module xdc.runtime.Defaults

Default attributes inherited by all target modules

This module defines default values for common$ structure. If other modules do not set common$ properties explicitly, these values will be used.
C synopsis target-domain sourced in xdc/runtime/Defaults.xdc
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Defaults_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Defaults_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Defaults_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Defaults_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Defaults_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Defaults_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in xdc/runtime/Defaults.xdc
var Defaults = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Defaults');
module-wide config parameters
        diags_ASSERT: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_ENTRY: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_EXIT: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_INTERNAL: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_LIFECYCLE: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_STATUS: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER1: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER2: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER3: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER4: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER5: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER6: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER7: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_INFO: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER8: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_ANALYSIS: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        fxntab: false,
        gate: null,
        gateParams: null,
        instanceHeap: null,
        instanceSection: null,
        logger: null,
        memoryPolicy: Types.STATIC_POLICY,
        namedInstance: false,
        namedModule: false,
        romPatchTable: false
        diags_ASSERT: Diags.ALWAYS_ON,
        diags_ENTRY: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_EXIT: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_INTERNAL: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_LIFECYCLE: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_STATUS: Diags.ALWAYS_ON,
        diags_USER1: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER2: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER3: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER4: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER5: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER6: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER7: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_INFO: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_USER8: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        diags_ANALYSIS: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
        fxntab: true,
        gate: null,
        gateParams: null,
        instanceHeap: null,
        instanceSection: null,
        logger: null,
        memoryPolicy: Types.DELETE_POLICY,
        namedInstance: false,
        namedModule: true,
        romPatchTable: false
module-wide functions
metaonly config Defaults.noRuntimeCommon$  // module-wide

Defaults inherited by the target modules that do not need the runtime support

XDCscript usage meta-domain
const Defaults.noRuntimeCommon$ = Types.Common$ {
    diags_ASSERT: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_ENTRY: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_EXIT: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_INTERNAL: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_LIFECYCLE: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_STATUS: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER1: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER2: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER3: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER4: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER5: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER6: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER7: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_INFO: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER8: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_ANALYSIS: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    fxntab: false,
    gate: null,
    gateParams: null,
    instanceHeap: null,
    instanceSection: null,
    logger: null,
    memoryPolicy: Types.STATIC_POLICY,
    namedInstance: false,
    namedModule: false,
    romPatchTable: false
Modules for which the attribute NoRuntime is set do not use any functionality controlled by the parameters in their common$ structures. For such modules, these parameters are set to the following values, and cannot be changed, to guarantee that NoRuntime modules do not accidentally request functionality they don not use.
metaonly config Defaults.common$  // module-wide

Defaults inherited by all target modules

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Defaults.common$ = Types.Common$ {
    diags_ASSERT: Diags.ALWAYS_ON,
    diags_ENTRY: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_EXIT: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_INTERNAL: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_LIFECYCLE: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_STATUS: Diags.ALWAYS_ON,
    diags_USER1: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER2: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER3: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER4: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER5: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER6: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER7: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_INFO: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_USER8: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    diags_ANALYSIS: Diags.ALWAYS_OFF,
    fxntab: true,
    gate: null,
    gateParams: null,
    instanceHeap: null,
    instanceSection: null,
    logger: null,
    memoryPolicy: Types.DELETE_POLICY,
    namedInstance: false,
    namedModule: true,
    romPatchTable: false
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
This structure defines the default values for the configuration parameters shared by all modules in a system. Unless otherwise noted, setting one of the fields defined below will set the corresponding value for all modules in the system which have not been explicitly set; i.e., it will establish a default value for the parameter.
However, the modules from this package (xdc.runtime) are an exception. The values from Default.common$ are not copied to logger and diags_ properties of common$ in xdc.runtime modules. The property diags_ASSERT is an exception to that exception. Its value from 'Default.common$ is copied to all modules for which diags_ASSERT` has not been explicitly set.
Enables asserts at runtime. Default is ALWAYS_ON
Enables entry trace for all functions. Default is ALWAYS_OFF
Enables exit trace for all functions. Default is ALWAYS_OFF
Enables internal asserts. Default is ALWAYS_OFF. When set to ALWAYS_ON, requires diags_ASSERT to be ALWAYS_ON.
Enables logging of lifecycle events. These events are logged during creates and deletes. Default is ALWAYS_OFF.
Enables logging of status events, such as error and warning events. Default is ALWAYS_ON. Note that this does not mean that logging will occur by default--a logger instance must also be configured for the module in order for events to be logged.
Enables logging of generic informational events. Default is ALWAYS_OFF.
Enables logging of analysis events, such as benchmarking events. Default is ALWAYS_OFF.
Each diags_USER field controls a separate user-defined logging level. Default is ALWAYS_OFF for all diags_USER fileds.
Default gate used by all modules which are declared as being @Gated. By default, this parameter points to an instance of GateNull, which means there is no protection.
The default parameters used to create gates at runtime. See Types.Common$.gateParams. Default is null.
Specify heap to be used for module instances. Default is null. If instanceHeap is null, instances will be allocated from the heap specified by Memory.defaultHeapInstance.
Specify section to be used to place module instances. Default is null.
Default logger used by modules to write logs. By default there is no logger.
Used to specify type of application. Types.STATIC_POLICY is used when all objects are created statically. Types.CREATE_POLICY is used when the application creates objects at runtime. Types.DELETE_POLICY is used when the application creates and deletes objects at runtime. This helps eliminate unwanted create and delete code.
This parameter should be set to true if space needs to be allocated in instance objects for instance names. Allocating space for a name allows object view tools to display the names. The runtime functions Mod_Handle_name() and Mod_Handle_label() defined for each module Mod can be used to retrieve the name at runtime.
This field allows the name of the module to be retained on the target. Setting this to false will save space but will also prevent the target from being able to display the module names appearing in Log events and Errors.
Setting namedModule to false causes all modules, except for Memory and Main to be unnamed by default. To eliminate the string names for these modules you must explicitly set their common$.namedModule parameters to false; without these two names, target-side display of error messages is somewhat cryptic.
Specify whether modules that are allocated to ROM are patchable.
metaonly Defaults.getCommon()  // module-wide

Get a specified common parameter from a module

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Defaults.getCommon(IModule.Module mod, String param) returns Any
eb — module whose parameter is queried
param — string naming the queried parameter
Get the value of a member of the structure common$ based on defaults and the current value of the parameter. If the current value of param is undefined, the function returns the default value for that parameter from Default.common$.
Returns the value of the parameter named param from the module mod.
generated on Thu, 17 Nov 2011 02:02:51 GMT