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XDCscript - xdc.traceEnable

Enable debug trace output





string-valued "masks" that designate a set of named capsules.


This function accepts string-valued masks that designate a set of named capsules for which calls to the special function $trace(msg) result in the msg string being printed. If called with no arguments, the function returns the current trace mask; otherwise, the function updates the current trace mask and returns its previous value.

The trace mask itself comprises a set of semicolon-separated patterns that are suffix-matched against the canonical filename of the capsule. Occurrences of slashes (forward or backward) within the patterns are appropriately normalized. Wildcards ('*') within the patterns match arbitrary character sequences that themselves do not contain slashes. For convenience, capsules can be designated without any particular file extension (e.g., ".xs").

This function is called upon startup with the value of the system property "xdc.traceEnable", if the latter is defined. This system property can be defined via command line options to the xs and xdc commands or by setting the XDC_TRACE_ENABLE environment variable.

Setting xdc.traceEnable via an environment variable

Setting xdc.traceEnable via an environment variable.  In the event that Java Runtime Environment system property xdc.traceEnable is not defined, it is set to the value of the XDC_TRACE_ENABLE environment variable.

Setting xdc.traceEnable on command lines

Setting xdc.traceEnable on command lines.  Both the xs and xdc commands allow you to set the system property xdc.traceEnable on the command line, overriding the any setting of XDC_TRACE_ENABLE that may be in the current environment.

xs -Dxdc.traceEnable=bar

See XDCscript Debugging for useful settings of xdc.traceEnable.

See also

XDCscript - Capsule-Object.$trace Print a trace message
XDCscript - Capsule-Object.$traceQuery Query whether capsule debug trace is enabled

[printable version]  [offline version]offline version generated on 11-Jun-2009 18:06 UTC
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