metaonly module ti.catalog.arm.peripherals.timers.Timer
XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/catalog/arm/peripherals/timers/Timer.xdc
var Timer = xdc.useModule('ti.catalog.arm.peripherals.timers.Timer');
module-wide functions
per-instance config parameters
    var params = new Timer.Params// Instance config-params object;
        params.baseAddr// Address of the peripheral's control register = UInt undefined;
        params.intNum// Interrupt source number = UInt undefined; Specific peripheral name given by the device = String undefined;
        params.owner// String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral = String undefined;
Timer.addPeripheralsMap()  // module-wide

Create a map of all peripherals available on a device

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Timer.addPeripheralsMap(ICpuDataSheet.Instance cds) returns Void
cds — an xdc.platform.ICpuDataSheet instance
The config parameter peripherals is by default undefined in an xdc.platform.ICpuDataSheet instance. This function gathers all instance configuration parameters that are of the type xdc.platform.IPeripheral into the map peripherals.
Timer.getAll()  // module-wide

Find all peripherals of a certain type

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Timer.getAll() returns IPeripheral.Instance[]
The type of the peripherals returned is defined by the type of the caller.
Returns an array of IPeripheral instances
Timer.getRegisters()  // module-wide

Find all registers defined by the peripheral

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Timer.getRegisters() returns String[]
Returns an array of register names
Instance Config Parameters

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer.Params;
// Instance config-params object
    params.baseAddr = UInt undefined;
    // Address of the peripheral's control register
    params.intNum = UInt undefined;
    // Interrupt source number = String undefined;
    // Specific peripheral name given by the device
    params.owner = String undefined;
    // String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral
config Timer.baseAddr  // instance

Address of the peripheral's control register

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.baseAddr = UInt undefined;
A peripheral's registers are commonly accessed through a structure that defines the offsets of a particular register from the lowest address mapped to a peripheral. That lowest address is specified by this parameter.
config Timer.intNum  // instance

Interrupt source number

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.intNum = UInt undefined;
config  // instance

Specific peripheral name given by the device

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer.Params;
  ... = String undefined;
Devices can have more than one peripheral of the same type. In such cases, device data sheets give different names to the instances of a same peripheral. For example, the name for a timer module could be TimerA3, and a device that has two such timers can name them TA0 and TA1.
config Timer.owner  // instance

String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer.Params;
params.owner = String undefined;
generated on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 22:54:52 GMT