module ti.catalog.c2800.concertoInit.Boot

Concerto C28 Boot Support

This Boot module can be used to generate a small section that supports booting the C28 processor from Flash. It consists of a single "LB _c_int00" instruction. [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/catalog/c2800/concertoInit/Boot.xdc
#include <ti/catalog/c2800/concertoInit/Boot.h>
This Boot module can be used to generate a small section that supports booting the C28 processor from Flash. It consists of a single "LB _c_int00" instruction.
When bootFromFlash is true, the instruction will be placed at "BEGIN", as defined in the linker command file.
Boot also supports initializing Flash controller wait states, enabling program prefetches, and data caching within the Flash controller.
XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/catalog/c2800/concertoInit/Boot.xdc
metaonly config Boot.bootFromFlash  // module-wide

Boot from Flash flag. Default is true

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.bootFromFlash = Bool true;
Set to true to enable booting the C28 from Flash.
metaonly config Boot.configureFlashWaitStates  // module-wide

Flash controller wait states configuration flag, default is true

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.configureFlashWaitStates = Bool true;
Set to true to configure the Flash controller wait states. The number of wait states is computed based upon the CPU frequency.
metaonly config Boot.enableFlashDataCache  // module-wide

Flash controller data cache enable flag, default is true

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.enableFlashDataCache = Bool true;
Set to true to enable the Flash controller's data cache.
metaonly config Boot.enableFlashProgramPrefetch  // module-wide

Flash controller program prefetch enable flag, default is false

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.enableFlashProgramPrefetch = Bool false;
Set to true to enable the Flash controller's program prefetch.
WARNING: Program prefetch must not be enabled on pre Revision A devices if there are any fast branch instructions in the program image. See the device errata for more information.
generated on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 23:22:55 GMT