TI-RTOS Drivers  tidrivers_full_2_20_01_10
Collaboration diagram for Command Codes:


 Command used by Display_control to release its transport layer. More...
 Command used by Display_control to resume control of its transport. More...
 Command used by Display_control to invert the display. More...

Detailed Description

DISPLAY_CMD* macros are general command codes for Display_control(). Not all Display driver implementations support these command codes.

DISPLAYSHARP_CMD_* macros are command codes only defined in the DisplaySharp.h driver implementation and need to:

Macro Definition Documentation


Command used by Display_control to release its transport layer.

This command will cause Display implementations that are using a potentially shared transport mechanism to close the open handle.

Methods requiring this transport will meanwhile be discarded.

With this command arg is don't care.


Command used by Display_control to resume control of its transport.

This command will cause Display implementations that are using a potentially shared transport mechanism to (re-)open the closed handle.

With this command arg is don't care.


Command used by Display_control to invert the display.

This command allows changing the background and foreground colors from the default, depending on the value (1 - invert, 0 - don't invert) of arg

With this command arg is of type DisplaySharpColor_t *.

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