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RingIO.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This will have definitions for interfaces and structures for RingIO module.

The RingIO component provides data streaming between GPP and DSP using a ring buffer as the transport.

In a multiprocessor system having shared access to a memory region, an efficient mode of data transfer can be implemented, which uses a ring buffer created within the shared memory. The reader and writer of the ring buffer can be on different processors.

The RingIO component on each processor shall provide the ability to create RingIO buffers within the memory provided by the application. The memory provided may be within the shared memory region between two processors. If the RingIO buffer is created within shared memory, it shall be accessible to reader and writer present on the two processors between which the memory is shared. The application can obtain a handle to the RingIO through a call to open it.

The RingIO component shall provide the ability for the writer to acquire empty regions of memory within the data buffer. The contents of the acquired region are committed to memory when the data buffer is released by the writer.

The RingIO component shall provide the ability for the reader to acquire regions of memory within the data buffer with valid data within them. On releasing the acquired region, the contents of this region are marked as invalid.

The RingIO component shall also support APIs for enabling synchronous transfer of attributes with data. End of Stream (EOS), Time Stamps, Stream offset etc. are examples of such attributes and these shall be associated with offsets in the ring buffer.

A client using RingIO is a single unit of execution. It may be a process or thread on the GPP or the DSP.

The RingIO client can be closed only if there is no currently acquired data or attributes. If there is any unreleased data or attributes, they must be released or cancelled before the RingIO client can be closed.

The RingIO can be deleted only when both reader and writer clients have successfully closed their RingIO clients.

Each RingIO instance has an associated footer area, if configured. The foot buffer can be configured to be of zero size if not required. If configured, the foot-buffer is physically contiguous with the data buffer, and hence the memory size specified must be equal to (data buffer size + foot buffer size).

The RingIO data and attribute buffer sizes must comply with any constraints imposed by the heap that they are specified to be allocated from. For example, for the Shared Memory Heap, the buffer sizes must be aligned to DSP cache line.

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Data Structures

struct  RingIO_Config_Tag
 Structure defining config parameters for the RingIO module. More...
struct  RingIO_Params_Tag
 Common parameters required to create RingIO instance of any implementation. It should be the first element of the actual implementaton params structure . More...
struct  RingIO_openParams_Tag
 Structure defining config parameters for opening the RingIO instances. More...
struct  RingIO_sharedMemReqDetails_tag
 Structure defining config parameters for opening the RingIO instances. More...


 Indicates that either: 1) The amount of data requested could not be serviced due to the presence of an attribute 2) During an attribute read if another is also present at the same offset.
 Indicates that Valid data is present in the buffer but is not contiguous as data has been copied from top to footer area.
#define RingIO_S_BUSY   2
 The resource is still in use.
#define RingIO_S_ALREADYSETUP   1
 The module has been already setup.
#define RingIO_S_SUCCESS   0
 Operation is successful.
#define RingIO_E_FAIL   -1
 Operation is not successful.
#define RingIO_E_INVALIDARG   -2
 There is an invalid argument.
#define RingIO_E_MEMORY   -3
 Operation resulted in memory failure.
#define RingIO_E_ALREADYEXISTS   -4
 The specified entity already exists.
#define RingIO_E_NOTFOUND   -5
 Unable to find the specified entity.
#define RingIO_E_TIMEOUT   -6
 Operation timed out.
#define RingIO_E_INVALIDSTATE   -7
 Module is not initialized.
#define RingIO_E_OSFAILURE   -8
 A failure occurred in an OS-specific call.
#define RingIO_E_RESOURCE   -9
 Specified resource is not available.
#define RingIO_E_RESTART   -10
 Operation was interrupted. Please restart the operation.
#define RingIO_E_INVALIDMSG   -11
 An invalid message was encountered.
#define RingIO_E_NOTOWNER   -12
 Not the owner.
#define RingIO_E_REMOTEACTIVE   -13
 Operation resulted in error.
#define RingIO_E_INVALIDHEAPID   -14
 An invalid heap id was encountered.
#define RingIO_E_INVALIDPROCID   -15
 An invalid MultiProc id was encountered.
#define RingIO_E_MAXREACHED   -16
 The max has been reached.
#define RingIO_E_INUSE   -17
 Indicates that the instance is in use..
#define RingIO_E_INVALIDCONTEXT   -18
 Indicates that the api is called with wrong handle.
#define RingIO_E_BADVERSION   -19
 Versions don't match.
#define RingIO_E_BUFWRAP   -20
 Indicates that the amount of data requested could not be serviced due to the ring buffer getting wrapped.
#define RingIO_E_BUFEMPTY   -21
 Indicates that there is no data in the buffer for reading.
#define RingIO_E_BUFFULL   -22
 Indicates that the buffer is full.
#define RingIO_E_PENDINGDATA   -23
 Indicates that there is no attribute at the current, but attributes are present at a future offset.
 Indicates that attibute get() failed, need to extract variable length message getv()
#define RingIO_E_WRONGSTATE   -25
 Indicates that the RingIO is in a wrong state.
#define RingIO_E_NOTIFYFAIL   -26
 Indicates that the underlying notification call failed.
 Indicates that the the acquire failed as attribute is present at current read offset.


