metaonly interface ti.catalog.msp430.peripherals.communication.IUSCI_SPI

Universal Serial Communication Interface

XDCspec summary sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
metaonly interface IUSCI_SPI {  ...
    // inherits xdc.platform.IPeripheral
instance:  ...
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
metaonly interface IUSCI_SPI inherits IUSCI {
module-wide constants & types
        UC7BIT_OFF// 8-bit,
        UC7BIT// 7-bit
        UCBUSY_OFF// USCI inactive,
        UCFE_OFF// 0 No error,
        UCLISTEN_OFF// Disabled,
        UCMODE_0// 3-Pin SPI,
        UCMODE_3// I2C Mode
        UCMSB_OFF// LSB first,
        UCMSB// MSB first
        UCMST_OFF// Slave mode,
        UCMST// Master mode
        UCOE_OFF// No error,
        UCPE_OFF// No error,
        UCSSEL_0// NA,
        UCSSEL_1// ACLK,
        UCSSEL_2// SMCLK
        UCSYNC// Synchronous Mode
    typedef String StringArray// [];
        String register;
        Bool regForceSet;
    metaonly struct UCxCTL0_t//  {
    metaonly struct UCxCTL1_t//  {
    metaonly struct UCxSTAT_t//  {
module-wide functions
per-instance config parameters
per-instance functions
    Bool setUCxxRXIE// Sets UCxxRXIE bit(Bool set);
    Bool setUCxxTXIE// Sets UCxxTXIE bit(Bool set);

Character length. Selects 7-bit or 8-bit character length

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UC7BIT_t {
    // 8-bit
    // 7-bit

Address received in address-bit multiprocessor mode

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCADDR_t {
    // Received character is data
    // Received character is an address

Receive break character interrupt-enable

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCBRKIE_t {
    // Received break characters do not set UCAxRXIFG
    // Received break characters set UCAxRXIFG

Break detect flag

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCBRK_t {
    // No break condition
    // Break condition occurred

USCI busy. This bit indicates if a transmit or receive operation is in progress

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCBUSY_t {
    // USCI inactive
    // USCI transmitting or receiving

Clock phase select

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCCKPH_t {
    // Data is changed on the first UCLK edge and captured on the following edge
    // Data is captured on the first UCLK edge and changed on the following edge

Clock polarity select

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCCKPL_t {
    // Inactive state is low
    // Inactive state is high

Dormant. Puts USCI into sleep mode

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCDORM_t {
    // Not dormant. All received characters will set UCAxRXIFG
    // Dormant. Only characters that are preceded by an idle-line or with address bit set will set UCAxRXIFG. In UART mode with automatic baud rate detection only the combination of a break and synch field will set UCAxRXIFG

Framing error flag

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCFE_t {
    // 0 No error
    // Character received with low stop bit

Idle line detected in idle-line multiprocessor mode

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCIDLE_t {
    // No idle line detected
    // Idle line detected

Listen enable. The UCLISTEN bit selects loopback mode

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCLISTEN_t {
    // Disabled
    // Enabled. UCAxTXD is internally fed back to the receiver

USCI mode. The UCMODEx bits select the synchronous mode when UCSYNC = 1

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCMODE_SYNC_t {
    // 3-Pin SPI
    // 4-Pin SPI with UCxSTE active high: slave enabled when UCxSTE = 1
    // 4-Pin SPI with UCxSTE active low: slave enabled when UCxSTE = 0
    // I2C Mode

MSB first select. Controls the direction of the receive and transmit shift register

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCMSB_t {
    // LSB first
    // MSB first

Master mode select

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCMST_t {
    // Slave mode
    // Master mode

Overrun error flag

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCOE_t {
    // No error
    // Overrun error occurred

Parity error flag. When UCPEN = 0, UCPE is read as 0

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCPE_t {
    // No error
    // Character received with parity error

Receive erroneous-character interrupt-enable

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCRXEIE_t {
    // Erroneous characters rejected and UCAxRXIFG is not set
    // Erroneous characters received will set UCAxRXIFG

Bit 2 Receive error flag. This bit indicates a character was received with error(s). When UCRXERR = 1, on or more error flags (UCFE, UCPE, UCOE) is also set. UCRXERR is cleared when UCAxRXBUF is read

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCRXERR_t {
    // No receive errors detected
    // Receive error detected

USCI clock source select. These bits select the BRCLK source clock

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCSSEL_SPI_t {
    // NA
    // ACLK
    // SMCLK

Software reset enable

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCSWRST_t {
    // Disabled. USCI reset released for operation
    // Enabled. USCI logic held in reset state

Synchronous mode enable

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCSYNC_t {
    // Asynchronous mode
    // Synchronous Mode

Transmit address. Next frame to be transmitted will be marked as address depending on the selected multiprocessor mode

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCTXADDR_t {
    // Next frame transmitted is data
    // Next frame transmitted is an address

