module xdc.runtime.System

Basic system services

This module provides basic low-level "system" services; e.g., character output, printf-like output, and exit handling. [ more ... ]
XDCspec summary sourced in xdc/runtime/System.xdc
@Gated @ModuleStartup
module System {  ...
// inherits xdc.runtime.IModule
C synopsis target-domain
#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>
module-wide constants & types
module-wide config parameters
module-wide functions
    Int System_asprintf// sprintf where all optional arguments are IArgs( Char buf[], String fmt, ... );
    Int System_avsprintf// vsprintf where all optional arguments are IArgs( Char buf[], String fmt, VaList va );
    Int System_printf// A smaller faster printf( String fmt, ... );
    Void System_putch// Output a single character( Char ch );
    Int System_sprintf// Write formated output to a character buffer( Char buf[], String fmt, ... );
    Int System_vprintf// A VaList printf( String fmt, VaList va );
    Int System_vsprintf// A VaList sprintf( Char buf[], String fmt, VaList va );
module-wide built-ins
XDCscript usage meta-domain
var System = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.System');
local proxy modules
        System.SupportProxy.delegate$ = ISystemSupport.Module null
module-wide constants & types
module-wide config parameters
        msg: "A_cannotFitIntoArg: sizeof(Float) > sizeof(Arg)"
module-wide functions
    System.atexitMeta// Add an exit handler during configuration( Void(*)(Int) handler ) returns Void
XDCspec declarations sourced in xdc/runtime/System.xdc
package xdc.runtime;
@Gated @ModuleStartup
module System {
local proxy modules
    proxy SupportProxy inherits ISystemSupport;
module-wide constants & types
    const Int STATUS_UNKNOWN// Unknown exit status value = 0xCAFE;
module-wide config parameters
        msg: "A_cannotFitIntoArg: sizeof(Float) > sizeof(Arg)"
module-wide functions
    Int asprintf// sprintf where all optional arguments are IArgs( Char buf[], String fmt, ... );
    Int avprintf// vprintf where all optional arguments are IArgs( String fmt, VaList va );
    Int avsprintf// vsprintf where all optional arguments are IArgs( Char buf[], String fmt, VaList va );
    Void exit// Exit currently running executable( Int stat );
    Int printf// A smaller faster printf( String fmt, ... );
    Void putch// Output a single character( Char ch );
    Int sprintf// Write formated output to a character buffer( Char buf[], String fmt, ... );
    Int vprintf// A VaList printf( String fmt, VaList va );
    Int vsprintf// A VaList sprintf( Char buf[], String fmt, VaList va );
This module provides basic low-level "system" services; e.g., character output, printf-like output, and exit handling.
This module is gated and other modules use its gate via the Gate.enterSystem and Gate.leaveSystem. The System gate must be enterable by any thread in a multi-threaded environments. For example, in many real-time multi-threaded environments some types of threads, such as Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs), are not allowed to call operations that block the caller. In such an environment, either the System gate must disable all interrupts or ISRs must never call a function in the xdc.runtime package.
proxy System.SupportProxy

The implementation module of the low-level system functions

XDCscript usage meta-domain
System.SupportProxy = ISystemSupport.Module null
// some delegate module inheriting the ISystemSupport interface
    System.SupportProxy.delegate$ = ISystemSupport.Module null
    // explicit access to the currently bound delegate module
This configuration parameter allows one to "bind" a different implementation of the low-level services required to implement System.
      var System = xdc.useModule("xdc.runtime.System");
      var SysStd = xdc.useModule("xdc.runtime.SysStd");
      System.SupportProxy = SysStd;
If this parameter is not set, it defaults to SysMin.

