sntp.h File Reference

Detailed Description

SNTP is now deprecated from the NDK

The SNTP module will soon be removed from the NDK and made available in a separate product.

The SNTP client uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to provide a continuous service of maintaining system time by periodically sychronizing with one or more NTP servers.

Prerequisites For Use

To implement the SNTP client service, the user is required to provide two system time keeping functions, as well as a list of NTP server IP addresses.

Furthermore, the SNTP client has been written to conform to the NDK BSD sockets support layer. As such, it is required that the file containing any calls to the SNTP client APIs conform to the NDK BSD layer requirements.

Additionally, it is necessary to configure the automatic calling to fdOpenSession() and fdCloseSession() in an application which uses the SNTP client. This is accomplished by setting the configuration parameter "Global.autoOpenCloseFD = true;".

Further details on this configuration parameter and the NDK BSD layer requirements can be found in the NDK User's Guide and NDK API Guide.

SNTP Client Time Functions

The required time keeping functions are called by the SNTP client in order to get or set the current time in the system ("gettime" and "settime"). For example, these could be APIs which set or get the value of a Real Time Clock (RTC), such as the SYS/BIOS Seconds module's Seconds_get() and Seconds_set() APIs. But, any equivalent API can be used.

The "gettime" and "settime" functions should have the following format and should be passed into the SNTP_start() function:

uint32_t (*GetTimeFxn)(void);
void (*SetTimeFxn)(uint32_t newtime);

The "gettime" function should return the number of seconds since the Epoch (January 1, 1970). The "settime" function sets the time to the value that is passed to it. The SNTP client uses the "gettime" function to write the current system time into a request to an NTP server. The "settime" function is used to set the system time to a new value received from the NTP server. The SNTP client handles the conversion of NTP time (time since January 1, 1900) to the local system's time (number of seconds since January 1, 1970).

The list of NTP servers should consist of socket address structures which contain the unicast addresses of the servers (as well as some additional information). Both IPv4 and IPv6 unicast server addresses are supported (host names are not supported). Structures of type 'struct sockaddr_in' must be used for IPv4 server addresses and of type 'struct sockaddr_in6' for IPv6 server addresses. These structures must be written to a contiguous block of memory and then passed to the SNTP_start() function.

General Usage

The SNTP client may be stopped by calling SNTP_stop(). Calling this function will cause the SNTP client Task to exit and all of the resources used by it to be freed.

It is also possible to "force" a time synchronization with the NTP server. This may be achieved by calling the API SNTP_forceTimeSync(). This function will wake up the SNTP client and initiate communication with the current NTP server. Additionally, if this function is called, the SNTP client will call a user defined callback function (if configured) as soon as a successful time update from an NTP server has occurred. This callback is passed as an argument to the SNTP_start() API.

Important note on the usage of SNTP_forceTimeSync(). The NTP protocol clearly specifies that an SNTP client must never send requests to an NTP server in intervals less than 15 seconds. It is important to respect this NTP requirement and it is the user's responsibilty to ensure that SNTP_forceTimeSync() is not called more than once in any 15 second time period.

Example Usage

The SNTP module is part of the NDK nettools package, but is now built into a separate library. This is because the SNTP module is now deprecated from NDK and will soon be made available in a seperate product. It is therefore necessary to link the SNTP library into one's application manually at this time (the library will not be linked in automatically by the XGCONF configuration, as is the case for other NDK libraries). One of following two libraries must be linked into an application in order to use SNTP:

ti/ndk/nettools/lib/sntp.lib (for applications that use IPv6)
ti/ndk/nettools/lib/sntp_ipv4.lib (for pure IPv4 applications)

(Note that the ".lib" extension should be replaced with the extension that matches the target your application is built for.)

SNTP also uses the NDK BSD support layer. Therefore, it is also necessary to ensure that the following search path is passed to the compiler in the application build:

<NDK installation directory>/ti/ndk/inc/bsd

The application file which calls the SNTP APIs should comply to the NDK BSD layer as well. Please refer to the NDK User's Guide and API guide for details on BSD sockets NDK applications.

To use the SNTP client APIs, the application should include its header file as follows:

Initializing The List Of Servers Using Socket Address Structures

The server list should be initialized and passed to the SNTP module via the SNTP_start() API (The list may be updated at a later point in the program by using the SNTP_setServers() API).

The following code uses socket address structs to store the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of some (imaginary) NTP servers. Note that it is no longer necessary to set the size of the address structure via the sin_len and sin6_len fields of the socket address structures. When the length fields were removed from the definition of the socket address structures in NDK 2.24, the SNTP module was updated to handle cycling through the server_list based on the family type of the current address structure in the list.

