module xdc.runtime.Registry

Register modules that are not statically configured

This module provides a mechanism by which legacy C code can have its own module logging support, including having a name and its own diags mask. [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in xdc/runtime/Registry.xdc
#include <xdc/runtime/Registry.h>
Char *
Functions common to all target modules
typedef Types_RegDesc 
typedef enum
This module provides a mechanism by which legacy C code can have its own module logging support, including having a name and its own diags mask.
Without the Registry, all logging done by legacy C code is handled by the xdc.runtime.Main module. This means that all log events will be marked as coming from "xdc.runtime.Main", and there is only a single diags mask for controlling logging across all legacy C code. The Registry module addresses this and allows legacy C code to have the same granular control over logging as statically defined RTSC modules.
To use the Registry, legacy code must define the symbol Registry_CURDESC to be the name of an externally declared Registery_Desc structure. This symbol must be defined before the inclusion of any xdc/runtime header files. If any xdc/runtime header files are included before the definition of this symbol, the Registry may not function properly.
Note: by defining this symbol on the compile line, rather than in the file, one can easily compile code to be used in one of two environments: 1. a fixed configuration environment where moudles are registered via Registry_addModule(), or
2. a "normal" configurable environment in which this code is assumed to be part of the xdc.runtime.Main module.
The Registry_Desc structure must then register by calling the 'addModule' API. The structure is typically registered and initialized within main().
For example:
  //Define the required symbol, Registry_CURDESC, to this file's 
  //Registry_Desc object
  #define Registry_CURDESC    main_desc
  #include <xdc/runtime/Registry.h>

  //Declare the Registry_Desc object, the name is unimportant
  Registry_Desc main_desc;

  Int main(Int argc, String argv[]) {  
  //Register this file as a module "main"
  Registry_addModule(&main_desc, "main");
Once registered, the legacy code may call log APIs without any other change and the formatted log events will show as coming from the registered modules. Also, the logging by the legacy code is now filtered by its own diags mask. The bits of this mask can be set using the Diags_setMask API.
Continuing the previous example:
  //Initialize the legacy code's diags mask to enable USER1.
All events logged registered modules will be sent to the logger configured for the Registry module. For example, to configure the logger for use by all modules in the Registry:
  Registry.common$.logger = LoggerBuf.create();
There is no way to statically configure the diags masks for individual registered modules, since the registered modules are not known until runtime. However, it is possible to configure diags categories to be permanently off or on for ALL registered modules. This is done by configuring the diags mask for the xdc.runtime.Registry module. Diags categories set to ALWAYS_OFF will be permanently off for all Registry modules. Categories set to ALWAYS_ON will be permanently on for all Registry modules.
In order to enable runtime configuration of individual Registry module masks, all relevant diags categories must be set to RUNTIME_OFF or RUNTIME_ON in the Registry module's mask.
enum Registry_Result

Status code returned from addModule

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Registry_Result {
} Registry_Result;
SUCCESS - The module was added successfully. ALLOC_FAILED - Unused. ALREADY_ADDED - The module has already been added or another module with the same name is present. The Registry will not be modified. ALL_IDS_USED - There are no more module ids available for new modules. There are a total of 16,384 - 1 module ids available for use by the Registry.
typedef Registry_Desc

Registry module descriptor

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Types_RegDesc Registry_Desc;
Registry_addModule()  // module-wide

Add a runtime module to the registry with the specified name

C synopsis target-domain
Registry_Result Registry_addModule(Registry_Desc *desc, String modName);
The 'desc' parameter and the 'modName' string provided must both be permanent since the Registry will maintain references to both of these.
Returns a status code indicating success or the cause of failure. See Result for details.
Registry_findById()  // module-wide

Find registered module's descriptor from it's module ID

C synopsis target-domain
Registry_Desc *Registry_findById(Types_ModuleId mid);
Registry_findByName()  // module-wide

Find the registered module with the given name

C synopsis target-domain
Registry_Desc *Registry_findByName(String name);
Registry_getMask()  // module-wide

Get the named registered module's diagnostic mask

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Registry_getMask(String name, Types_DiagsMask *mask);
Registry_getModuleId()  // module-wide

Get the module id associated with this module descriptor

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Registry_getModuleId(Registry_Desc *desc);
Registry_getModuleName()  // module-wide

Get the module name associated with this module descriptor

C synopsis target-domain
Char *Registry_getModuleName(Registry_Desc *desc);
Registry_getNextModule()  // module-wide

API for walking the list of modules in the Registry

C synopsis target-domain
Registry_Desc *Registry_getNextModule(Registry_Desc *desc);
This API retrieves the next module in the Registry's module list. To get the head of the list, pass NULL. This API returns NULL when there are no more module's in the list.
Registry_isMember()  // module-wide

Determines if the specified module ID belongs to a registered module

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Registry_isMember(Types_ModuleId mid);
This function returns TRUE if and only if the specified module id is a valid Registry module id. It does not search the Registry for the module id, but simply checks if the id is within the range of valid Registry module ids.
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Registry_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Registry_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Registry_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Registry_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Registry_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Registry_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in xdc/runtime/Registry.xdc
var Registry = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Registry');
module-wide constants & types
        const Registry.SUCCESS;
        const Registry.ALLOC_FAILED;
        const Registry.ALREADY_ADDED;
        const Registry.ALL_IDS_USED;
module-wide config parameters
enum Registry.Result

Status code returned from addModule

XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Registry.Result
    const Registry.SUCCESS;
    const Registry.ALLOC_FAILED;
    const Registry.ALREADY_ADDED;
    const Registry.ALL_IDS_USED;
SUCCESS - The module was added successfully. ALLOC_FAILED - Unused. ALREADY_ADDED - The module has already been added or another module with the same name is present. The Registry will not be modified. ALL_IDS_USED - There are no more module ids available for new modules. There are a total of 16,384 - 1 module ids available for use by the Registry.
metaonly config Registry.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Registry.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
generated on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 22:40:34 GMT