Unknown exit status value

XDCscript usage meta-domain
const System.STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0xCAFE;
C synopsis target-domain
#define System_STATUS_UNKNOWN (Int)0xCAFE
When the program exits by calling System_exit() the System's atexit functions are passed the status value passed to System_exit(). However, if the program exits using the ANSI C Standard Library exit() function, the System's atexit functions are passed System_STATUS_UNKNOWN; ANSI C atexit functions are not passed the exit status.
typedef System.AtexitHandler

System's atexit function prototype

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void (*System_AtexitHandler)(Int);
Fuctions of this type can be added to the list of functions that are executed during application termination.
config System.A_cannotFitIntoArg  // module-wide

Assert that the target's Float type fits in an IArg

XDCscript usage meta-domain
System.A_cannotFitIntoArg = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_cannotFitIntoArg: sizeof(Float) > sizeof(Arg)"
C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id System_A_cannotFitIntoArg;
This assertion is triggered when the %f format specifier is used, the argument treated as an IArg, but for the current target sizeof(Float) > sizeof(IArg).
config System.maxAtexitHandlers  // module-wide

Maximum number of dynamic atexit handlers allowed in the system

XDCscript usage meta-domain
System.maxAtexitHandlers = Int 8;
C synopsis target-domain
extern const Int System_maxAtexitHandlers;
Maximum number of System atexit handlers set during runtime via the System.atexit function.
metaonly config System.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

XDCscript usage meta-domain
System.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config System.extendedFormats  // module-wide

Optional conversions supported by System_printf

XDCscript usage meta-domain
System.extendedFormats = String "%$L";
This string specifies the set of optional argument conversion specifiers required by the application. By reducing the number of optional conversions understood by the System printf methods, it is possible to significantly reduce the code size footprint of the System module. This configuration parameter enables one to balance printf functionality against code size footprint.
The format of this string is simply a concatenated list of the desired conversion specifiers (with the leading % character). For example, to support both %f and %$L set extendedFormats to "%$L%f".
To disable all optional converstions, set extendedFormats to null or the empty string ("").
For a complete list of supported extensions, see the System_printf "Extended_Format_Specifiers" section.
@(Note) If an optional conversion is used by some part of the application and it is not specified in extendedFormats, the conversion character(s) and leading % are treated as ordinary characters to be output. As a result, all subsequent arguments will almost certainly be converted using the wrong conversion specifier!
System.abort( )  // module-wide

Print a message and abort currently running executable

C synopsis target-domain
Void System_abort( String str );
str — abort message (not a format string)
This is called when an executable abnormally terminates. The System gate is entered, the SupportProxy's abort function is called and abort is called. No exit functions bound via System_atexit() or the ANSI C Standard Library atexit() functions are executed.
System.aprintf( )  // module-wide

printf where all optional arguments are IArgs

C synopsis target-domain
Int System_aprintf( String fmt, ... );
This function will treat each argument as though it was widened to be of type IArg prior to being passed to the printf function
System.asprintf( )  // module-wide

sprintf where all optional arguments are IArgs

C synopsis target-domain
Int System_asprintf( Char buf[], String fmt, ... );
This function will treat each argument as though it was widened to be of type IArg prior to being passed to the sprintf function.
System.atexit( )  // module-wide

Add an exit handler

C synopsis target-domain
Bool System_atexit( System_AtexitHandler handler );
handler — the AtexitHandler to invoke during system exit processing.
System_atexit pushes handler onto an internal stack of functions to be executed when system is exiting (e.g. System_exit or exit is called). Up to maxAtexitHandlers functions can be specified in this manner. During the exit processing, the functions are popped off the internal stack and called until the stack is empty.
The System gate is entered before the System_atexit functions are called.
The SupportProxy's ISystemSupport.exit function is called after all the atexit functions are called.
If FALSE is returned, the exit handler was not added and it will not be called during an exit.
System.avprintf( )  // module-wide

vprintf where all optional arguments are IArgs

C synopsis target-domain
Int System_avprintf( String fmt, VaList va );
This function will treat each argument as though it was widened to be of type IArg prior to being passed to the vprintf function.
System.avsprintf( )  // module-wide

vsprintf where all optional arguments are IArgs

C synopsis target-domain
Int System_avsprintf( Char buf[], String fmt, VaList va );
This function is identical to sprintf except that its arguments are passed via a VaList (a "varargs list").
This function will treat each argument as though it was widened to be of type IArg prior to being passed to the vsprintf function
System.exit( )  // module-wide

Exit currently running executable

C synopsis target-domain
Void System_exit( Int stat );
stat — exit status to return to calling environment.
This function is called when an executable needs to terminate normally. This function sets the exit code and simply calls exit. All functions bound via System_atexit or the ANSI C Standar Library atexit function are then executed. The SupportProxy's exit function is called during this time.
System.flush( )  // module-wide