typedef Ptr RingIO_BufPtr
typedef UInt16 RingIO_NotifyMsg
typedef struct RingIO_Object * RingIO_Handle
 Handle for the RingIO instance.
typedef enum RingIO_Type_Tag RingIO_Type
typedef struct RingIO_Config_Tag RingIO_Config
 Structure defining config parameters for the RingIO module.
typedef struct RingIO_Params_Tag RingIO_Params
 Common parameters required to create RingIO instance of any implementation. It should be the first element of the actual implementaton params structure .
typedef enum RingIO_OpenMode_Tag RingIO_OpenMode
 Enumeration of RingIO open modes.
typedef struct
 Structure defining config parameters for opening the RingIO instances.
typedef struct
 Structure defining config parameters for opening the RingIO instances.
typedef enum RingIO_Flags_tag RingIO_Flags
 Enumeration of flags for RingIO client. It includes information about access to buffers.
typedef enum RingIO_NotifyType_Tag RingIO_NotifyType
 Enumerates the notification types for RingIO.
typedef void(* RingIO_NotifyFxn )(RingIO_Handle, Ptr, RingIO_NotifyMsg)
 Prototype of the RingIO call back function.


enum  RingIO_Type_Tag { RingIO_Type_SHAREDMEM = 0x0 }
enum  RingIO_OpenMode_Tag {
  RingIO_MODE_READER = 0x0,
  RingIO_MODE_WRITER = 0x1

Enumeration of RingIO open modes.

enum  RingIO_Flags_tag {

Enumeration of flags for RingIO client. It includes information about access to buffers.

enum  RingIO_NotifyType_Tag {

Enumerates the notification types for RingIO.



