module ti.catalog.arm.cortexm3.concertoInit.Boot

Concerto M3 Boot Support

The Boot module supports boot initialization for the Concerto M3 core. A special boot init function is created based on the configuration settings for this module. This function is hooked into the xdc.runtime.Reset.fxns[] array and called very early at boot time (prior to cinit processing). [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/catalog/arm/cortexm3/concertoInit/Boot.xdc
#include <ti/catalog/arm/cortexm3/concertoInit/Boot.h>
extern const Bool 
The Boot module supports boot initialization for the Concerto M3 core. A special boot init function is created based on the configuration settings for this module. This function is hooked into the xdc.runtime.Reset.fxns[] array and called very early at boot time (prior to cinit processing).
The code to support the boot module is placed in a separate section named ".text:.bootCodeSection" to allow placement of this section in the linker .cmd file if necessary. This section is a subsection of the ".text" section so this code will be placed into the .text section unless explicitly placed, either through Program.sectMap or through a linker command file.
config Boot_configureClocks  // module-wide

Clock configuration flag, default is false

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Boot_configureClocks;
Set to true to configure the PLL and system and M3 subsystem clock dividers.
XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/catalog/arm/cortexm3/concertoInit/Boot.xdc
var Boot = xdc.useModule('ti.catalog.arm.cortexm3.concertoInit.Boot');
module-wide constants & types
        const Boot.M3Div_1// Divide by 1;
        const Boot.M3Div_2// Divide by 2;
        const Boot.M3Div_4// Divide by 4;
        const Boot.Div_1// Divide by 1;
        const Boot.Div_2// Divide by 2;
        const Boot.Div_4// Divide by 4;
        const Boot.Div_8// Divide by 8;
    var obj = new Boot.ModuleView// ;
        obj.configureClocks = Bool  ...
        obj.OSCCLK = UInt  ...
        obj.SPLLIMULT = UInt  ...
        obj.SPLLFMULT = String  ...
        obj.SYSDIVSEL = String  ...
        obj.M3SSDIVSEL = String  ...
        obj.bootC28 = Bool  ...
module-wide config parameters
metaonly enum Boot.FractMult

System PLL Fractional Multiplier (SPLLFMULT) value

XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Boot.FractMult
    const Boot.Fract_0;
    // Fractional multiplier is 0
    const Boot.Fract_25;
    // Fractional multiplier is 0.25
    const Boot.Fract_50;
    // Fractional multiplier is 0.5
    const Boot.Fract_75;
    // Fractional multiplier is 0.75
metaonly enum Boot.M3Div

M3 Subsystem Clock Divider (M3SSDIVSEL) value

XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Boot.M3Div
    const Boot.M3Div_1;
    // Divide by 1
    const Boot.M3Div_2;
    // Divide by 2
    const Boot.M3Div_4;
    // Divide by 4
metaonly enum Boot.SysDiv

System Clock Divider (SYSDIVSEL) value

XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Boot.SysDiv
    const Boot.Div_1;
    // Divide by 1
    const Boot.Div_2;
    // Divide by 2
    const Boot.Div_4;
    // Divide by 4
    const Boot.Div_8;
    // Divide by 8
metaonly struct Boot.ModuleView
XDCscript usage meta-domain
var obj = new Boot.ModuleView;
    obj.configureClocks = Bool  ...
    obj.OSCCLK = UInt  ...
    obj.SPLLIMULT = UInt  ...
    obj.SPLLFMULT = String  ...
    obj.SYSDIVSEL = String  ...
    obj.M3SSDIVSEL = String  ...
    obj.bootC28 = Bool  ...
config Boot.configureClocks  // module-wide

Clock configuration flag, default is false

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.configureClocks = Bool false;
Set to true to configure the PLL and system and M3 subsystem clock dividers.
metaonly config Boot.M3SSDIVSEL  // module-wide

M3 Subsystem Clock Divider (M3SSDIVSEL) value

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.M3SSDIVSEL = Boot.M3Div Boot.M3Div_4;
metaonly config Boot.OSCCLK  // module-wide

OSCCLK input frequency to PLL, in MHz. Default is 20 MHz

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.OSCCLK = UInt 20;
This is the frequency of the oscillator clock (OSCCLK) input to the PLL.
metaonly config Boot.SPLLFMULT  // module-wide

System PLL Fractional Multiplier (SPLLFMULT) value

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.SPLLFMULT = Boot.FractMult Boot.Fract_0;
metaonly config Boot.SPLLIMULT  // module-wide

System PLL Integer Multiplier (SPLLIMULT) value

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.SPLLIMULT = UInt 1;
metaonly config Boot.SYSDIVSEL  // module-wide

System Clock Divider (SYSDIVSEL) value

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.SYSDIVSEL = Boot.SysDiv Boot.Div_8;
metaonly config Boot.bootC28  // module-wide

Initiate booting of the C28 processor. Default is false

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.bootC28 = Bool false;
Set to true to enable the M3 to initiate boot of the C28.
If enabled, this will occur after the optional clock configuration step, enabled by configureClocks.
metaonly config Boot.bootFromFlash  // module-wide

Boot from Flash flag. Default is true

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.bootFromFlash = Bool true;
Set to true to enable booting the M3 from Flash.
metaonly config Boot.configureFlashWaitStates  // module-wide

Flash controller wait states configuration flag, default is true

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.configureFlashWaitStates = Bool true;
Set to true to configure the Flash controller wait states. The number of wait states is computed based upon the CPU frequency.
metaonly config Boot.enableFlashDataCache  // module-wide

Flash controller data cache enable flag, default is true

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.enableFlashDataCache = Bool true;
Set to true to enable the Flash controller's data cache.
metaonly config Boot.enableFlashProgramCache  // module-wide

Flash controller program cache enable flag, default is true

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.enableFlashProgramCache = Bool true;
Set to true to enable the Flash controller's program cache.
metaonly config Boot.initC28RAMs  // module-wide

Initialize C28 RAM regions before booting the C28 processor. Default is true

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.initC28RAMs = Bool true;
Set to true to enable initialization of these C28 RAM regions: M1, CtoM, LO, L1, L2, and L3. RAM locations will be zeroed, and the ECC or parity bits will be initialized.
metaonly config Boot.limpAbortFunction  // module-wide

Function to be called when Limp mode is detected

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.limpAbortFunction = Fxn undefined;
This function is called when the Boot module is about to configure the PLL, but finds the device operating in Limp mode (i.e., the mode when a missing OSCCLK input has been detected).
If this function is not specified by the application, a default function will be used, which spins in an infinite loop.
metaonly config Boot.rovViewInfo  // module-wide
XDCscript usage meta-domain
Boot.rovViewInfo = ViewInfo.Instance ViewInfo.create;
generated on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 23:22:44 GMT