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Command - xs

XDCscript interpreter



xs [options] xdc-package [script-arg1 script-arg2 …]

xs [options] -c xdc-capsule [script-arg1 script-arg2 …]

xs [options] -f xs-script-file [script-arg1 script-arg2 …]

xs [options] -m xdc-module [script-arg1 script-arg2 …]

xs [options] -i


The xs command is used to execute XDCscript programs. XDCscript is a general-purpose programming language based upon the ECMA-262 Edition 3 standard – popularly known as JavaScript 1.5. A central element of XDC, this language primarily serves as an implementation vehicle for hosted meta-content used to automate integration of companion target-content within executable programs tailored for a specific hardware platform and optimized for a specific application environment. XDCtools also leverages the language to manage the flow of packages – standardized containers holding re-usable target content plus its attendant meta-content – between producers and consumers. And of course, the language is readily suited for standalone scripting tasks.

The xs command is implemented using the Java programming language. The actual JavaScript interpreter is based on the Mozilla Rhino package. Consult the documentation for Rhino to learn more about the particular features of this implementation of JavaScript. In particular, look for material on LiveConnect, which enables JavaScript programs to transparently invoke Java APIs. This powerful feature provides a mechanism to tap into vast amount of functionality in the Java ecosystem.


read the specified options file, <opts-file>, and include its contents as arguments to xs. Each line in the file corresponds to exactly on argument passed to to xs. No interpretation of the line is done unless the line is another @<file>; in this case, the line is (recursively) replaced with the lines from <file>.
define the (Java) environment variable <name> to have the value <val>
display usage help and exit
--xdcpath <xdc-path>
specify a list of repositories (directories) to be used as part of the package path. The <xdc-path> argument should be a semi-colon separated list of directories. This setting overrides any value contained in the XDCPATH environment variable.
start an interactive session. A prompt is issued to the console where JavaScript statements can be entered for immediate execution. The session can be terminated by typing quit
-c <capsule> arg1 arg2 …
execute the script in the function main() of the specified capsule, passing any remaining arguments to the script
-f <file> arg1 arg2 …
execute the script in the contained in the specified file, passing any remaining arguments to the script
-m <module> arg1 arg2 …
execute the script in the function main() of the specified module, passing any remaining arguments to the script
<package> arg1 arg2 …
execute the script in the function main() in the file Main.xs of the specified package, passing any remaining arguments to the script


The basic model for using the xs command is to specify a script to be executed along with any (optional) arguments to be passed to the script:

xs [options-to-xs] script arg1 arg2

The variations in invocation are due to how the "script" is located by xs. The four choices are:

  • Script file located anywhere on the filesystem (-f option)
  • Script code contained in an XDCscript Capsule (-c option)
  • Script code is part of a module (-m option)
  • Script code is part of a package (default: no option required)

See the Examples section below for sample invocations.

An interactive session can be started by using the –i option. In this mode of operation, the xs command displays a prompt - js> - and reads lines of script entered by the user. This can be useful for exploring the XDCscript environment. To exit an interactive session, enter quit.

Arguments supplied to scripts can be retrieved using the standard JavaScript arguments object. This is an array-like object containing the arguments passed to the function, indexed beginning at 0. The length property of the object can be used to determine the number of arguments actually passed. This is true even for scripts that do not have a function defined, but rather just start execution with the first line in the file.

Controlling the xs Context/Environment

It can be useful to set, what is in effect, a "global" variable when running an XDCscript program. This can be done using the –D option to xs and then retrieving that value from the "environment" in the script being run. The environment is a hash table indexed by the name of the environment variable. Note that these values are not the same as the command shell’s environment variables.

As an example, the following will set an environment variable called "junk" to the value "car".

xs –Djunk=car –f envvar.xs

The environment could be accessed and printed as shown below:

print("Env var: " + environment["junk"]);

The --xdcpath option is used to set the user portion of the package path. See Managing The Package Path for more details on the package path.) To specify a directory to be used as a repository, add it to a list of semicolon-separated directories supplied with the --xdcpath option. See the following section for an example.

Taking Options and Arguments from a File

The @ option enables re-using common options and arguments captured in a file. One common scenario is the specification of the user part of package path. If several repositories (directories containing packages) are being used, the argument to the --xdcpath option can get quite long and tedious to re-enter each time xs is used. By creating a file named opts-file that contains two lines:


and then starting xs as shown below,

xs @opts-file …

the xs command is effectively invoked as

xs --xdcpath dir-path1;dir-path2;dir-path3 …

In general, each line of the file supplied with the @, is added to the argument list of the xs command. The process is recursive so that if there is a line with an @ option, that file will be opened and added to the argument list, and so on.


"Hello World"

"Hello World".  The following command will run the code in the file hello.xs.

xs –f hello.xs world

Assuming hello.xs contains the line:

print("hello" + arguments[0]);

the text "hello world" will be echoed to the standard output of the command shell.

Interactive session

Interactive session.  The following command will start the XDCscript interpreter and issue a prompt for an interactive session.

xs –i

The prompt used by xs is "js> " (the "$ " below is the command-line prompt from the shell being used):

$ xs -i
js> print("hello world")
hello world
js> quit
Setting and retrieving an environment variable

Setting and retrieving an environment variable.  This example shows how to set and retrieve an environment variable. This approach works for any of the methods for finding and running a script.

$ xs -Djunk=car -i
js> print("Env var: " + environment["junk"]);</nowiki>
Env var: car
js> quit
Running a script contained in a capsule

Running a script contained in a capsule.  An XDCscript capsule is simply a file in a package that contains XDCscript code that can be loaded and utilized via the xdc.loadCapsule() method. If the capsule contains a main() method, it can be run using xs by specifying the Capsule with the –c option.

xs –c sample/stuff/hello.xs world

The package is sample.stuff and will be located along the package path. Note that instead of using the Package name directly, the "." separator is replaced with "/". The script is contained in the file hello.xs. There are no requirements on the naming of the script file (different file extensions can be used) or the actual location of the file within the package (sub-directories can be used).

Running a script contained in a module

Running a script contained in a module.  A meta-only module that contains a method named main can be run using xs by specifying the module with the –m option.

xs –m sample.stuff.Hello world

The Package is sample.stuff and will be located along the package path. The module Hello must contain a function named main, as specified in the corresponding XDCspec file, Hello.xdc, and implemented in Hello.xs.

Running a script contained in a package

Running a script contained in a package.  A Package that contains a main() method in a module named Main can be invoked directly as shown below.

xs sample.stuff world

The package is sample.stuff and will be located along the package path. The script is contained in the file Main.xs. Note that this is equivalent to the following invocation using the module option:

xs –m sample.stuff.Main world

Environment Variables

XDCPATH See the description of this environment variable in the documentation for the xdc command.

Exit Status

The exit status of the xs command is one of the following values:

0 Successful completion.

Non-zero An error occurred.

A script can indicate an error by throwing a JavaScript exception, which will cause xs to exit with a non-zero status.

See Also

Mozilla Rhino Project:

JavaScript Arguments:

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