Void RingIO_Params_init (Void *params)
 Function to initialize the parameters for the RingIO instance.
RingIO_Handle RingIO_create (const Void *params)
 Create a RingIO object.
Int RingIO_delete (RingIO_Handle *handlePtr)
 Delete a RingIO object.
UInt32 RingIO_sharedMemReq (const Void *params, RingIO_sharedMemReqDetails *sharedMemReqDetails)
 Get shared memory requirements. Params_init must be called to initialize the parameters before calling this function.
Int RingIO_open (String name, const RingIO_openParams *params, UInt16 *procIds, RingIO_Handle *handlePtr)
 Opens a created instance of RingIO module.
Int RingIO_openByAddr (Ptr ctrlSharedAddr, const RingIO_openParams *params, RingIO_Handle *handlePtr)
 Opens a created instance of RingIO module by the shared memory address of the instance.
Int RingIO_close (RingIO_Handle *handlePtr)
 Closes previously opened/created instance of RingIO module.
Int RingIO_registerNotifier (RingIO_Handle handle, RingIO_NotifyType notifyType, UInt32 watermark, RingIO_NotifyFxn notifyFunc, Ptr cbContext)
 Function to register a call back function.
Int RingIO_unregisterNotifier (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Unregister a call back function.
Int RingIO_setWaterMark (RingIO_Handle handle, UInt32 watermark)
 Function to set client's watermark.
Int RingIO_setNotifyType (RingIO_Handle handle, RingIO_NotifyType notifyType)
 Function to set the notify type.
Int RingIO_acquire (RingIO_Handle handle, RingIO_BufPtr *pData, UInt32 *pSize)
 Acquires data from the RingIO instance This function acquires a data buffer from RingIO for reading or writing, depending on the mode in which the client (represented by the handle) has been opened.
Int RingIO_release (RingIO_Handle handle, UInt32 size)
 Releases data from the RingIO instance.
Int RingIO_cancel (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Cancel the previous acquired buffer to the RingIO instance This function cancels any data buffers acquired by reader or writer. In the case of writer, all attributes that are set since the first acquire are removed. In the case of reader, all attributes that were obtained since the first acquired are re-instated in the RingIO instance.
Int RingIO_getvAttribute (RingIO_Handle handle, UInt16 *type, UInt32 *param, RingIO_BufPtr vptr, UInt32 *pSize)
 Get attribute from the RingIO instance This function gets an attribute with a variable-sized payload from the attribute buffer. If an attribute is present, the attribute type, the optional parameter, a pointer to the optional payload and the payload size are returned.
Int RingIO_setvAttribute (RingIO_Handle handle, UInt16 type, UInt32 param, RingIO_BufPtr pData, UInt32 size, Bool sendNotification)
 Set attribute in the RingIO instance.
Int RingIO_getAttribute (RingIO_Handle handle, UInt16 *type, UInt32 *param)
 Obtain a fixed-size attribute from the attribute buffer.
Int RingIO_setAttribute (RingIO_Handle handle, UInt16 type, UInt32 param, Bool sendNotification)
 This function sets a fixed-size attribute in the acquired data buffer.
Int RingIO_flush (RingIO_Handle handle, Bool hardFlush, UInt16 *type, UInt32 *param, UInt32 *bytesFlushed)
 Flush the buffer in the RingIO instance.
Int RingIO_sendNotify (RingIO_Handle handle, RingIO_NotifyMsg msg)
 Send a force notification to the other client manually.
UInt RingIO_getValidSize (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Function to get valid data buffer size.
UInt RingIO_getEmptySize (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Function to get empty data buffer size.
UInt RingIO_getValidAttrSize (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Function to get valid attribute size.
UInt RingIO_getEmptyAttrSize (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Function to get empty attribute size.
UInt RingIO_getAcquiredOffset (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Function to get client's acquired offset.
UInt RingIO_getAcquiredSize (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Function to get client's acquired size.
UInt RingIO_getWaterMark (RingIO_Handle handle)
 Function to get client's watermark.
Void RingIO_getConfig (RingIO_Config *cfgParams)
 Function to get the default configuration for the RingIO module.
Int RingIO_setup (const RingIO_Config *cfgParams)
 Function to setup the RingIO module.
Int RingIO_destroy (Void)
 Function to destroy the RingIO module.

Define Documentation


Indicates that either: 1) The amount of data requested could not be serviced due to the presence of an attribute 2) During an attribute read if another is also present at the same offset.


Indicates that Valid data is present in the buffer but is not contiguous as data has been copied from top to footer area.

#define RingIO_S_BUSY   2

The resource is still in use.

#define RingIO_S_ALREADYSETUP   1

The module has been already setup.

#define RingIO_S_SUCCESS   0

Operation is successful.

#define RingIO_E_FAIL   -1

Operation is not successful.

#define RingIO_E_INVALIDARG   -2

There is an invalid argument.

#define RingIO_E_MEMORY   -3

Operation resulted in memory failure.

#define RingIO_E_ALREADYEXISTS   -4

The specified entity already exists.

#define RingIO_E_NOTFOUND   -5

Unable to find the specified entity.

#define RingIO_E_TIMEOUT   -6

Operation timed out.

#define RingIO_E_INVALIDSTATE   -7

Module is not initialized.

