interface xdc.runtime.IFilterLogger

Interface for supporting filtering of Log events by detail level

Filtering of events based on detail level is not inherently supported by the Log APIs as is filtering of events based on the diagnostics mask. [ more ... ]
XDCspec summary sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
interface IFilterLogger {  ...
// inherits xdc.runtime.ILogger
    // inherits xdc.runtime.IModule
instance:  ...
XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
package xdc.runtime;
interface IFilterLogger inherits ILogger {
module-wide config parameters
module-wide functions
per-instance functions
    Bool disable// Disable a log();
    Bool enable// Enable a log();
    Void write2// Process a log event with 2 arguments(Log.Event evt, Types.ModuleId mid, IArg a1, IArg a2);
    Void write4// Process a log event with up to 4 arguments(Log.Event evt, Types.ModuleId mid, IArg a1, IArg a2, IArg a3, IArg a4);
    Void write8// Process a log event with up to 8 arguments(Log.Event evt, Types.ModuleId mid, IArg a1, IArg a2, IArg a3, IArg a4, IArg a5, IArg a6, IArg a7, IArg a8);
Filtering of events based on detail level is not inherently supported by the Log APIs as is filtering of events based on the diagnostics mask.
Support for this type of filtering must be done by an ILogger implementation. Not all users are interested in this filtering support, however, so it is not required of all ILogger implementations.
ILoggers that do intend to support filtering by detail level should implement this interface, which extends the ILogger interface.
The setFilterLevel and getFilterLevel functions support runtime specification of a different filtering level for each of the diagnostics categories.
config IFilterLogger.filterByLevel  // module-wide

Support filtering of events by event level

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
config Bool filterByLevel = false;
To improve logging performance, this feature can be disabled by setting filterByLevel to false.
See 'setFilterLevel' for an explanation of level filtering.
metaonly config IFilterLogger.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
metaonly config Types.Common$ common$;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly IFilterLogger.getMetaArgs()  // module-wide

Returns any meta data needed to support RTA

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
metaonly function getMetaArgs(inst, instNum);
This meta data should be returned in the form of a structure which can be converted into XML. This data is added to the RTA XML file during the application's configuration, and can be accessed later through the xdc.rta.MetaData module.
The MetaData is returned per instance of the ILogger module. The instance object is passed to the function as the first argument.
The second argument is the index of the instance in the list of the ILogger's static instances.
IFilterLogger.disable()  // instance

Disable a log

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Bool disable();
Events written to a disabled log are silently discarded.
The function returns the state of the log (TRUE if enabled, FALSE if disabled) before the call. This return value allows clients to restore the previous state. Note: not thread safe.
IFilterLogger.enable()  // instance

Enable a log

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Bool enable();
The function returns the state of the log (TRUE if enabled, FALSE if disabled) before the call. This return value allows clients to restore the previous state. Note: not thread safe.
IFilterLogger.getFilterLevel()  // instance

Returns the mask of diags categories currently set to the specified level

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Diags.Mask getFilterLevel(Diags.EventLevel level);
See 'setFilterLevel' for an explanation of level filtering.
IFilterLogger.setFilterLevel()  // instance

Set the level of detail that instances will log

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Void setFilterLevel(Diags.Mask mask, Diags.EventLevel filterLevel);
mask — The diags categories to set the level for
filterLevel — The new filtering level for the specified categories
Events with the specified level or higher will be logged, events below the specified level will be dropped.
Events are filtered first by diags category, then by level. If an event's diags category is disabled in the module's diags mask, then it will be filtered out regardless of level. The event will not even be passed to the logger.
This API allows for setting the filtering level for more than one diags category at a time. The mask parameter can be a single category or multiple categories combined, and the level will be set for all of those categories.
IFilterLogger.write0()  // instance

Process a log event with 0 arguments

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Void write0(Log.Event evt, Types.ModuleId mid);
Same as write4 except with 0 arguments rather than 4.
IFilterLogger.write1()  // instance

Process a log event with 1 arguments

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Void write1(Log.Event evt, Types.ModuleId mid, IArg a1);
Same as write4 except with 1 arguments rather than 4.
IFilterLogger.write2()  // instance

Process a log event with 2 arguments

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Void write2(Log.Event evt, Types.ModuleId mid, IArg a1, IArg a2);
Same as write4 except with 2 arguments rather than 4.
IFilterLogger.write4()  // instance

Process a log event with up to 4 arguments

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Void write4(Log.Event evt, Types.ModuleId mid, IArg a1, IArg a2, IArg a3, IArg a4);
evt — event to be logged
mid — module ID of the module which logged the event
a1 — arbitrary argument passed by caller
The evt argument is of type Log.Event, which encodes the Log.EventId, the Diags.Mask, and the Diags.EventLevel of the event. The event ID can be obtained via Types.getEventId(evt), the Diags mask can be obtained via Diags.getMask(evt), and the event level can be obtained via Diags.getLevel(evt).
The modId argument is the module ID of the module that logged the event.
The event information can be used by the logger to handle different events specially. For example, the event ID can be used to compare against other known Log.Events.
      if (Log_getEventId(MY_EVENT) == Log_getEventId(evt)) {
The Diags mask and event level can be used for filtering of events based on event level (see IFilterLogger), or even routing events to separate loggers based on diags category (see, for example, LoggerBuf.statusLogger).
The Diags mask and event level are useful for handling the event, but are generally not recorded by the logger because they are not needed in decoding and displaying the event. A more suitable value to record is a Types.Event, which encodes the event ID and module ID. For example, the Log.EventRec type stores a Types.Event in its record definition. A Types.Event can be created using the Types.makeEvent API given the event ID and module ID.
The event ID value of 0 is used to indicate an event triggered by a call to one of the Log_print[0-6] methods. These methods take a format string rather than a Log_Event argument and, as a result, the event ID encoded in evt is 0 and the parameter a1 is the format string.
Non-zero event IDs can also be used to access the msg string associated with the Log.EventDesc that originally defined the Log event.
      Log_EventId id = Log_getEventId(evt));
      if (id != 0) {
          String msg = Text_ropeText(id);
          System_aprintf(msg, a1, a2, a3, a4);
This works because an event's ID is simply an offset into a table of characters (maintained by the Text module) containing the event's msg string.
The arguments a1, a2, etc. are parameters that are to be interpreted according to the message format string associated with evt.
IFilterLogger.write8()  // instance

Process a log event with up to 8 arguments

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/IFilterLogger.xdc
Void write8(Log.Event evt, Types.ModuleId mid, IArg a1, IArg a2, IArg a3, IArg a4, IArg a5, IArg a6, IArg a7, IArg a8);
Same as write4 except with 8 arguments rather than 4.
generated on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:23:26 GMT