metaonly interface

Define a product as a logical group of RTSC modules

This interface allows a product to define logical groups of RTSC modules delivered with it. Implementations maybe consumed within development environments like IDE's to render a graphical tree view of the product comprising of these groups. This is an experimental interface and is subject to change.
XDCspec summary sourced in xdc/tools/product/IProductView.xdc
metaonly interface IProductView {  ...
XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/tools/product/IProductView.xdc
metaonly interface IProductView {
module-wide constants & types
        String elemName// Name of group or module;
        String moduleName// Name of module;
module-wide functions
struct IProductView.ProductElemDesc

ProductElemDesc structure

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/tools/product/IProductView.xdc
metaonly struct ProductElemDesc {
    String elemName;
    // Name of group or module
    String moduleName;
    // Name of module
    String iconFileName;
    // Icon file name representing element
    IProductView.ProductElemDesc elemArray[];
    // Array of ProductElemDesc
elemName — Name of element. Elements can be either groups or modules
moduleName — In case of a leaf node this field will contain the module name. For intermediate tree nodes the module name will be set to null
iconFileName — The name of the icon file that is associated with this element
elemArray — Array used to define children of a node.
Structure that should be used by the implementor to define the logical tree "view" of the product. The product view is composed of elements that are either modules or groups. Groups can contain other groups or modules. The implementor will start with a root node and then logically build a tree comprising of groups and modules.
IProductView.getProductDescriptor()  // module-wide

Return product descriptor

XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/tools/product/IProductView.xdc
IProductView.ProductElemDesc getProductDescriptor();
This method is typically invoked by development tools like IDE's to get the product view tree structure.
Returns root node of the tree of ProductElemDesc structures
generated on Wed, 08 Dec 2010 20:07:44 GMT