#define RingIO_E_OSFAILURE   -8

A failure occurred in an OS-specific call.

#define RingIO_E_RESOURCE   -9

Specified resource is not available.

#define RingIO_E_RESTART   -10

Operation was interrupted. Please restart the operation.

#define RingIO_E_INVALIDMSG   -11

An invalid message was encountered.

#define RingIO_E_NOTOWNER   -12

Not the owner.

#define RingIO_E_REMOTEACTIVE   -13

Operation resulted in error.

#define RingIO_E_INVALIDHEAPID   -14

An invalid heap id was encountered.

#define RingIO_E_INVALIDPROCID   -15

An invalid MultiProc id was encountered.

#define RingIO_E_MAXREACHED   -16

The max has been reached.

#define RingIO_E_INUSE   -17

Indicates that the instance is in use..

#define RingIO_E_INVALIDCONTEXT   -18

Indicates that the api is called with wrong handle.

#define RingIO_E_BADVERSION   -19

Versions don't match.

#define RingIO_E_BUFWRAP   -20

Indicates that the amount of data requested could not be serviced due to the ring buffer getting wrapped.

#define RingIO_E_BUFEMPTY   -21

Indicates that there is no data in the buffer for reading.

#define RingIO_E_BUFFULL   -22

Indicates that the buffer is full.

#define RingIO_E_PENDINGDATA   -23

Indicates that there is no attribute at the current, but attributes are present at a future offset.


Indicates that attibute get() failed, need to extract variable length message getv()

#define RingIO_E_WRONGSTATE   -25

Indicates that the RingIO is in a wrong state.

#define RingIO_E_NOTIFYFAIL   -26

Indicates that the underlying notification call failed.


Indicates that the the acquire failed as attribute is present at current read offset.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Ptr RingIO_BufPtr
typedef struct RingIO_Object* RingIO_Handle

Handle for the RingIO instance.

Structure defining config parameters for the RingIO module.

Common parameters required to create RingIO instance of any implementation. It should be the first element of the actual implementaton params structure .

Enumeration of RingIO open modes.

Structure defining config parameters for opening the RingIO instances.

Structure defining config parameters for opening the RingIO instances.

Enumeration of flags for RingIO client. It includes information about access to buffers.

Enumerates the notification types for RingIO.

Prototype of the RingIO call back function.

RingIO_HandlePointer to the RingIO instance structure in which the default params is to be returned. Ptr Argument to callback function e.g. handle to semaphore to be posted from callback RingIO_NotifyMsg message
Return values:

Enumeration Type Documentation


interface type for ringio delegate

Enumeration of RingIO open modes.


If specifed in params, open call returns a reader handle.


If specifed in params, open call returns a writer handle.

Enumeration of flags for RingIO client. It includes information about access to buffers.


Denotes whether cache maintenance needs to be performed on the data buffer


Denotes whether requests for acquire buffer should always be satisfied. If a contiguous request could not be satisfied because of the buffer wrap, we need to mark an early end and provide only a contiguous buffer

Enumerates the notification types for RingIO.


No notification is required.


Notify whenever the other client sends data/frees up space.


Notify when the other side sends data/frees up space. Once the notification is done, the notification is disabled until it is enabled again.


Notify whenever the other side sends data/frees up space. This notification is never disabled.


Notify when the other side sends data/frees up space. Once the notification is done, the notification is disabled until it is enabled again. The notification is enabled once the watermark is crossed and does not require buffer to get full/empty.

Function Documentation

Void RingIO_Params_init ( Void params )

Function to initialize the parameters for the RingIO instance.

This function can be called by the application to get their configuration parameter to RingIO_create filled in by the RingIO module with the default parameters.

paramsPointer to the RingIO interface type specific params, refer to Interface type specific header file for details on interface type specific params
Return values:
See also:
RingIO_Handle RingIO_create ( const Void params )

Create a RingIO object.