Transmit break. Transmits a break with the next write to the transmit buffer. In UART mode with automatic baud rate detection 055h must be written into UCAxTXBUF to generate the required break/synch fields. Otherwise 0h must be written into the transmit buffer

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
enum UCTXBRK_t {
    // Next frame transmitted is not a break
    // Next frame transmitted is a break or a break/synch
typedef IUSCI_SPI.IPeripheralArray
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
typedef IPeripheral.Instance IPeripheralArray[];
typedef IUSCI_SPI.StringArray
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
typedef String StringArray[];
struct IUSCI_SPI.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t

Force Set Default Register

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
metaonly struct ForceSetDefaultRegister_t {
    String register;
    Bool regForceSet;
Type to store if each register needs to be forced initialized even if the register is in default state.
struct IUSCI_SPI.UCxCTL0_t
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
metaonly struct UCxCTL0_t {
    // Clock phase select. 0 Data is changed on the first UCLK edge and captured on the following edge. 1 Data is captured on the first UCLK edge and changed on the following edge
    // Clock polarity select 0 The inactive state is low 1 The inactive state is high
    // MSB first select. Controls the direction of the receive and transmit shift register. 0 LSB first 1 MSB first
    // Character length. Selects 7-bit or 8-bit character length. 0 8-bit data 1 7-bit data
    // Master mode select 0 Slave mode 1 Master mode
    // USCI mode. The UCMODEx bits select the synchronous mode when UCSYNC = 1. 00 3-Pin SPI 01 4-Pin SPI with UCxSTE active high: slave enabled when UCxSTE = 1 10 4-Pin SPI with UCxSTE active low: slave enabled when UCxSTE = 0 11 I2C Mode
    // Synchronous mode enable 0 Asynchronous mode 1 Synchronous Mode
struct IUSCI_SPI.UCxCTL1_t
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
metaonly struct UCxCTL1_t {
    // USCI clock source select. These bits select the BRCLK source clock in master mode. UCxCLK is always used in slave mode. 00 NA 01 ACLK 10 SMCLK 11 SMCLK
    // Software reset enable 0 Disabled. USCI reset released for operation. 1 Enabled. USCI logic held in reset state
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
metaonly struct UCxSTAT_t {
    // Listen enable. The UCLISTEN bit selects loopback mode. 0 Disabled 1 Enabled. UCAxTXD is internally fed back to the receiver
    // Framing error flag. This bit indicates a bus conflict in 4-wire master mode. UCFE is not used in 3-wire master or any slave mode. 0 No error 1 Bus conflict occurred
    // Overrun error flag. This bit is set when a character is transferred into UCAxRXBUF before the previous character was read. UCOE is cleared automatically when UCxRXBUF is read, and must not be cleared by software. Otherwise, it will not function correctly. 0 No error 1 Overrun error occurred
    // USCI busy. This bit indicates if a transmit or receive operation is in progress. 0 USCI inactive 1 USCI transmitting or receiving
IUSCI_SPI.getAll()  // module-wide

Find all peripherals of a certain type

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
The type of the peripherals returned is defined by the type of the caller.
Returns an array of IPeripheral instances
IUSCI_SPI.getRegisters()  // module-wide

Find all registers defined by the peripheral

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
IPeripheral.StringArray getRegisters();
Returns an array of register names
config IUSCI_SPI.UCLKHz  // instance

Stores the UCLK external clock frequency in float

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
config Float UCLKHz = 1000000;
config  // instance

Specific peripheral name given by the device

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
config String name;
Devices can have more than one peripheral of the same type. In such cases, device data sheets give different names to the instances of a same peripheral. For example, the name for a timer module could be TimerA3, and a device that has two such timers can name them TA0 and TA1.
config IUSCI_SPI.owner  // instance

String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
config String owner;
IUSCI_SPI.getUCxxBR0()  // instance

Returns UCxxBR0 register value based on which module

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
Bits8 getUCxxBR0();
IUSCI_SPI.getUCxxBR1()  // instance

Returns UCxxBR1 register value based on which module

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
Bits8 getUCxxBR1();
IUSCI_SPI.getUCxxRXIE()  // instance

Gets UCxxRXIE bit

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
Bool getUCxxRXIE();
IUSCI_SPI.getUCxxTXIE()  // instance

Gets UCxxTXIE bit

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
Bool getUCxxTXIE();
IUSCI_SPI.setUCxxBR0()  // instance

Sets UCxxBR0 register value based on which module

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
Void setUCxxBR0(Bits8 value);
IUSCI_SPI.setUCxxBR1()  // instance

Sets UCxxBR1 register value based on which module

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
Void setUCxxBR1(Bits8 value);
IUSCI_SPI.setUCxxRXIE()  // instance

Sets UCxxRXIE bit

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
Bool setUCxxRXIE(Bool set);
IUSCI_SPI.setUCxxTXIE()  // instance

Sets UCxxTXIE bit

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/communication/IUSCI_SPI.xdc
Bool setUCxxTXIE(Bool set);
generated on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 16:55:10 GMT