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If I'm only consuming RTSC content, what should I read next


By way of review, the role of component consumer within the overall RTSC flow essentially entails managing inbound packages, configuring target programs, and analyzing these programs during execution. As you'll soon come to appreciate, every component producer will simultaneously play the role of component consumer—for instance, by writing test programs for their own content or else by using content produced by others.

On the flip side, many of you will start your journey into the world of RTSC as pure consumers of content produced by others, and only later will explore the many benefits that can accrue by producing your own components. Either way, learning more about RTSC from the consumer's perspective by following these links becomes your next step from here:

RTSC Module Primer

Organized as a graduated series of lessons—starting with the requisite "Hello World" program—the first-half of this document examines RTSC modules contained within RTSC packages from the consumer's perspective. Live examples throughout these lessons illustrate common idioms found in target-programs as well as meta-programs sourced by clients of any RTSC module.

This document also introduces—a utility invoked with the xs command and embeddable within any client-side build-flow—which in turn launches RTSC configuration using a target, platform, and meta-program designated by the client. The utility—along with the consumer-centric reference pages it generates from producer-supplied XDCspec sources—receives attention as well.

RTSC Packaging Primer

Also organized as a graduated series of lessons, this document focuses more narrowly on RTSC packages as pure containers—independent of what these packages may actually contain. Here again, the first-half of this document stresses the consumer's perspective of RTSC packages, seen as a uniform set of package directories that adhere to a common physical design.

This document then introduces a suite of utilities—,, and others—which assist the recipient of RTSC packages in managing package repositories as well as their package path. The document also illustrates techniques for organizing inbound product bundles—a package containing a repository of other packages—as well as deploying multiple versions of the same package.

Using xdc.runtime

This document begins comprehensive treatment of the xdc.runtime package from a client's perspective, systematically covering the dozen or so RTSC modules contained within this package and available for your consumption. Further decomposed into a series of sub-documents—addressing related subsets of the xdc.runtime modules—each document includes live programming examples illustrating specific C-callable functions provided by these modules.

These documents also address the all-important task of tailoring and optimizing the xdc.runtime package for your system needs through configuration parameters provided by constituent modules. In many situations, these parameters will enable you to mix-and-match alternate modules—contained within this or other packages—implementing common functions for memory allocation, event logging, critical sections, and program termination.

RTSC+CCStudio v4 QuickStart

This document provides a starting point for consumers of RTSC packages and modules who work within an integrated development environment (IDE) based upon the Eclipse/CDT tooling platform—such as Texas Instruments' new Code Composer Studio v4 product. Though fundamentally command-line based, the XDCtools product also contains a set of Eclipse/CDT "plug-ins" that integrate elements of the RTSC flow into this popular C/C++ development environment.

From composing the package-path to analyzing target-programs during execution, this document touches upon each point of integration within the Eclipse/CDT environment. This document also introduces an especially rich plug-in named xgconf—usable outside of the Eclipse environment as well—which enables graphical viewing/editing of module configuration parameters otherwise assigned in textual meta-programs.

Out of necessity, these documents present their material in the most generic way possible—independent of any specific application setting. Complementing these documents, you'll also find more focused "Getting Started Guides" available with RTSC-based products (such as DSP/BIOS 6.00 and CodecEngine) that likewise present a consumer-first perspective—but now with material and examples more closely aligned with the packages bundled with these products.

See also

FAQ-080713-9 How is the RTSC-Pedia organized, and what sorts of documents exist
FAQ-080713-8 I also want to produce RTSC content, what should I read next

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