This function creates an instance of the RingIO module and returns an instance handle, which is used to access the specified RingIO. Instance-level configuration needs to be provided to this function. If the user wishes to change some specific config parameters, then RingIO_Params_init can be called to get the configuration filled with the default values. After this, only the required configuration values can be changed.

paramsPointer to the RingIO interface type specific params, refer to Interface type specific header file for details on interface type specific params
Return values:
non-NULLOperation successful
NULLOperation unsuccessful
See also:
RingIO_delete, RingIO_open, RingIO_close
Int RingIO_delete ( RingIO_Handle handlePtr )

Delete a RingIO object.

Once this function is called, other RingIO instance level APIs that require the instance handle cannot be called.

handlePtrPointer to Handle to the RingIO object
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_INVALIDSTATEModule is in an invalid state Instance was not created on this processor
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGhandlePtr pointer passed is NULL
RingIO_E_INVALIDARG*handlePtr passed is NULL
See also:
UInt32 RingIO_sharedMemReq ( const Void params,
RingIO_sharedMemReqDetails sharedMemReqDetails 

Get shared memory requirements. Params_init must be called to initialize the parameters before calling this function.

paramsPointer to the RingIO interface type specific params, refer to Interface type specific header file for details on interface type specific params.
sharedMemReqDetailsControl, Data and Attr shared memory details
Return values:
Shared-memory-requirementsOperation successfully completed. The out parameter of sharedMemDetails contains the values for ctrlSharedMemReq : Control shared memory requirements dataSharedMemReq : Data Buffer shared memory requirements attrSharedMemReq : Attribute buffer shared memory requirements
See also:
Int RingIO_open ( String  name,
const RingIO_openParams params,
UInt16 procIds,
RingIO_Handle handlePtr 

Opens a created instance of RingIO module.

nameName of the RingIO instance to be opened
paramsParameters for opening the RingIO instance.
procIdsArray of processor IDs to search for the RingIO instance. If NULL is specified, all processors are checked.
handlePtrOUT parameter: Holds the RingIO handle on success.
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_INVALIDSTATEModule is in an invalid state
RingIO_E_NOTFOUNDRingIO not found
RingIO_E_FAILFailed to open the gate associated with the RingIO instance. Failed to open the clientnotifymgr associated with the RingIO instance.
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGParameters passed are invalid
See also:
RingIO_close, RingIO_openParams
Int RingIO_openByAddr ( Ptr  ctrlSharedAddr,
const RingIO_openParams params,
RingIO_Handle handlePtr 

Opens a created instance of RingIO module by the shared memory address of the instance.

ctrlSharedAddrShared address at which the instance exists
paramsParameters for opening the RingIO instance.
handlePtrOUT parameter: Holds the RingIO handle on success.
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_INVALIDSTATEModule is in an invalid state
RingIO_E_NOTFOUNDRingIO not found
RingIO_E_FAILFailed to open the gate associated with the RingIO instance. Failed to open the clientnotifymgr associated with the RingIO instance.
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGParameters passed are invalid
See also:
Int RingIO_close ( RingIO_Handle handlePtr )

Closes previously opened/created instance of RingIO module.

handlePtrPointer to handle for the opened RingIO instance. Reset to invalid when the function successfully completes.
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_INVALIDSTATEModule is in an invalid state
RingIO_E_FAILFailed to open the gate associated with the RingIO instance. Failed to open the clientnotifymgr associated with the RingIO instance.
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGParameters passed are invalid
See also:
Int RingIO_registerNotifier ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
RingIO_NotifyType  notifyType,
UInt32  watermark,
RingIO_NotifyFxn  notifyFunc,
Ptr  cbContext 

Function to register a call back function.

This function sets Notification parameters for the RingIO Client. Both the reader and writer can set their notification mechanism using this function

RingIO_open() for both reader and writer has been successful. No Link API should be called from a callback function registered through the RingIO or NOTIFY module. On DSP-side or on operating systems such as PrOS, the callback functions are run from ISR context and must not perform any operations that may take a lock or block, which is done by most DSPLink APIs. Minimum functionality must be used in the callback functions, most often limited to posting a semaphore on which application is waiting, posting SWI etc.

