
String.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Defines for String manipulation library.

Go to the source code of this file.


String String_cat (String s1, String s2)
Int String_cmp (String s1, String s2)
Int String_ncmp (String s1, String s2, UInt32 n)
String String_cpy (String s1, String s2)
String String_ncpy (String s1, String s2, UInt32 n)
Int String_len (String s)
Int String_hexToStr (String s, UInt32 hex)
UInt32 String_hash (String s)

Function Documentation

String String_cat ( String  s1,
String  s2 
Int String_cmp ( String  s1,
String  s2 
Int String_ncmp ( String  s1,
String  s2,
UInt32  n 
String String_cpy ( String  s1,
String  s2 
String String_ncpy ( String  s1,
String  s2,
UInt32  n 
Int String_len ( String  s )
Int String_hexToStr ( String  s,
UInt32  hex 
UInt32 String_hash ( String  s )
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