Therefore, the family, port, IP address and scope ID (for IPv6 only) must be correctly set:

#include <sys/socket.h>
struct sockaddr_in ipv4addr;
struct sockaddr_in6 ipv6addr;
ipv4addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ipv4addr.sin_port = htons(123);
inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(ipv4addr.sin_addr.s_addr));
ipv6addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
ipv6addr.sin6_port = htons(123);
inet_pton(AF_INET6, "fe80::dbff:b21b:fe78:20b", &ipv6addr.sin6_addr);
ipv6addr.sin6_scope_id = 1;

Storing The Server List In A Contiguous Block Of Memory

Once the address structures are properly initialized, they need to be written into a contiguous block of memory. This can be done copying the address structures into a byte array:

#define SIZE (sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) + sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))
unsigned char ntpServers[SIZE];
int currPos = 0;
memcpy((ntpServers + currPos), &ipv4addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
currPos += sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
memcpy((ntpServers + currPos), &ipv6addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
currPos += sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);

Starting The SNTP Client Service

The SNTP client should be initialized by calling the SNTP_start() function. Pointers to the set and get time functions should be passed as arguments, as well as for the (optional) user callback function that is used in conjunction with SNTP_forceTimeSync(). The pre-initialized list of servers and number of servers should be passed next. Finally, the last argument to pass is the stack size to be used for the SNTP client Task, if desired.

The following example code passes pointers to the SYS/BIOS Seconds module's time functions 'Seconds_get' and 'Seconds_set', along with a user defined hook function. The list of NTP servers, as defined in the previous section are also passed. Finally, a value of 0 is passed as the last argument, which specifies that the default stack size for the SNTP client Task should be used:

SNTP_start(Seconds_get, Seconds_set, timeUpdateHook, (struct sockaddr *)ntpServers, 2, 0);

Updating The Server List

The list of NTP servers can be updated at a later point in time in the application. To update the list of NTP servers, call SNTP_setServers(), passing the new server list and the number of servers in the list as arguments. Note that the server list is cast to the generic type of 'struct sockaddr *':

SNTP_setServers((struct sockaddr *)ntpServers, 2);

Stopping The SNTP Client Service

To stop the SNTP client, the SNTP_stop() function is called:

Forcing The SNTP Client To Syncrhonize The Time

To force the SNTP client to wake up and synchronize the time with an NTP server, call SNTP_forceTimeSync():

#include <xdc/std.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
Include dependency graph for sntp.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


int SNTP_start (uint32_t(*get)(void), void(*set)(uint32_t newtime), void(*timeUpdatedHook)(void *), struct sockaddr *servers, unsigned int numservers, size_t stacksize)
 Initialize and start the SNTP client Task. More...
void SNTP_stop (void)
 Stops the SNTP client Task and frees resources used by the module. More...
void SNTP_setServers (struct sockaddr *servers, unsigned int numservers)
 Updates the list of NTP servers to communicate with. More...
void SNTP_forceTimeSync (void)
 Force SNTP client to get the time from a configured NTP server. More...

Function Documentation

int SNTP_start ( uint32_t(*)(void)  get,
void(*)(uint32_t newtime)  set,
void(*)(void *)  timeUpdatedHook,
struct sockaddr *  servers,
unsigned int  numservers,
size_t  stacksize 

Initialize and start the SNTP client Task.

Called to create and start SNTP client Task and Semaphores. User must pass in pointers to functions for getting and setting the current time and the list of NTP servers to communicate with.

The SNTP client Task's stacksize is configurable via the stacksize parameter.

Passing a value of 0 for the stack parameter causes the Task to be created with a default value. Passing a value > 0 causes the Task to be created using that value for the stack size. When a value > 0 is passed, it is the application developer's responsiblity to choose an appropriate stack size. If this is not done, stack overflow or other undesirable behavior may occur.

The priority of SNTP_synctime is set to 1 and is not configurable.

getA pointer to a function that returns the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.
setA pointer to a function that sets the time to the supplied value.
timeUpdatedHook(optional) A pointer to a function that will be called upon successful time synchronization with an NTP server after a call to SNTP_forceTimeSync() was made.
serversA pointer to a contiguous block of memory which contains a list of sockaddr_in and/or sockaddr_in6 structures.
numserversThe number of servers (structs) contained in the server list.
stacksizeStack size to use for the SNTP client Task. Passing a value of 0 allows a default to be used.
0 on failure and 1 on success
void SNTP_stop ( void  )

Stops the SNTP client Task and frees resources used by the module.

void SNTP_setServers ( struct sockaddr *  servers,
unsigned int  numservers 

Updates the list of NTP servers to communicate with.

Must call SNTP_start() first. This function is used to change the list of NTP servers that were passed as arguments in the initial call to SNTP_start().

serversA pointer to a contiguous block of memory which contains a list of sockaddr_in and/or sockaddr_in6 structures.
numserversThe number of servers (structs) contained in the server list.
void SNTP_forceTimeSync ( void  )

Force SNTP client to get the time from a configured NTP server.

Must call SNTP_start() first. This function is used to unblock the SNTP client thread in order to initiate communication with one of the configured NTP servers and update the time. Upon successful time update, the SNTP client task will call the user supplied time upate hook function, which was (optionally) configured in the call to SNTP_start(). Note that this hook will only be called if SNTP_forceTimeSync() was called to update the time.

Per RFC 4330, this API must not be called more than one time in any given 15 second period of time!

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