[in]handleRingIO client Handle.
notifyTypeType of notification.
notifyFuncCall back function
cbContextContext pointer that needs to be passed to call back.
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_INVALIDSTATEModule is in an invalid state RingIO_open is not called yet
RingIO_E_FAILFailed to open the gate associated with the RingIO instance. Failed to open the clientnotifymgr associated with the RingIO instance.
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGParameters passed are invalid
See also:
Int RingIO_unregisterNotifier ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Unregister a call back function.

handleRingIO client Handle.
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_INVALIDSTATEModule is in an invalid state RingIO_open is not called yet
RingIO_E_FAILFailed to open the gate associated with the RingIO instance. Failed to open the clientnotifymgr associated with the RingIO instance.

There is an invalid argument.

See also:
Int RingIO_setWaterMark ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
UInt32  watermark 

Function to set client's watermark.

handleRingIO client Handle.
watermarkWatermark value
Return values:

Operation is successful.


Operation is not successful.


There is an invalid argument.

See also:
Int RingIO_setNotifyType ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
RingIO_NotifyType  notifyType 

Function to set the notify type.

handleInstance handle.
notifyTypeType of notification
Return values:

Operation is successful.


Operation is not successful.


There is an invalid argument.

See also:
Int RingIO_acquire ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
RingIO_BufPtr pData,
UInt32 pSize 

Acquires data from the RingIO instance This function acquires a data buffer from RingIO for reading or writing, depending on the mode in which the client (represented by the handle) has been opened.

handleRingIO handle
pDataLocation to store the pointer to the acquired data buffer.
pSizePointer to the size of data buffer acquired. Holds the size of buffer to be acquired. Returns the size of buffer actually acquired.
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_PENDINGATTRIBUTENo data buffer could be acquired because an attribute was present at the current read offset.
RingIO_S_PENDINGATTRIBUTEFlag RingIO_NEED_EXACT_SIZE is set. Partial Data buffer is retuned till the offset where an attribute was present/
RingIO_E_BUFFULLRequested size of data buffer could not be returned because the total available size is less than requested size. A smaller sized buffer may have been returned, if available.
RingIO_E_BUFWRAPRequested size of data buffer could not be returned because the available contiguous size till end of buffer is less than requested size. A smaller sized buffer may have been returned, if available.
RingIO_E_FAILGeneral failure. Contiguous buffer requirement cannot be satisfied even by setting early end.
RingIO_S_NOTCONTIGUOUSDATAValid data is present but is not contiguous because the data has been acquired using the foot buffer.
RingIO_E_BUFEMPTYNo data available to acquire

There is an invalid argument.

See also:
Int RingIO_release ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
UInt32  size 

Releases data from the RingIO instance.

handleRingIO handle
sizeSize of the released buffer
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_FAILGeneral Failure Invalid size argument > client acquired size passed
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGParameters passed are invalid
RingIO_E_NOTIFYFAILFailure when sending notification to other client.
See also:
Int RingIO_cancel ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Cancel the previous acquired buffer to the RingIO instance This function cancels any data buffers acquired by reader or writer. In the case of writer, all attributes that are set since the first acquire are removed. In the case of reader, all attributes that were obtained since the first acquired are re-instated in the RingIO instance.

handleRingIO handle
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_FAILGeneral Failure No data acquired
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGParameters passed are invalid
See also:
Int RingIO_getvAttribute ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
UInt16 type,
UInt32 param,
RingIO_BufPtr  vptr,
UInt32 pSize 

Get attribute from the RingIO instance This function gets an attribute with a variable-sized payload from the attribute buffer. If an attribute is present, the attribute type, the optional parameter, a pointer to the optional payload and the payload size are returned.

handleRingIO handle
typeLocation to receive the user-defined type of attribute.
paramLocation to receive an optional parameter which depends on the attribute type.
vptrPointer to buffer to receive the optional payload.
pSizeLocation with the size of the variable attribute. On return, this stores the actual size of the payload.
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_FAILGeneral Failure No attribute present
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGParameters passed are invalid
RingIO_S_PENDINGATTRIBUTEAdditional attributes are present at the current read offset.
RingIO_E_VARIABLEATTRIBUTENo buffer has been provided to receive the variable attribute payload.
RingIO_E_PENDINGDATAMore data must be read before reading the attribute.
See also:
Int RingIO_setvAttribute ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
UInt16  type,
UInt32  param,
RingIO_BufPtr  pData,
UInt32  size,
Bool  sendNotification 

Set attribute in the RingIO instance.

