module xdc.runtime.Assert

Runtime assertion manager

The Assert module provides configurable diagnostics to the program. Similar to the standard C assert() macro, Assert methods are interspersed with other code to add diagnostics to a program. Unlike the standard C assert support, the Assert module provides greater flexibility in managing the messages displayed, the message string space overhead, and the runtime handling of failures. In addition, because the Assert methods build atop the Diags module, you can precisely control which asserts remain in the final application, if any. [ more ... ]
XDCspec summary sourced in xdc/runtime/Assert.xdc
module Assert {  ...
// inherits xdc.runtime.IModule
C synopsis target-domain
XDCscript usage meta-domain
var Assert = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Assert');
module-wide constants & types
    var obj = new Assert.Desc// Assert descriptor;
        obj.mask = Bits16  ...
        obj.msg = String  ...
module-wide config parameters
        msg: "assertion failure%s%s"
XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/Assert.xdc
package xdc.runtime;
module Assert {
module-wide constants & types
    @Encoded typedef Assert.Desc Id// Assert identifier;
    metaonly struct Desc// Assert descriptor {
        Diags.Mask mask;
        String msg;
module-wide config parameters
        msg: "assertion failure%s%s"
module-wide functions
    @Macro Void isTrue// Test an assertion( Bool expr, Assert.Id id );
The Assert module provides configurable diagnostics to the program. Similar to the standard C assert() macro, Assert methods are interspersed with other code to add diagnostics to a program. Unlike the standard C assert support, the Assert module provides greater flexibility in managing the messages displayed, the message string space overhead, and the runtime handling of failures. In addition, because the Assert methods build atop the Diags module, you can precisely control which asserts remain in the final application, if any.
The Assert module works in conjunction with the Diags module. Assert statements are added to the code using the Assert_isTrue() function. Execution of assert statements is controlled by the Diags.ASSERT and Diags.INTERNAL bits in a module's diagnostics mask. By default, all module's Diags_ASSERT bit is enabled and the Diags_INTERNAL bit is disabled. See Types.Common$ for the declaration of the bits in the diagnostics mask and Default.common$ for the default module settings.
Two types of asserts are supported: public asserts and internal asserts.
  • Public asserts have an assert ID and are, by default, controlled by the Diags.ASSERT bit.
  • Internal asserts don't have an assert ID (other than NULL) and are active only when both the Diags.ASSERT and Diags.INTERNAL bits of the module's diagnostics mask are set.
Assert IDs are small integer values that index into a table of assertion descriptors. These descriptors hold an error message and a diagnostics mask that is used to enable and disable the assertion at runtime.
You can remap individual public asserts to different bits in the diagnostics mask, or can disable the assert altogether. This is done by setting the mask property of the assert ID. Setting the mask to 0 disables the assert. In all other cases, the Diags.ASSERT bit is OR'd together with the mask to define the controlling bits. For example, the module's diagnostics mask must have the Diags.ASSERT bit set and any other bit specified in the mask property of the assert ID in order to activate the assert.
Example 1: The following C code adds an assert to application code which is not in a module. This assert does not have an assert identifier (the second argument is NULL); this makes it an internal assert.
  // file.c
  #include <xdc/runtime/Assert.h>

  Assert_isTrue(count > 0, NULL);
The following XDC configuration statements set both the ASSERT and INTERNAL bits in the diagnostics mask to enable the internal assert created in the previous C code. Since the C code is not in a module, you must set the bits in the diagnostics mask of the xdc.runtime.Main module. The Main module is used to control all Log and Assert statements that are not part of the implementation of a module; for example, top-level application code or any existing sources that simply call the Log or Assert methods.
  // program.cfg
  var Assert = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Assert');
  var Diags = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Diags');
  var Main = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Main');

  Main.common$.diags_ASSERT = Diags.ALWAYS_ON;
  Main.common$.diags_INTERNAL = Diags.ALWAYS_ON;

Example 2: The following example shows how to use and configure an assert ID that is declared by a module. It adds that assert to the application's C source code, and configures the application to execute the assert.
This is part of the XDC file for the module that declares an Assert Id:
  // Mod.xdc
  import xdc.runtime.Assert;
  import xdc.runtime.Diags;

  config Assert.Id A_nonZero = {
      msg: "A_nonZero: value must be non-zero"
This is part of the C code for the application:
  // Mod.c
  #include <xdc/runtime/Assert.h>

  Assert_isTrue(x != 0, Mod_A_nonZero);
This is part of the XDC configuration file for the application:
  // program.cfg
  var Diags = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Diags');
  var Mod = xdc.useModule('my.pkg.Mod');
  Mod.common$.diags_ASSERT = Diags.ALWAYS_ON;
typedef Assert.Id

Assert identifier

C synopsis target-domain
typedef opaque Assert_Id;
Each metaonly assert descriptor is encoded into a target accessable assert Id type which can be passed to the isTrue function.
metaonly struct Assert.Desc

Assert descriptor

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var obj = new Assert.Desc;
    obj.mask = Bits16  ...
    obj.msg = String  ...
mask — Specifies which bits enable the assert.
msg — The message printed when the assert fails.
Each public assert is defined with an assert descriptor. This structure defines which bits in the module's diagnostics mask control this assert, and the message raised when the assert fails. The mask property is optional, it defaults to the Diags.ASSERT bit.
config Assert.E_assertFailed  // module-wide

The Error.Id raised when an assertion violation is detected

XDCscript usage meta-domain
const Assert.E_assertFailed = Error.Desc {
    msg: "assertion failure%s%s"
C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Assert_E_assertFailed;
When an assertion violation is triggered, an error is raised via Error_raise(). E_assert_Failed is the Error.Id passed to Error_raise().
The first string argument (%s) will be either "", if the assertion Id is NULL (for internal asserts), or ": " (for public asserts). The second string argument (%s) is the Assert.Desc.msg string associated with the assertion Id; if the Id is NULL (an internal assert) or if text is not loaded (!Text.isLoaded()), this string is "".
metaonly config Assert.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Assert.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
Assert.isTrue( )  // module-wide

Test an assertion

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void Assert_isTrue( Bool expr, Assert_Id id );
expr — the expression which should evaluate to true
id — identifies the assert being raised
Assert_isTrue() statements may be conditionally enabled (disabled) on a per module basis by setting the calling module's $common.diags_ASSERT configuration parameter. If the Assert_isTrue() statement is not in a module, the calling module is the Main module. You must enable the Diags.ASSERT bit in the module's diagnostics mask for this call to be enabled. If a NULL assert id is specified, then you must enable the Diags.INTERNAL in addition to the ASSERT bit.
If the Assert_isTrue() statement is enabled and expr evaluates to false, the assert specified by id is raised; i.e., the E_assertFailed error is raised with a NULL error block. In other words, the standard Error.raise handling hooks will be run, System.abort() will be called, and control does not return to the caller. The id may be null, in which case you will get a generic assert message.
C Code
  #include <xdc/runtime/Assert.h>

  Assert_isTrue(count > 0, NULL);
module-wide built-ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Assert_Module_id( );
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Assert_Module_startupDone( );
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Assert_Module_heap( );
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Assert_Module_hasMask( );
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Assert_Module_getMask( );
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Assert_Module_setMask( Bits16 mask );
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
generated on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 18:40:41 GMT