsicr {
    sft: 0,
    posted: 0
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
config Timer.Params.twer  // instance

Initial Timer IRQ Wakeup Enable Register bit settings

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.twer = Timer.Twer {
    mat_wup_ena: 0,
    ovf_wup_ena: 0,
    tcar_wup_ena: 0
For a detailed description of this timer register, please refer to your device's Technical Reference Manual.
Static Instance Creation

Configuration settings
var params = new Timer.Params;
// Allocate instance config-params
params.config =   ...
// Assign individual configs
var inst = Timer.create(Int id, Void(*)(UArg) tickFxn, params);
// Create an instance-object
id — Timer id ranging from 0 to a platform specific value, or ANY
tickFxn — function that runs upon timer expiry.
params — per-instance config params, or NULL to select default values (target-domain only)
eb — active error-handling block, or NULL to select default policy (target-domain only)
Create could fail if timer peripheral is unavailable. To request any available timer use ANY as the id. TimerId's are logical ids. The family-specific implementations map the ids to physical peripherals.
generated on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 20:38:03 GMT