This function sets an attribute with a variable sized payload at the offset provided in the acquired data buffer. If the offset is not in the range of the acquired data buffer, the attribute is not set, and an error is returned. One exception to this rule is when no data buffer has been acquired. In this case an attribute is set at the next data buffer offset that can be acquired

[in]handleHandle to the RingIO Client.
typeUser-defined type of attribute.
paramOptional parameter which depends on the attribute type.
pDataPointer to attribute payload buffer.
sizeSize of the attribute payload.
sendNotificationFlag to indicate whether notification should be sent or not on successful setting of an attribute
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_FAILGeneral Failure No attribute present

There is an invalid argument.

RingIO_E_WRONGSTATEDo not allow setting an attribute when it falls into reader region. The following scenarios cover this condition:

  • The buffer is completely full. In this case, attribute can only be set at offset 0. But offset 0 falls into reader region.
  • The buffer is completely acquired by the writer. Part or none of this buffer may be released. Writer is attempting to set an attribute at the end of its acquired range. In this case, end of writer buffer is the same as beginning of reader buffer. If the reader has acquired and released some data, resulting in its moving further such that its acquire start is not at the same location where writer may be able to set an attribute, the above conditions do not hold true, and the attribute is allowed to be set.

Indicates that the underlying notification call failed.

See also:
Int RingIO_getAttribute ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
UInt16 type,
UInt32 param 

Obtain a fixed-size attribute from the attribute buffer.

If an attribute is present, the attribute type and a related parameter are returned.

handleRingIO handle
typeLocation to receive the user-defined type of attribute.
paramLocation to receive an optional parameter which depends on the attribute type.
Return values:

Operation is successful.

RingIO_E_FAILGeneral Failure No attribute present

There is an invalid argument.

RingIO_S_PENDINGATTRIBUTEAdditional attributes are present at the current read offset.
RingIO_E_VARIABLEATTRIBUTEA variable attribute exists.The application must call RingIO_getvAttribute () to get the variable attribute.
RingIO_E_PENDINGDATAMore data must be read before reading the attribute.
See also:
Int RingIO_setAttribute ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
UInt16  type,
UInt32  param,
Bool  sendNotification 

This function sets a fixed-size attribute in the acquired data buffer.

When no data buffer has been acquired, the attribute is set at the next data buffer that can be acquired

handleHandle to the RingIO Client
typeUser-defined type of attribute
paramOptional parameter which depends on the attribute type
sendNotificationFlag indicating whether notification should be sent or not on successful setting of an attribute
Return values:
RingIO_E_FAILGeneral Failure
RingIO_E_INVALIDARGParameters passed are invalid
RingIO_S_SUCCESSOperation Successful
RingIO_E_WRONGSTATEDo not allow setting an attribute when it falls into reader region. The following scenarios cover this condition:

  • The buffer is completely full. In this case, attribute can only be set at offset 0, but offset 0 falls into the reader's region.
  • The buffer is completely acquired by the writer. Part or none of this buffer may be released. Writer is attempting to set an attribute at the end of its acquired range. In this case, end of writer buffer is the same as beginning of reader buffer. If the reader has acquired and released some data, resulting in its moving further such that its acquire start is not at the same location where writer may be able to set an attribute, the above conditions do not hold true, and the attribute is allowed to be set.

Indicates that the underlying notification call failed.

Int RingIO_flush ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
Bool  hardFlush,
UInt16 type,
UInt32 param,
UInt32 bytesFlushed 

Flush the buffer in the RingIO instance.

