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RingIOShm.h File Reference

Detailed Description

RingIOShm shared memory based physical transport for communication with the remote processor.

This file contains the declarations of types and APIs as part of interface of the RingIOShm shared memory transport.

#include <ti/ipc/GateMP.h>
#include <ti/syslink/RingIO.h>
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Data Structures

struct  RingIOShm_Params_Tag
 Structure defining parameters for creating the RingIOShm instances. More...
struct  RingIOShm_Config_Tag
 Structure defining config parameters for the RingIOShm module. More...


#define RingIOShm_MODULEID   (0x3bff)
 Unique module ID.
 Argument passed to a function is invalid.
 Module is not initialized.
 Versions don't match.
#define RingIOShm_E_FAIL   RingIO_E_FAIL
 General Failure.
#define RingIOShm_E_MEMORY   RingIO_E_MEMORY
 Memory allocation failed.
 Failure in OS call.
#define RingIOShm_E_BUFWRAP   RingIO_E_BUFWRAP
 Indicates that the amount of data requested could not be serviced due to the ring buffer getting wrapped.
 Indicates that there is no data in the buffer for reading.
#define RingIOShm_E_BUFFULL   RingIO_E_BUFFULL
 Indicates that the buffer is full.
 Indicates that there is no attribute at the current, but attributes are present at a future offset.
 Indicates that attibute get() failed, need to extract variable length message getv()
 Indicates that the RingIO is in a wrong state.
 Indicates that an invalid proc id has been specified.
 Indicates that the api is called with wrong handle.
#define RingIOShm_S_SUCCESS   RingIO_S_SUCCESS
 Operation successful.
 The module has been already setup.
 Indicates that either: 1) The amount of data requested could not be serviced due to the presence of an attribute 2) During an attribute read if another is also present at the same offset.


typedef struct RingIOShm_Params_Tag RingIOShm_Params
 Structure defining parameters for creating the RingIOShm instances.
typedef struct RingIOShm_Config_Tag RingIOShm_Config
 Structure defining config parameters for the RingIOShm module.


Void RingIOShm_Params_init (Void *params)
 Function to initialize the parameters for the RingIOShm instance.
Void RingIOShm_getConfig (RingIOShm_Config *cfgParams)
 Function to get the default configuration for the RingIOShm module.
Int RingIOShm_setup (const RingIOShm_Config *cfgParams)
 Function to setup the RingIOShm module.
Int RingIOShm_destroy (Void)
 Function to destroy the RingIOShm module.

Define Documentation

#define RingIOShm_MODULEID   (0x3bff)

Unique module ID.


Argument passed to a function is invalid.


Module is not initialized.


Versions don't match.

#define RingIOShm_E_FAIL   RingIO_E_FAIL

General Failure.

#define RingIOShm_E_MEMORY   RingIO_E_MEMORY

Memory allocation failed.


Failure in OS call.

#define RingIOShm_E_BUFWRAP   RingIO_E_BUFWRAP

Indicates that the amount of data requested could not be serviced due to the ring buffer getting wrapped.


Indicates that there is no data in the buffer for reading.

#define RingIOShm_E_BUFFULL   RingIO_E_BUFFULL

Indicates that the buffer is full.


Indicates that there is no attribute at the current, but attributes are present at a future offset.


Indicates that attibute get() failed, need to extract variable length message getv()


Indicates that the RingIO is in a wrong state.


Indicates that an invalid proc id has been specified.


Indicates that the api is called with wrong handle.

#define RingIOShm_S_SUCCESS   RingIO_S_SUCCESS

Operation successful.


The module has been already setup.


Indicates that either: 1) The amount of data requested could not be serviced due to the presence of an attribute 2) During an attribute read if another is also present at the same offset.

Typedef Documentation

Structure defining parameters for creating the RingIOShm instances.

Structure defining config parameters for the RingIOShm module.

Function Documentation

Void RingIOShm_Params_init ( Void params )

Function to initialize the parameters for the RingIOShm instance.

This function can be called by the application to get their configuration parameter to RingIOShm_create filled in by the RingIOShm module with the default parameters.

paramsPointer to the RingIOShm instance params structure in which the default params is to be returned.
Return values:
See also:
Void RingIOShm_getConfig ( RingIOShm_Config cfgParams )

Function to get the default configuration for the RingIOShm module.

This function can be called by the application to get their configuration parameter to RingIOShm_setup filled in by the RingIOShm module with the default parameters. If the user does not wish to make any change in the default parameters, this API is not required to be called.

cfgParamsPointer to the RingIOShm module configuration structure in which the default config is to be returned.
See also:
Int RingIOShm_setup ( const RingIOShm_Config cfgParams )

Function to setup the RingIOShm module.

This function sets up the RingIOShm module. This function must be called before any other instance-level APIs can be invoked. Module-level configuration needs to be provided to this function. If the user wishes to change some specific config parameters, then RingIOShm_getConfig can be called to get the configuration filled with the default values. After this, only the required configuration values can be changed. If the user does not wish to make any change in the default parameters, the application can simply call RingIOShm with NULL parameters. The default parameters would get automatically used.

cfgParamsOptional RingIOShm module configuration. If provided as NULL, default configuration is used.
See also:
RingIOShm_destroy NameServer_create GateMutex_create Memory_alloc
Int RingIOShm_destroy ( Void   )

Function to destroy the RingIOShm module.

Once this function is called, other RingIOShm module APIs, except for the RingIOShm_getConfig API cannot be called anymore.

See also:
RingIOShm_setup, NameServer_delete, GateMutex_delete
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