metaonly module xdc.platform.Utils

Misc platform utilities

XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in xdc/platform/Utils.xdc
var Utils = xdc.useModule('xdc.platform.Utils');
module-wide functions
    Utils.checkFit// Check if a memory map fits into available physical memory(Any realMemMap, Any customMemMap) returns Any
Utils.assembleMemoryMap()  // module-wide

Combine the device and the external memory map into a platform map

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Utils.assembleMemoryMap(Any cpu, Any plat, Any noCheck) returns Any
cpu — an xdc.platform.IExeContext object
plat — a platform instance
noCheck — if true, and a custom memory map is defined, the function does not check if the custom memory map fits into the available physical memory
This function combines memory maps and also applies memory map name changes requested through renameMap.
platform memory map
Utils.checkDefaults()  // module-wide

Check if dataMemory, codeMemory and stackMemory are set correctly

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Utils.checkDefaults(Any inst, Any memMap) returns Any
inst — an xdc.platform.IPlatform instance
memMap — a map of xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory objects
The xdc.platform.IPlatform instance parameters 'dataMemory', 'codeMemory', and 'stackMemory' are strings. This function verifies that those strings correspond to names of the memory objects in the supplied memory map.
'true' if checked parameters are valid, 'false' otherwise
Utils.checkFit()  // module-wide

Check if a memory map fits into available physical memory

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Utils.checkFit(Any realMemMap, Any customMemMap) returns Any
realMemMap — a map of xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory objects containing physical memory map as defined in datasheets for the device and the platform
customMemMap — a map of xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory objects containing user defined memory map, which must fit within boundaries of 'realMemMap'
A custom memory map segment can be spread over multiple physical memories or multiple custom memory map segments can be located in one physical memory. However, code/data restrictions must be followed. A custom memory segment with the parameter 'space' set to "code/data", which is the default value if the parameter was not specified, can fit only into "code/data" physical memories. Custom memory segments with 'space' set to "code" can fit into "code" and "code/data" memories, and custom memory segments with 'space' set to "data" can fit into "data" and "code/data" physical memories.
'true', if customMemMap fits within realMemMap, and 'false' otherwise
Utils.checkOverlap()  // module-wide

Check if there is an overlap among memory objects in a memory map

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Utils.checkOverlap(Any memMap) returns Any
memMap — a map of xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory objects
a string with names of Memory objects that overlap
Utils.getCpuDataSheet()  // module-wide

Get the specified cpu data sheet object

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Utils.getCpuDataSheet(Any cpuDesc) returns Any
cpuDesc — an xdc.platform.IExeContext.Cpu object identifying the CPU device
an xdc.platform.ICpuDataSheet.Instance object that corresponds to the specified cpuDesc
Error exceptions are thrown for fatal errors
generated on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 20:21:33 GMT