This function is used to flush the data from the RingIO. The behavior of this function depends on the value of hardFlush argument. When hardFlush is false: If function is called for the writer, all the valid data in buffer after the first attribute location will be discarded. In case there are no attributes, no data will be cleared from the buffer. Note that this does not include the data that has been already acquired by the reader. Note that the attribute will also be cleared from the attribute buffer. For the reader, all the data till the next attribute location will be discarded. And if there is no attribute in the buffer, all valid data will get discarded. Note that the attribute will remain the attribute buffer. This is different from the behavior mentioned for the writer. When hardFlush is true: If function is called from the writer, all committed data and attributes that is not acquired by reader are removed from the RingIO instance. The writer pointer is moved to point to reader's head pointer If function is called from the reader, all data and attributes that can be subsequently acquired from the reader are removed.

handleHandle to the RingIO Client.
hardFlushMode in which the flush operation discards committed data and attributes
typeLocation to receive the User-defined type of attribute.
paramLocation to receive an optional parameter which depends on the attribute type.
bytesFlushedLocation to recieve the size of the buffer flushed.
Return values:

Operation is successful.


Operation is not successful.


There is an invalid argument.


Indicates that the underlying notification call failed.

See also:
Int RingIO_sendNotify ( RingIO_Handle  handle,
RingIO_NotifyMsg  msg 

Send a force notification to the other client manually.

handleHandle to RingIO instance
msgPayload to notification
Return values:

Operation is successful.


Operation is not successful.


There is an invalid argument.


Indicates that the underlying notification call failed.

See also:
UInt RingIO_getValidSize ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Function to get valid data buffer size.

[in]handleRingIO client Handle.
Return values:
Valid_data_buffer_sizeOperation successful
-1Operation unsuccessful.
UInt RingIO_getEmptySize ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Function to get empty data buffer size.

[in]handleRingIO client Handle.
Return values:
Empty_data_buffer_sizeOperation successful
-1Operation unsuccessful
UInt RingIO_getValidAttrSize ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Function to get valid attribute size.

[in]handleRingIO client Handle.
Return values:
Valid_attribute_sizeOperation successful
-1Operation unsuccessful
UInt RingIO_getEmptyAttrSize ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Function to get empty attribute size.

[in]handleRingIO client Handle.
Return values:
Empty_attribute_sizeOperation successful
-1Operation unsuccessful
UInt RingIO_getAcquiredOffset ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Function to get client's acquired offset.

[in]handleRingIO client Handle.
Return values:
Acquired_offsetOperation successful
-1Operation unsuccessful
UInt RingIO_getAcquiredSize ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Function to get client's acquired size.

handleRingIO client Handle.
Return values:
Acquired_SizeOperation successful
-1Operation unsuccessful
UInt RingIO_getWaterMark ( RingIO_Handle  handle )

Function to get client's watermark.

[in]handleRingIO client Handle.
Return values:
Watermark_valueOperation successful
-1Operation unsuccessful
Void RingIO_getConfig ( RingIO_Config cfgParams )

Function to get the default configuration for the RingIO module.

This function can be called by the application to get their configuration parameter to RingIO_setup filled in by the RingIO module with the default parameters. If the user does not wish to make any change in the default parameters, this API is not required to be called.

cfgParamsPointer to the RingIO module configuration structure in which the default config is to be returned.
See also:
Int RingIO_setup ( const RingIO_Config cfgParams )

Function to setup the RingIO module.

This function sets up the RingIO module. This function must be called before any other instance-level APIs can be invoked. Module-level configuration needs to be provided to this function. If the user wishes to change some specific config parameters, then RingIO_getConfig() can be called to get the configuration filled with the default values. After this, only the required configuration values can be changed. If the user does not wish to make any change in the default parameters, the application can simply call RingIO with NULL parameters. The default parameters would get automatically used.

cfgParamsOptional RingIO module configuration. If provided as NULL, default configuration is used.
Return values:

Operation is successful.


The module has been already setup.


There is an invalid argument.


Operation is not successful.

See also:
Int RingIO_destroy ( Void   )

Function to destroy the RingIO module.

Once this function is called, other RingIO module APIs, except for the RingIO_getConfig() API cannot be called anymore.

Return values:

Operation is successful.


Module is not initialized.

See also:
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

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