Flush standard System I/O

C synopsis target-domain
Void System_flush( );
This function causes any buffered output characters are "written" to the output device.
The SupportProxy's flush function is called by this function.
System.printf( )  // module-wide

A smaller faster printf

C synopsis target-domain
Int System_printf( String fmt, ... );
fmt — a 'printf-style' format string
This function behaves much like the ANSI C Standard printf but does not support the full range of format strings specified by the C Standard. In addition, several non-standard format specifiers are recognized.
The format string is a character string composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (not %), which are copied unchanged to the output stream; and conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching zero or more subsequent arguments. Each conversion specification is introduced by the character %, and ends with a conversion specifier. In between there may be (in this order) zero or more flags, an optional minimum field width, an optional precision and an optional length modifier.
The following flags are supported:
The converted value is to be left adjusted on the field boundary (the default is right justification.)
The value should be zero padded. For d, i, o, u, and x conversions, the converted value is padded on the left with zeros rather than blanks.
The optional field width specifier is a decimal digit string (with nonzero first digit) specifying a minimum field width. If the converted value has fewer characters than the field width, it will be padded with spaces on the left (or right, if the left-adjustment flag has been given). Instead of a decimal digit string one may write * to specify that the field width is given in the next argument. A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag followed by a positive field width.
The optional precision specifier is a period ('.') followed by an optional decimal digit string. Instead of a decimal digit string one may write * to specify that the precision is given in the next argument which must be of type int.
If the precision is given as just '.', or the precision is negative, the precision is taken to be zero. This gives the minimum number of digits to appear for d, i, o, u, and x conversions, or the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string for s conversions.
The optional length modifier is a single character from the following list.
A following integer conversion corresponds to a long int or unsigned long int argument
The following conversion specifiers are supported.
d, i
signed integer
unsigned decimal
unsigned hex
unsigned octal
pointer (@ + hex num)
The following conversion specifiers are optionally supported. See the extendedFormats configuration parameter for more information about how to enable these conversion specifiers.
decimal floating point.
non-ANSI conversion prefix. This prefix indicates that the next character identifies a non-ANSI standard conversion. If the next character is L then the argument is treated as a pointer to a Types.Label and is converted to an appropriate string.
printf returns the number of characters printed.
System.putch( )  // module-wide

Output a single character

C synopsis target-domain
Void System_putch( Char ch );
ch — character to be output.
The SupportProxy's putch function is called by this function.
System.sprintf( )  // module-wide

Write formated output to a character buffer

C synopsis target-domain
Int System_sprintf( Char buf[], String fmt, ... );
buf — a character output buffer
fmt — a 'printf-style' format string
This function is identical to printf except that the output is copied to the specified character buffer buf followed by a terminating '\0' character.
sprintf returns the number of characters output not including the '\0' termination character.
System.vprintf( )  // module-wide

A VaList printf

C synopsis target-domain
Int System_vprintf( String fmt, VaList va );
fmt — a standard 'printf-style' format string.
va — an args list that points to the arguments referenced by the fmt string
This function is identical to printf except that its arguments are passed via a VaList (a "varargs list").
vprintf returns the number of characters output.
System.vsprintf( )  // module-wide

A VaList sprintf

C synopsis target-domain
Int System_vsprintf( Char buf[], String fmt, VaList va );
buf — a character output buffer
fmt — a standard 'printf-style' format string.
va — an arguments list that points to the arguments referenced by the fmt string
This function is identical to sprintf except that its arguments are passed via a VaList (a "varargs list").
vsprintf returns the number of characters output.
metaonly System.atexitMeta( )  // module-wide

Add an exit handler during configuration

XDCscript usage meta-domain
System.atexitMeta( Void(*)(Int) handler ) returns Void
handler — the AtexitHandler to invoke during system exit processing.
This is the static counterpart to System_atexit(). This method can be used to add atexit handlers at configuration time. These handlers do not count against the maxAtexitHandlers.
module-wide built-ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId System_Module_id( );
// Get this module's unique id
Bool System_Module_startupDone( );
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle System_Module_heap( );
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
generated on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 21:46:16 GMT